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The Junkyard

Hello and welcome to the our Junkyard. Here you can buy,sell, and trade supplies with us. We get new stock almost everyday if not everyother day. So please feel free to look around and pick something that suits you. Enjoy and have fun! THE § SIGNS MEANS: CREDITS

Here is how you can earn money:
-Start off with= §4,000
-Signing our Guestbook= §850
-Trivia= §50=Correct

-Going to the Chat= §340
-Comments or Questions Sent by E-mail= §95
-Every time you come back to this site= §950
-When you vote at both Polls= §750
-Every e-mail we get from you= §70

Obi-wan in complete uniform If you get any clothing, this is what it would look like with a lightsaber to.



*Blue= §15,000

*Green= §15,000

*Red= §20,000
*All Colors= §6,000

*Rifel Blaster= §30,000

*Droid Blaster= §25,000

*Pistol= §20,000

*Cloak(As seen on Obi-Wan)= §33,000

*Shirt= §20,000

*Belt= §1500

*Boots= §30,000

*Hair= §250
-Brade= §456
-Ponytail= §345
-Long Hair= §223
-Cutshort= §212

-Pod Racers
*Anikins Pod Racer= §45,000


*pit droid= §25,000

*Battle Droid= §34,000

*Droidika= §24,000

*r2d2= §30,000

More coming soon