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FATS Web Designs Pricing:

1. "Just A Page" a one time $90.00 set up fee
--------- A single one page web site with your domain address. --------- --------- $15.00 per-month.

2.* "The Restaurant" with your domain address.
--------- A four page web site complete with,
--------- front page,
--------- calendar of events,(updated monthly)
--------- a menu page, (updated as needed)
--------- map with directions. ------------------------------------------------------------ $55.00 per-month.

3. * "The Information Center" with your domain address.
--------- A four page web site complete with,
--------- front page, picture page,
--------- calendar of events,(updated weekly with email flyer)
--------- map with directions. ------------------------------------------------------------ $85.00 per-month.

4. "Add A Page"
--------- A single one page add-on --------- ---------------- ---------------------- $10.00 extra per-month.

5. "Add Music As Your Page Opens"
--------- A single song add-on --------- -------------------- ----------------------- $10.00 extra per-month.

* Two and Three has no set up fee with a twelve month pre-paid contract.



FATS Productions 520 Molly Circle
Carthage, Texas 75633
phone (903) 694-2561 cell (903) 754-3075

Email Us: