
Intro: Out of all the researdh i have done, finding a good definition of elves was by far the fardest. So after much thought i have desided to describe elves by country.


The original meaning for elves came from the anglo-saxon meaning of all types of fairies.

English In England the male elves were described as being little and old and the women were described as being yound and beautiful. They were beleived to live in communities with kings and queens. Their homes were in hollow trees of hollow hills. Also known as small trooping faireis

Scandanavia Elves of the Scandanavian tradition were divided into the light and dark elves. They light elves were fair and kind, and the dark elves were ugly and mean. Alfheim was the home of the light elves and Svartalhei was the home of the dark elves. These elves are usualy seen as being huma nsized of slitely smaller.-

Danish Danish elves are beautiful from the front, but have hollow backs. These elves are more malisiciouse than other elves and like to steal human food.

Scottland Scottish elves are human sized fairies, tey live in "fairyland".
