Naids, Nereids, and Oceanids
Greek nymphs of rivers, lakes, springs, streams, fountains etc. (fresh water). They are the daughters of the rivers gods.

Naiads, along with all the other kinds of Nymphs are extremely    beautiful
   Temperment: All nymphs are beautiful, and are therefor usaly very vain. they   are also very playfull, but can be shy.

Likes/ Pastimes: Naiads are often seen playing in the waves having a goods       time.

   Other: All naiads are connected to their body of water and if that water gets       poluted it effects them. It was thought that their water was prophetic (could            read the futur) and so for so could they. Often they would fall in love with a           mortal man, or vice virca. Often they suduced men, but sometimes men sould        suduce them, often the god Zeus.

   Intro: Greek nymphs of the Mediteranian Sea. They are the 50 daughters of     Nereus (the sea god) and Doris

Temperment: Nereids are most often portraid as being helpful and friendly, and  often helped sailors in storms. However they could also be vengful and create         storms to destroy there enemies.

    Likes/ Padtimes:
Nereids loved to ride on dolphin's back.


Greek nymphs of the Atlantic Ocean. They were the 3,000 daughters of the Titans Theys and Oceanus. The most famouse is Amphitrite, the wife of          Poisidon.

Temperment: Like Nereids, Oceanids are usualy she and helpful, but can also    be vengful.