Intro: Merrows are Irish mermaids. Often when seen, their appearance is an omen for bad weather.

Apperreance: Like most other magical beings Merrows are very beautiful. They have webbed feet and faces. Merrows, like mermaids have fish tails and human upper bodies. The males are not as good looking as the feemales and have green hair and teeth, and have little red noses. The wemon wore red caps, that if stolen by a man, forced her to marry him until she regained the cap.

Home: All bodies of salt water are places were Merrows can dwell.

Likes/ Pastimes: Playing with dolphins, whales, and seals is a favorite pastime. They also enjoy swiming by ships, cutting fish lines,climbing on board ships.

Temperment: Merrows are very friendly and peacefull, but can also be mischiviouse. Sometimes they save drowning sailors and calm stormy waters. They are also cheerfull.