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SOME of my favorites artists ...

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I'm Rocker and this is my "parkin' page" - This is where I come to hang out with my baby, my friends or just park while I work. This page means a lot to me because it shows a big part of who I am, where I've come from, and what is important to me. I've been in vp since vp 1.0 beta 5 years ago and I have learned many many things about vp since then. Sometimes I've learned things the hard way but I wouldn't change it for anything as it has helped make me who I am today. In general, I've learned that, as much as I may want to trust the world, I have to be careful who I trust and how fast I trust them. I've learned, by watching others F** up, that "kissing ass" is not what its cracked up to be and we should always try to be ourselves, no matter what. I refuse to conform (never been a brown noser/never will be) and will always simply be myself. If some don't like it, well then they weren't meant to be my friend(s).

Music is a very very important part of my life. Its my sanity and my safe haven when I simply need to get away. I crave a good concert like an alcoholic might crave a good drink. The way I figure it, I could be addicted to worse things : ) ....... my family, my baby, my friends, and my music mean the most to me, as well as my love for animals. As for everything else, well there's a time and a place for everything. That's about all I have to say right now. Thanks for listening and hope you like my page ...

~~ "Wango Tango" - Ted Nugent ~~

~~ "Every Time I Look at You" - Kiss ~~
You didn't know this babe but I put this
song on my page weeks ago because, to me, it was you
in alot of ways. It just reminded me of you.
The song has always held special meaning to me anyway since I've
been a Kiss fan but now it holds more meaning because we are together.

Kisses & tightest of hugzzzz babe ... your Rocker

I hope you enjoyed seeing a little
piece of my world .... Hugzzzz, Rocker

Some Favs, Including More of My Own Pages~

Ten Club (Pearl Jam fan club)
~ Best Friends~
~ Have You Ever ~
~ To Make You Feel My Love ~
Kitti-Kat's Home Page
AbbyRoad's Home Page
Starbuck's Awesome Mega AV's
VSHN's Spirits in the Moonlight
Ride the Wind - Cool Place to Hang
Harleychic's Dream House
Ing's AV & Gesture Links - Great Site for Shoppin'
Liza's WAV Page (Awesome!!)
Quiet Hawg's Heaven - Cool Place to Hang

This page was made by Rocker Summer of 99'