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Albert J. Brandenstein

My objective is to obtain a job within the finance dept. of a fortune 500 company, or to obtain employment with a venture capitalist firm. For either position, my experience makes me uniquely qualified to perform at a high level. As my resume outlines, I have experience with sales and marketing consulting, for various technology companies in various markets across the domestic U.S.

I am an extremely enthusiastic, proactive person, who is always looking for the next challenge to accomplish. I don't believe in being idle, and waiting for the next assignment/challenge.

I am currently completing a BSS in Finance, at James Madison University. This financial background serves as a solid foundation, with my background in how different technology enablers affect different organization of different sizes, as a unique compliment.

If you have any questions at all, or would like to schedule an interview, you can contact me at either of the two email addresses found above. I thank you for your time and interest.

Best Regards,

A.J. Brandenstein


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