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People of Note in Amber

His Eminance, Godric Bachman:Archbishop of Church of the Unicorn

His Eminance has held the position of Archbishop for well over two hundred years. When Benedict and Janelle finally married 'for Real', he was the one who performed the ceremony, with the Unicorn and Anastasia, acting on behalf of the Pattern, in attendance as witness.

Godric presides over all the momentous occassions that involve the Royals: Knightings, christenings, weddings and funerals, and Coronations.

Do not underestimate His Eminance, he is the Premier Knight of the Holy Order of The Unicorn.  


Michael Thomas: Captain of Arden's Rangers.

Michael is pretty much accepted as the son of Prince Julian, though he hasn't walked the Pattern, not having enough to convince *him* that he won't go *poof* when he steps on it.

Michael was brought to Amber by Alexander about 25 years ago when he returned from carrying out a proud family tradition: go into Shadow. Find a war. Side with the underdog and lead them to victory. Michael was one of the POWs captured by Alex's men and was pointed out to him as one of their opponent's most 'troublesome' commanders. They have been friends ever since.

Having grown disillusioned with battle, and coming from a perpetually war-torn world, Michael fell under Arden's spell the moment he rode into it. At Alex's recommendation, Julian assisned him to one of his units, where Michael proved himself to be a quick learner, an exceptional tracker and horseman, and an able leader.

UPDATE: Michael was revealed to be truly the son of Julian at Coronation when Anastasia put in an appearance and announced it to the world. The identity of Michael's mother, however, is still unknown. Since Brenna's death was discovered four years ago, Michael has kept even more to Arden than usual.  


Sir Cedric: Captain of the Castle Guard, Royal Order of Knighthood of Amber.

Cedric came to Amber to settle down after serving in Benedict's personal standing army for 20 years. After recieveing his commander's blessing, and Random's permission, Cedric moved to a peaceful life raising horses. It lasted about three months.

Having forseen this, Benedict had already secured for Cedric a position in the Castle Guard. In just over five years, he had already risen through the ranks enough that when the previous Captain retired three years ago, Cedric was promoted without a second thought.

Cedric recently lost both his wife and child in childbirth.  


Jared Wilson: Captain of the Amber City Guard.

Born and raised in Amber, Jared knows the city like the back of his hand, with his eyes closed, in the dark. He takes no crap from anyone, royalty or commoner, and will have peace in the streets on his watch. He sorely resents The Forbidden City because of the condition of it's patrons when they spill out onto 'his' streets. Not that it keeps him away from there on his nights off.

Captain Wilson seems to have developed a fascination with The Lusty Wench and that's where he can be found on most Thursday evenings.

Currently, the thorn in his side is an anarch named Stevie Blue, who seems intent on making sweeping changes in the government of Amber. He uses copies of her seditious, underground newspaper to polish his sword.

Jared has been in several recent meetings with Prince Gerard, taking him to the castle far more than he would like and he always looks very grim when he leaves, heading straight for the Lusty Wench to throw back a few.  


Sir Rodrick von Luxemberg: Amber's Swordmaster, Premier Knight of the Royal Order of Knighthood of Amber.

Chances are, if you know how to use a blade, and are a member of the Royal Family, or one of the Noble Houses of Amber, you spent some time under Sir Rodrick's stern tutelage.

No one knows how old Rodrick is, he's not even sure, but with the exception of Amber's new Queen, he has been the man that all the third generation has learned the art of the sword from. Once he's convinced that you can defend without taking off your own appendage, he sends you on your way.

Disappointing Sir Rodrick is almost as upsetting to your person as disappointing His Majesty.  


Sir Christopher Forrest: Captain of the Queen's Guard, Knight of the Holy Order of The Unicorn

Christopher is a child of Amber,but no one is sure whose he is. He has been in Amber only when Benedict and Janelle have been here, and then only a few times. Notably, to walk the Pattern of Tir, to be Knighted in The Church of the Unicorn, and since it was made official that Benedict and Janelle would be taking the Throne. He did study sword under Sir Rodrick, but not in Amber. Rodrick was trumped to where Christopher was for his lessons.

Christopher is fiercely loyal to the New Crown, and rabidly protective of his Queen. His easygoing demeanor hides a vicious warrior who grants no quarter to his opponents.

UPDATE:Along with Michael, Christopher was also publicly proclaimed by Anastasia as a son of Julian. Still no word on his mother, however. Christopher takes frequent trips to Arden to visit his father and brother. While he is sympathetic to his brother's feelings, he personally doesn't seem to broken up over Brenna's death.

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