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November: Dealing with Dragons by Patricia C. Wrede
      This is my favorite book. So there for it makes sense that i chose it as my first BEST BOOK OF THE WEEK. The main character is an very extrodanary princess. Her name is Cimmerine. All her life she has been told that the things she likes to do are unproper for princesses, so she revolts, and runs away. She then becomes a dragon's princess. But strangly she enjoys her self and soon befreinds her dragon master. But when things are just starting to look good some medelsome wizerds come and try to mess it all up. Unfortunatly for them they have never met Cimmerine!

December: Dragon's Milk by Susan Fletcher
Dragons Milk is the first in a trilogy, althoug it takes place second. It all starts when Kealdra's baby sister, Lyf, is sick with a incurable desesase. Or so everyone thinks is incuriable, but there is a story that says that one girl survived to illness. She survived on Dragons milk. So Kealdre sets out to save her sisters life even if in doing so she may loose her life. Fortunatly she can talk to dragtons and ends up making a deal with one, but soon the dragon dies and Kealdra must do a even greater task than before thatt only she can perform.

Deerskin by Robin Mckinly
My favorite type of Fantasy is Fairy Tale retellings. THe most common stories are Beauty and Beast, Sleeping Beauty, and Snowhite. Deerskin retells a fairy tale that is not so common. Not only is this book origianl it is also a great book. The characters are creative and  the plot is suspensvile. Although there is not constant action, Mckinly keeps the reader interested and curiouse the intire time. If you don't like sad and a little scary books than don't read this.

February: The hounds of the Morrigan by Pat O'shea
     The hounds of the Morrigan is an unusual fantasy. It takes place in our world in Ireland and Tor nan og, tha fairy world. The main characters, Ten yeat old Pidge, and his little sister Brigit, are normal kids that go on a very unormal adventure. If you know a little of celtic mythology you will recognize a lot of things in this book. But even of you don't this is a great adventure book for any lover of fantasy. If you can get your hands it book you should definity read  The hounds of the Morrigan

March: The Dark Lord of Derkholm by Diana Wynne Jones
   I bet the first thing you thought when you saw the title of this book was "oh great another good afainst evil book, BORING",  well you could not be more wrong! Not only does The Dark Lored of Derkholm not have the good verses evil plot, it is a complete and utter original. The story takes place in a magical world that is subject to tourist from our non magic world. The tourist compony is run by the evil Mr. Chestney with  help from his pocket held domon. Every year a new wizard is chosen to play the role of the "dark lord", and this year. by chance (or destiny) the part is being played by the mildmannered and kind Derk. Now not only does Derk need to change his appereance and turn his beautiful home into a dark castle labyrinthe, he also, with the help from his human and griffon children,  needs to save his world from desaster.

April: A Wrinkle in Time by Madelein L'Engle
Any lover of fantasy must read A Wrinkle in Time at least once. I my self am not a big fan of science fiction, but was enchanted by this book. The main characters are the plain and acward Meg Murry, her new friend Calvin,  three billion year old stars, and Meg's genius and strange younger brother Chareles Wallance. And their quest is to save the Murry's long missing father from IT. Along the way Meg must come to terms with herself and learn the only weapon against IT. Not only is this a great story it also has a great moral.

Daughter of the forest by Juliet Marillier
Althought Daughter of the forset is a fairy tale retelling it is also the first in a trilogy, which is not common. The main caracter is Sorcha and her six enchanted brothers. To break the spell cast by her step mother Sorcha must go through the very painful and lenghty trial of making a sweater for each brother out of painful prickly flowers, all by hand. And if is not bad enough, bud she can not speak one word the entire time or all will be lost. However the your heirone is strong and starts out to acomplish her task, however before she can finish she is captured by enemy britons and stolen away from her beloved home. This is a great book, but has a little inapropriatness in it, so do not read if you will be bothered by it.
Monthly Best Book Reviews
hi i need some help. i am trying to find some bookw that are like Dealing with Dragons. Where there is a fairy tale setting but it is not a fairy tale retelling. if you know of any please sighn my guest book with an answer. I would REALLY appreciate it! :)