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A Slayer's Angel

Meanwhile, I awoke from my arrow-induced slumber to find myself alone, and trapped in this cell. There were four walls, but only one had glass, so I could see out of. Un fortunately, all I could see was across a hall and into another cell, which held a different type of creature other than myself. “What the hell is this place,” I said to myself. Well I thought I said it to myself, but something in the next cell heard me and responded. “I overheard one of the prisoners remark that this was the Initiation’s holding cell.”

Once I heard the voice instantly knew who it was, “Spike, I’m back in town for a few hours and you already get me in trouble. It’s just like old times Spike.”

“That’s just like you Angelus,” Spike began. “Bloody hell, you always blamed everyone but yourself. If you hadn’t waltzed over her, like the bloody vampire hero you are, then we wouldn’t be in this un-godly mess. We’re supposed to be the big bad’s Angelus, but that’s not the case any longer, we’re more like the little vampire’s that couldn’t. I don’t know if I can take it.”

Spike was really getting on my nerves. I yelled out at him to shut his crying mouth. But before he did, they came for him. They came wearing the same outfits that they wore when they captured us. I tried to tell Spike to stop drawing attention to himself, but he wouldn’t stop complaining. So these military outfit wearing men came right over to Spike’s cell and stood right in front of it, and didn’t say a word.

Then I heard another set of footsteps coming down the hall. Suddenly the footsteps which sounded like heels stopped in front of Spike’s cell and began talking to him, “Hostile 17! You’re going to come with us. It would make things a lot easier if you just came without a struggle.”

The woman and her men awaited Spike’s response. All he did was laugh and tried to defend himself as the group entered his cell. All I could hear was screams and knocking around. Then, I heard a heavy body drop to the ground. I wanted to yell out, but for some reason I stayed quiet. If they got Spike, then there was no way I was going to have success in fending these soldiers off.

Finally, the cell door shut and the soldiers carried Spike off down the hall, to a place that I couldn’t see. One of the creatures in the cell across from mine got my attention and said, “You know, your fate is the same as your friends.”

“What do you mean my fate is the same,” I asked the creature. “What are they going to do to him?”

“Do you see that thing in the cell to my right,” the creature responded as he pointed to the ceel next to him. “You’re gonna end up just like him.”

I looked into that cell, and I saw something which looked like a vampire. The vampire was lying on the ground drooling all over itself. It looked as of the creature had no brain function left. Right then, I knew that I had to get the hell out of here.

The creature saw the panic which was now evident on my face. It saw me looking around, trying to find a way to get out. So the creature blurted out an idea, which I gladly accepted. I had no alternative. I had to trust him. We had to wait for the soldiers to make their way back.

Finally, I heard the footsteps. They were heading this way. It was time for us to put our plan into action. But before we started, my new alliance quietly yelled to me. He said that they were carrying my friend. He meant Spike. I told him, we’ll take him with us. Just stick with the plan.

The soldiers dropped Spike off in his cell, shut the door and made their way to mine. As they were about to enter my cell. My new friend started to scream, and act as if he was having a seizure. He fell to the ground and spit up and made it look like it was an actual seizure, but we all know that he was faking. The soldiers fell for it and headed to his cell. Once they entered they, they found out that it was all a hoax. But what they didn’t find out was this creatures power wasn’t a hoax. He beat the living hell out of the soldiers, and found himself free. He ran over to my cell, looked into my eyes and said, “We had a deal, I did my part. I hope you you’ll do yours.”

“You can trust me,” I responded. “Now, let me out, and I’ll grab Spike.”

My alliance, whom I don’t know on a first name basis yet, looked at me weird as if he knew who Spike was. But, it didn’t matter. He let me out, and I walked to Spike’s cell. I peered into the cell and saw Spike lying there, and drooling on himself. My friend yelled at me, “Hurry, they’ll be coming soon. We have a long way to go.”

I couldn’t believe that I was going to save Spike. But I had to. I couldn’t leave him behind, I just couldn’t. It might come back to haunt me later. But, I’ll deal with it then. I opened his cell and grabbed him. As I began to run from the cell, the soldiers burst through the door at the south end of the hall. They were in full stride, running after the three of us.

There was a opening at the north end of the hall, which we were running for. It was rapidly closing. I was being slowed down by Spike, who was very heavy, His body was lifeless, and I was running for the both of us. The opening was almost shut as my new friend slid made it through easily. He waqs now waiting for us. The soldiers were right behind us. A dart flew by my head. Another just missed my leg. The opening was almost shut, as I through Spike underneath. A final dart scratched the surface of my head as I rolled under the closing door.

The three of us were now in a cave and running for our lives. We had no idea, if they were still after us. I had no idea where we were going either. I just followed this powerful creature who saved my life. We finally made it to the outside of this cave. He grabbed me by the arm and said, “we best split up. But remember, if we see each other again, in different circumstances, you have to live up to our deal.”

I shook my head in agreement and asked him his name. “Gideon,” He answered. “Now, go Angelus. And hope we never meet again.”

He ran off. Then I said to myself, as I carried Spike and began to run to Giles’, “I hope not, because I might not be able to live up to that promise.”