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*A figure appears out of the shadows and looks identical to the man shown above.* Greetings to one and all, *Bows* for you have willingly stepped into the abyss. *Smirking* Giving up your soul so swiftly will only, bring a destruction about your body that would even make the angels weep for you. Who am I you ask? I am Shadowsth, your guide through this maze of deception, and the depths of pain. This Kingdom of pure evil will bring you alittle closer to the side of darkness, or frighten your very wits away in such cruel acts it will slowly drive you insane. If you are here to gaze upon the marvel which is the children of the abyss, then move to the Character page that is below. This kingdom is under construction at the moment so, you must return to find if more has been added. As a humble friend of CrimsonDove I welcome you again, to the pits of hell. *Moves a hand motioning to the lands* Go ahead and look around, I dare you.
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The Sites Of The Kingdom

Scan The Kingdom And Gain Some Knowledge

The Characters Of CrimsonDove
The DreganNite Tavern
The Castle And Kingdom
The Pets And Guardians
The Library Of Scrolls
Art Work Of Myst
Lands And Gardens
