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Marita's Story

This is the story of Marita's life in and escape from Joram Silverbane's dungeon

As I feel the sting of the whip across my
back, all I think is "Why me?"

The torturer laughs maniacally at my screams
of pain, enjoying my torment.

But I manage to sneak out to help the other

They don't know it's me, but I think they
know I'm there.

She is so fragile, it breaks my
heart to see her suffer.

He is so strong and brave, it makes me cry as
I lie there hearing his screams.

I wish I could do more for them, but what I
can do has to be enough.

He's being brought back now, and she's in the
corner, cowering in terror.

They drag her away, kicking and screaming,
and leave him here, bleeding and in pain.

My heart goes out to him, and I start healing
his wounds, like I have before.

But there's something different tonight: He's
seen me!

My first instinct is to run, but something about
him compels me to stay.

He looks at me and asks why I would help
someone like him.

I open my mouth to say something, and she
starts to scream.

But there's something different about the
pitch of her screaming.

I make him comfortable, and sit to wait
for her return.

They bring her back, sobbing and bloodier than

He crawls over to her, calling to her, but she
doesn't hear him.

I stand beside them both and start my
healing magic.

His eyes widen and he looks at me, as if I were a
a savior rather than a prisoner.

We don't see the guard staring into the cell, and
his partner running to make a report to the boss.

The next day, it's my turn under the whip again,
and the torturer adds thumb screws.

He says he saw me with the other prisoners,
and that he'll make me pay for my kindness.

The whip is unusually harsh, and he pours
salt water on my back every 4 lashes.

The other 2 can hear my screams of pain,
and his eyes flash with rage.

She changes forms and sneaks the key away from
the guard.

They see me being dragged back to my cell,
my back red and destroyed.

They wait for the guards to go for dinner,
then they sneak to my cell.

She starts to cry, because she knows I was hurt for
helping them.

He calms her down, then starts sponging the blood
off my back, then he stops.

He stopped because he saw something in the cuts
on my back: My wings!

She looks at him and tells him they need to
help me get out of here.

He tells her my escape would be noticed,
and I have to stay.

Tears form in her eyes, but she nods in

They do the best they can, and he stares in

My wings have emerged, full sized, and in
every color known to man.

The guards return, to find me alone in my
cell, unconscious and bleeding.

What they don't see is her bending over me,
her hand glowing.

He is waiting by the door, hoping they
won't come in.

My eyes flutter open and I see them in my cell,
eyes full of tears and rage.

I tell them not to worry and to leave before it's
too late.

He shakes his head, and she puts her hand
on my shoulder.

My eyes show my gratitude, but my lips
whisper a prayer.

The next century passes in a blur of dull
and painful routine.

He almost dies about four times, we all get whipped
on a regular basis, and she and I are raped repeatedly.

But one night something happens that will change
my lfie forever.

The torturer forgets to lock the door to my cell after I
get thrown back.

They come to me again and this time they
agree I should escape.

That night, they sleep in my cell to make sure
I heal completely for my getaway.

They create a ruckus the next morning
that allows me to get away.

I leave them blankets and enough supplies to last
them at least a week.

There's someone waiting for me when I flee the
bastion of my imprisonment.

I know her not, but she tells me they'll be all right
and that I should flee while I can.

That's the last time I see any of them, and now I wonder:
Are they all right? Will I see them again?

If anyone has any comments or questions, you can email them to me at the address listed on my home page. Thank you.

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