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 List Of Books

                The Chronicles Trilogy
                       Dragons of Autumn Twilight
                       Dragons of Winter Night 
                       Dragons of Spring Dawning
                       Dragons of Summer Flame 
                The Legends Trilogy
                       Time of the Twins
                       War of the Twins
                       Test of the Twins
               Heroes Trilogy
                       Legend of Huma
                       Weasel's Luck

                 Heroes II Trilogy
                       Kaz, the Minotaur
                       The Gates of Thorbardin
                       Galen Beknighted

                 The Elven Nations Trilogy
                       The Kinslayer Wars
                       The Qualinesti

                 Preludes Trilogy
                       Darkness and Light
                       Brothers Majere

                 Preludes II Trilogy
                       Riverwind, the Plainsman
                       Flint, the King
                       Tanis, the Shadow Years

                 Meetings Sextet
                       Kindred Spirits
                       Dark Heart
                       The Oath and the Measure
                       Steel and Stone
                       The Companions

                 Tales I Trilogy
                       The Magic of Krynn
                       Kender, Gully Dwarves, and Gnomes
                       Love and War

                 Tales II Trilogy
                       The Reign of Istar
                       The Cataclysm
                       The War of the Lance

                 Villains Series
                       Before the Mask
                       The Black Wing
                       Emperor of Ansalon
                       Hederick the Theocrat
                       Lord Toede
                       The Dark Queen

                 Dwarven Nations Trilogy
                       The Covenant of the Forge
                       Hammer and Axe
                       The Swordsheath Scroll

                 Defenders of Magic Trilogy
                       Night of the Eye
                       The Medusa Plague
                       The Seventh Sentinel

                 Warriors Series
                       Knights of the Crown
                       Maquesta Kar-Thon
                       Knights of the Sword
                       Theros Ironfeld
                       Knights of the Rose
                       Lord Soth
                       The Wayward Knights

                 Lost Histories Series
                       The Kagonesti
                       The Irda
                       The Dargonesti
                       Land of the Minotaurs
                       The Gully Dwarves
                       The Dragons

                 Lost Legends Series
                       Vinas Solamnus
                       Fistandantilus Reborn
                       Tales of Uncle Trapspringer

                 "Dragons" Anthologies
                       The Dragons of Krynn
                       The Dragons at War
                       The Dragons of Chaos

                 Dragons of a New Age Trilogy
                       The Dawning of a New Age
                       The Day of the Tempest
                       The Eve of the Maelstrom

                 Assorted Tales Novels
                       The Second Generation 
                       Relics and Omens of the Fifth Age
                       Heroes and Fools (July 1999)

                 The Chaos War Novel Series
                       The Doom Brigade
                       The Last Thane
                       Tears of the Night Sky
                       The Puppet King
                       Reavers of the Blood Sea
                       The Siege of Mount Nevermind (Sept 1999) 

                 The Bridges of Time Series
                       Spirit of the Wind
                       Legacy of Steel
                       The Rose and the Skull
                       Dezra's Quest (June 1999)

                The Raistlin Chronicles
                       Brothers in Arms (Aug 1999)

If you see any books I missed please E-mail me so I can fix