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People of Krynn Background

Humans, by far, are the most populous race on Krynn. One of the original races created by the gods, humans have been on the earth since the beginning. A gift of the Great Gods of Neutrality. Hmans lives are destined to be short, but because of the limited duration they fill their days with passion and ambition. Humans usually live for about 90 years.

Elves are smaller in size than most humans, as well as being shorter and more "delicate". The elves were brought into the world by the Gods of Good, and they enjoy natural beauty and live long lives, allowing things to take their course. Elves live to be 1200 years old, though they generally leave the world before this time.

Dwarves are shorter and bulkier than humans or elves, but as such they are more solid than either of the taller races. Dwarves live in underground dwellings for the most part, preferring to spend their days mining precious metals or shaping stone and metal to their will. They are amazing blacksmiths and craftsmen. Dwarves live to be about 350 years old.

Gnomes live in Mount Nevermind, on the isle of Sancrist. Gnomes are the figiters of Krynn, designing grand machines for every imaginable task. Distant cousins of the dwarves, gnomes who chased after the Graygem are rumored to have been transformed from gnomes into dwarves and kender, depending on whether they coveted the stone or were curious about it. Gnomes live for 350 years as well.

Kender are unique to Krynn. They are the halflings which many other worlds sport, but they are much more interesting than that. Kender appear to be small human children—slight of build, also have no facial hair, about three and half to four feet tall. Kender generally live for 100 years (or until their curiosity kills them).

Minotaur live on the isles of Mithas and Kothas, on the northeastern shores of the Blood Sea of Istar. Minotaur live to be about 150 years old. They are intensely proud creatures, growing to be 7 feet tall, with horns of up to 24" long. Minotaur are half-human and half cow—bovine is just about the worst insult anyone can hurl at a minotaur (it's one of the kender's best way to have a little fun).

The Irda are the first born of the gods, creations of the Dark Queen, Takhisis. The Irda are the past form of ogres: a tyrannical, beautiful, blue-skinned race of beings ruling over humans in the Age of Dreams. The enslaved humans mined the mountainous country of the ogres for gems and minerals, allowing ogre civilization to prosper.

Dragons. Creatures of legend. Stories told to children. Dragons are the children of the gods, the first to inhabit Krynn. Dragons grow to giant proportions, living for centuries and amassing huge sums of treasure. All dragons possess the ability to disease any race with dragonfear. Simply, this ability paralyzes or impairs their enemies, making them much more vulnerable to attack. All true dragons have the ability to fly, as do some of their cousins, such as wyverns. Dragons are also imbued with a powerful breath weapon.

Draconians are the human-sized corruptions of good dragon eggs. By using captured good dragon eggs shortly before the War of the Lance, Wyrllish the cleric, Dracart the mage and the ancient red dragon Harkiel developed the process for corrupting the eggs into draconians. Though there is some debate, and consequently some conflicting information on the subject, it is generally agreed that draconians can't reproduce. (There are reports of female draconians.)
Lost Races of Krynn
Like any other world, Krynn has a number of races that once existed but do not any more. Whether it is because they have been exterminated by violence, natural disaster, or are simply little-known or long forgotten, all these races belong here. The lost races of Krynn are: Shadowpeople, Thanoi, Dreamshadows, Dreamwraiths, Fetch, Searchers, Spectral Minions and Ice Bears.



  • Size:A little over four feet.

  • Looks:Gruff little bulky people that love to wear armor of good metal and make.

  • Weapon of choice: Battle ax or a small sword.

  • God: Reorex

  • Worst hate: Magic


  • Size:The hieght of a kender varies but on average they are from four to five feet tall.

  • Looks:A kender usually looks a like a tall kid with a baby face. They are slender and sleek with long hair that holds a topknot.

  • Weapon of choice: Hoopak

  • God: No god imparticular but they usually stay away from Nuitari and the Queen of Darkness.

  • Worst hate: Boredom


  • Size:Eleves can get pretty tall but nornally they can reach up to at the tallest six feet.

  • Looks:A elf is similar to the kender but the elves are more delicate and smart.They usually have blond hair with long skinny bodies that can move over land more quiet than a pin dopping.

  • Weapon of choice: Sword, bow, or dagger.

  • God: Elves flolow Gilean, the god of knowledge.>

  • Worst hate: Outer racial marriages.