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He came to free us

and this He did

He taught He loved He Healed

He suffered and died

Yet He lives: always was and is

Three days of mourning we all did cry

For us he gladly did die

Now the rejoicing from within

Our future unfolds

Our hearts are full

No more does sin have its hold

Christ has risen to God the glory

Our needs have been met

The savior has made us whole

He lives He lives our hearts do cry

The Word is alive; always was and is

A love so great He did supply

For you and me the Son did die

So when our days come to end

We may then join Him on high.

At God's right hand He does reside

Love paid the price

Love for you and I

©author Lindy


Yesterday is but a dream, and tomorrow is only a vision,

but today well lived makes every yesterday a dream of happiness

and every tomorrow a vision of hope.

- unknown


A little boy was spending his Saturday

morning playing in his sandbox.

He had with him his box of cars and trucks,

his plastic pail, and a shiny,

red plastic shovel.

In the process of creating roads and tunnels

in the soft sand, he discovered a large rock

in the middle of the sandbox.

The lad dug around the rock,

managing to dislodge it from the dirt.

With no little bit of struggle,

he pushed and nudged the rock

across the sandbox by using his feet.

(He was a very small boy and the rock was very huge).

When the boy got the rock to the edge

of the sandbox, however, he found that he couldn't

roll it up and over the wall.

Determined, the little boy shoved, pushed, and pried,

but every time he thought he had made some progress,

the rock tipped and then fell back

into the sandbox. The little boy grunted,

struggled, pushed and shoved.

But his only reward was to have

the rock roll back, smashing his chubby fingers.

Finally he burst into tears of frustration.

All this time the boy's father watched from

his living room window as the drama unfolded.

At the moment the tears fell, a large shadow

fell across the boy and the sandbox.

It was the boy's father.

Gently but firmly he said,

"Son, why didn't you use all the strength that you had available?

Defeated, the boy sobbed back, "But I did, Daddy, I did!

I used all the strength that I had!"

"No, son," corrected the father kindly.

"You didn't use all the strength you had. You didn't ask me."

With that the father reached down,

picked up the rock,and removed it from the sandbox.



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