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This is me at work on mondays...ever feel this way?

Greetings friends and netbuddies.....Welcome to my humble net abode......I am still in the process of converting this page into an enjoyable, delightful, diverse, filled with zest and silly information , lets not leave out enthralling......amusing and reasonably offensive at times, icons…ideas...and text..!!!

Now a little about my sweet and quiet self

As my header suggests, my name is Stavros…aka Morpheus...aka Sorvats....the nicks go on and on. I am a South African , from Johoannesburg , male, and according to my wrist i'm 27, wrote it there so I don't forget. :) People often ask me so tell me about yourself. Where do i start.. I'm just an average, run-of-the-mill, happy-go-lucky kind of shmo. Hair today... GOne TOMORROW.. LOL º¿º \__/

10 things I hate, despise, dislike and feel hostile to:

Having to make a list of things that I hate…

Things I have a connection with, fondness of and just plain like.

1. Nature scenery
2. Travelling....islands....nature at its best.
3. Star gazing, Sociallising with friends, Just chilling out
4. A good laugh, Making people smile

In the meantime while you decide whether to complain about this page to anyone.....have a drink on me>

Thanks for stopping by....during the next few weeks, ill be adding and subtracting from this page every now and then.....not more than every now and then ok!! me with any ideas for my page please.
As you can see I have run out of them.....wait ..wait...wait..I have thousands of midifiles......maybe a page with those to download would suffice.....I could also make a page on the molecular structure of a virus or micro-organisms....or a page on the simple yet perplexed.......................................forget it....just send your ideas and complaints to the link below...not that anybody would listen...


1. You see something funny and scream, "LOL, LOL."
2. You tell everyone, that after surgery, your mom went to ICQ ......instead of ICU!
3. Tech support calls YOU for help.
4. You beg your friends to get an account so you can "hang out."
5. You say "he he he he" or "heh heh heh" instead of laughing.
6. You think faster than the computer. <----Not difficult for me

A special thank you goes out to BLACK SATIN for creating this page, because i wouldn't have done it. Can you believe it ONline for 4 years and don't have a page up yet, until now that is.

Best wishes for now....fellow net addicts!!!!
g` night children..:-)