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STARDROWNED "Promo -99" "Creatures Of Abigor" rating: 5,5 of 6

Have you ever heard a worthless black metal band act emerging from Hellas? I had. But definitely not this time. I have awaited this tape for a long long time, and finally, after a long delay, Stefanos (vocals / guitars) managed to send it over here, in order to be reviewed in Vae Solis. And since I didn-t receive that much stuff from Greece this issue, I-d dare to say that STARDROWNED is the best Greek BM outfit I-ve heard lately. They sound pretty similar to old ROTTING CHRIST, however less archaic and not that boring as Sakis and co. used to be. The addition of synths here and there only forces the inimitable atmosphere only Greeks are capable of producing, although guitar is the instrument STARDROWNED-s sound is based on. Both tapes appear as well performed and undoubtedly well executed, and since the same goes for arrangements and every single thing regarding ?Promo -99¦ as well as ?Creatures Of Abigor¦, I-d obviously state: ?highly recommended¦. Email: (review by Herr Stalhammar)

STARDROWNED "Creatures Of Abigor" DEMO (self-financed) Music/Prod:4/6 Pack:5/6

Cool new greek black/death band out from Larisa, just like JACKAL'S TRUTH, a band presented to you in Chaotik#5. They're mostly influenced by the NWOSBD, especially DISSECTION and early DARK TRANQUILLITY. Very nice stuff, a little bit unoriginal tho... The tape comes in a glossy color sleave. -Nahitfol

STARDROWNED (Greece) Creatures of Abigor cassette demo

3 tracks Passage Records Why this demo is released on a record label is beyond me. My guess is that Passage Records is run by the band, though. I suppose this could be called black metal. After a soothing intro, STARDROWNED rips into some very catchy melodic Greek blackness that sounds like it could've come from Sweden, although the guitars aren't quite as buzzsaw-ish. I'm into the Swedish death/black metal, so this isn't a bad thing for me. There are only two real songs on this tape but both are of good length since the entire demo takes up half of one side of a sixty minute cassette. The production is of CD-quality, so I imagine this band will be doing an album in the near future and I look forward to hearing it, even if the music isn't anything 'innovative' or 'ground-breaking'. Shit, if it kicks ass and you like it, listen to it. I like this, therefore I listen. --goden

STARDROWNED "Creatures of Abigor" demo Rating: 8/10

Passage Rec. It turns out to be an incomprehensible but pleasant legitimacy that all Greek bands featured in FP so far are killer ones. This demo starts will a sombre but darkly beautiful acoustic intro which is followed by two tracks of extreme mid-paced Black Metal with slight Heavy influences and keyboard touches. "Creatures of Abigor" cannot be named the most original release in BM realm, however it doesn't deserve any criticism in being typical or mediocre. The title track is the song that I will listen and listen for many times. This demo is definitely worth getting. You won't be disappointed if you contact the band at (Krasniy)

STARDROWNED '99 promo Rating: 10/10

Passage Rec. What we have on this promo is the natural progression since "Creatures of Abigor". The material featured on this release represents a new perspective in the band's development. STARDROWNED stun the listener with blackened Death Metal of Swedish/Greek school with highly professional production and good sound. Too bad this promo features only two songs, that's definitely a major drawback of this release. Both of these songs are Masterpieces: majestic, stupendous, beautiful, grand. I can't find enough words to describe what I heard on this tape. This band is a worthy follower of NECROMANTIA, VARATHRON and other alike acts from Hellas. (Krasniy)

STARDROWNED "Creatures of Abigor" (PASSAGE REC.) 9/10

It is common knowledge that Larisa's black metal scene is great, since all the releases we get from there are really good. The first great impression is made by Jackal's Truth, and now we have Stardrowned. "Creatures of Abigor" is one of the most well-attended demos I've ever received. It contains 3 incredible tracks. 2 of them are death/black and the other one is instrumental and very atmospheric. The lyrics are deep and they refer to ancient battles. The production is great and so is the layout! The only negative is the cover, which can easily be put upside down (this already happened in a magazine). Neverthelsess, get in contact now!. Dimitris «SLATAN» Petrakis

STARDROWNED - "Promo 99" 7/10

Another promising Greek band which is waving in the halls of melodic black metal. The promo contains two tracks: "The Lust Of Our Sins" and "Get Thee, Behind Me, False". The first track was good but it kinda lacks of personality. The second track, though, fills you with emotions and makes you believe that the Greek scene still has some good names to offer. The production is good enough, even though it could be better - especially in the drums. Hasten to obtain it... Chris "Up The Irons" Tarantilis