
Intro: In my search throug books and websites I found two types of elves the more commonly thought of small faerys and the larger juman sized faerys. Below is human sized faerys.

size: human size or a little bit smaller

Appearance: Faerys are extremely beautiful, and they are slender and graceful. In some reports faerys have hollow backs or cow tails. But I do not believe this. Original faerys has no wings. Faerys never grow old and have a very long life. Clothing is usually red, white, and/or green.

Home: Trooping faerys live underground in hollow hills. Solitary faerys can live anywhere, but usually live in the forest, or somewhere in nature. Ruled by a king and queen. There are animals in "feary land" such as white and red cattle, wild horses, and deer, along with many other species.

likes/ pastimes: Like elves, pixies, and all other magical creatures of fey, faerys LOVE dancing, singing, and music in general. They are often seen dancing at big festivals during the year. Fearys sometimes exchange a feary baby for a human baby, this is called a changeling.

dislikes: Faerys HATE iron and holy objects (ex. Holy cross).

Temperment: Faery have very different values than human and can often be very confusing. Sometimes they are malicious and tricky while other times they are kind and helpful.

Trooping and nontrooping