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Pg. 429
Shyness & Love: Causes, Consequences, and Treatment
Dr. Brian G. Gilmartin
University Press of America, Inc.

Chapter Postscript:

           On the Johnny Carson "Tonight Show" of Thursday, December 6,
1984, Dr. Joyce Brothers appeared and presented a fascinating finding
of relevance to this book. People with different native temperaments
tend to prefer different types of fruit. Asked to pick a fruit from a plentiful
supply of different types, shy-inhibited people (who tend not to com-
municate much at all in purely social situations but who nonetheless
tend to be highly dependable, loyal and potentially highly monogamous)
tend to gravitate primarily or exclusively towards oranges, grapefruit, and/
or pinapples. In essence, a strong predilection towards citrus fruits over
other types of fruits may reflect, from an early age in life onward, intract-
able shyness and behavioral inhibition. (It would not cause these things;
in essence, a preference for citrus over other types of fruits may reflect
these traits of temperament. Unfortunately, no questions dealing with
fruit preferences were included in the research study upon which this
book is based.)
      In Appendix III of this book the reader will find a table which
summarizes the mean Eysenck Personality Questionnaire (EPQ) scores for
the non-shy and for the love-shy samples. (A more detailed table can
be found in Gilmartin, 1987--JOURNAL OF PERSONALITY article.)