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The Royal Family of Amber


His Stellar Glory, His Majesty, King Benedict of Amber.

Benedict was just as surprised as everyone else when he was chosen by both the Unicorn and the Pattern to ascend the Throne after his youngest brother stepped down. But not even the Legendary General Benedict dared argue with the Powers that Be. Besides, he has his hands quite full with his wife and her ideas about how things should be and doesn't really have time to disagree.

Benedict has proven to be an exceptional ruler and since the crisis with his Queen and with Arden five years ago, has maintained peace and stability in the Realm. The streets are clean and the cabs run on time, as they say.


Her Stellar Glory, Her Majesty, Queen Janelle of Amber.

Janelle is a Queen most reluctant. She had made it clear long ago that the last thing she wanted was to be saddled with the burden of the Crown. However, when Benedict accepted the Throne, she told him she had far too much time invested in him to leave him to his own devices.

Janelle shows decidely Shadow Earth ideas of Democracy and what is expected from a government.

Since recovering from an illness of undisclosed origins shortly after taking the Throne, Janelle has gone to great lengths to institute social programs and improve the educational system in Amber and has very quietly been engineering social changes in several of the Golden Circle kingdoms.


His Royal Highness,General Alexander Jenson Barimen.

Heir Apparant, Crown Prince of Amber, Master at Arms, Knight of the Holy Order of the Unicorn and of the Royal Order of Knighthood of Amber. Alexander is the eldest of the twins of Benedict and Janelle.

Her Royal Highness, Anastasia de Benita Barimen

Crown Princess of Amber and Servant of the Pattern of Amber. The youngest of Their Majesties twins, Anastasia has lived on the Primal Plane and served as the voice of the Pattern since her one hundreth birthday. Her name means "Resurection of Benedict". Her mother chose the name because her then unborn daughter was the price exacted by the Pattern to save her husband's life centuries ago.


His Excellency, Prime Minister of Arden, Prince Julian of Amber.

The first thing the new Crown of Amber did after their Coronation was to sign a proclamation that not only continued Julian's Right of Domain of Arden, but made Arden a Principality of Amber and under his rule. He answers to no one save the Crown.

Julian has undergone a personality transformation in the last few years and rumors abound as to it's cause. But he isn't talking.

UPDATE: Julian has two sons: Michael, Captain of the Rangers, and Christopher, Captain of the Queen's Guard. Since declaring Arden independent of Amber, Julian has been busy seeing to his lands on a scale much grander than before.


Chief of Naval Operations, His Royal Highness, Prince Gerard of Amber.

Gerard is, well, Gerard. With Caine's death just over 200 years ago, Gerard became the sole leader of Amber's Navy, and the fleet is his pride and joy. One can immediatly get on his good side by complimenting him on it. Gerard takes a personal interest in any member of the family when they enlist, though this is not necessarily a good thing.

Gerard has one son, Timothy, a lieutenant in the City Guard, who he has been sending off on errands more than usual lately. He has also left much of the running of the Navy to his officers and has spent more time than before in his labs at the castle.


Diplomatic Advisor to the Crown, Her Royal Highness, Princess Florimel of Amber.

The Queen Mother, Flora did such an outstanding job as Advisor to Random and Vialle that not even her daughter could come up with a good reason that she not continue in that capacity for the new Crown. She dotes on both of Janelle's children, but strenously puts her foot down at being called 'grandma'.

Florimel has three children: Janelle, Richard, and Justin, though Flora is just a little miffed at Justin's leaving without a word, but only because it looked bad.


His Royal Highness, Prince Corwin of Amber.

Corwin spends very little time within Amber, preferring to remain within the world of his Pattern where he is more than a Prince of Amber, he is God. The only people who have seen this new source of Power and the Universe it created, Rue Argent, are his children and Benedict, who Janelle trumped into one of Argent's shadows for a visit.

Corwin's behavior, while not overtly odd, has been remarked by a few to be somehow different than it once was. Many attribute this change to the toll of the creation of his Pattern.

Corwin has two children: Janelle and Merlin. The Crowned heads at the two Ends of Everything. He is grandfather to Alex and Ana - Janelle's children, and Stephan, son of Merlin. Corwin hasn't been in Amber since shortly after Janelle's recovery five years ago.


His Royal Highness, Prince Bleys of Amber.

Amber's playboy and adventurer. Bleys has spent most of his centuries out in Shadow, playing one role after the other and having a hell of a good time with it. He cheerfully invites his nieces and nephews along on his little adventures, only to have them return to Amber bedraggled and shaken after a few months in his company.

Bleys has two children. Seraphine, who has gone to find fame and fortune in Shadow, and Pistol, who is currently in Amber with her flying fleet of ships.

Much of Bleys's time of late has been spent out in Shadow and rumors have reached the Family that he may have actually finally married the woman he has been sneaking off to meet, lo, these many years.


Her Royal Highness, Princess Fiona of Amber.

Fiona rarely ventures from her rooms, much less from Amber these days, having returned several years ago with a wagonload of books she had spent almost a century collecting from various shadows.

Fiona has one son, Dylan.

UPDATE: Fiona seems to have once again taken leave of Amber, venturing back into Shadow and rarely answering trump calls, though it is rumored that she is currently in Amber closeted with Dworkin about something.


Her Royal Highness, Princess Llewella of Amber and Rebma.

Llewella, ever cool and elegant, spends rarely any time in Amber, preferring the relative peace of Rebma to the intrigues of her father's home.

She has spent even less time in Amber than before, since the Three Days of Debauchery that occured for some unexplained reason shortly after Coronation.

Llewella has one child, Liam.


His Majestic Grace, Random, Duke of Amber.

Want to see Random flinch? Use his new title on him. He truely believed that once he handed over the Crown to his brother, he would revert to just being Random. His brother knew this, and he and Janelle made sure that the first publicly retired Crown of Amber had a title befitting his station. With all the Rights and Responsibilities thereto appertaining.

Random has one child: Martin


Her Majestic Grace, Vialle, Duchess of Amber.

While the title may have been created just to annoy her husband, Vialle wears it like a tailor made glove. She is the epitome of majestic grace and beauty.

She is sure to continue to be a stablizing presence to the Family, even though she won't be in Amber for long after the Coronation.

Random and Vialle have no children among them at the moment, but one of the rumors surrounding their stepping down was that Vialle was with child and Random wants to remove her from any stress. Unfortunately, this does not appear to have been true but Random assures all and sundry when he is on a rare visit that they most certainly are trying. Frequently.

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