FISCHER ESTATE 10:46 PM The head cook of the Fischer estate was cleaning up the kitchen when he heard noises outside. They were strange rustling sounds in the wooded area that started just a few feet from the back door. He knew it wasn't the federal agents. They'd all left except for the one who was sitting, watching for any sign of strangers. He heard growling. "Damn dogs!" he said. They'd had problems with strays for the longest time, even though nobody had an idea about how the dogs got into the large yard. The cook picked up a knife and went outside to scare the dog away. "Get out of here, you dumb mutt." He didn't see a dog so he turned around and started back to the door. Something had been waiting in the shadows for this moment. It pounced on the cook, digging its claws into his back. He was surprised and stabbed at the creature over his shoulder. It roared and pushed him to the ground. That's where the cook bled to death. SHAMROCK INN JULY 10 9:48 AM "Scully, wake up!" Mulder called through his partner's motel room door. "Get dressed. We have to get to the Fischer place. There's been another killing." Scully groaned, pulled herself out of bed and opened the door for Mulder. "Hold on for a few minutes. I'll get dressed quickly." She grabbed her suitcase and lugged it into the bathroom. She left the door open a crack. "Who died?" "The head cook, Ross Sloane. He was found near the woods on the Fischer property. He'd been mauled and he bled to death." "Any suspects?" Scully called. "I'm afraid we have one at the moment. It's Brea. She didn't really like Ross. Other help said he'd come onto her many times, grabbing her rear end and squeezing her thighs on several occasions. Other cooks claimed Brea had flirted with him but he got the wrong idea. She flirted with anyone she thought was attractive but most of the time, she was just trying to be friendly." "She flirted with *anyone*?" Scully repeated as she came out of the bathroom. She was fully dressed but held her pumps in her hand. "Yes. According to most of the staff at the estate, Brea is bisexual. Her best friend Jesslyn is more than just her friend." "So you think that Brea--in tiger form--killed Ross Sloane because she was sick of him touching her when she wasn't interested?" "Precisely." He paused. "But how a fifteen-year-old can be bisexual is beyond me." Scully put on her shoes. "Mulder, kids these days are so much different than we were when we were young. Being bisexual is pretty much accepted. What I'm wondering is if Brea was bisexual before her parents' divorce." "I wonder if Wendy Bartlett knows her daughter is bisexual." He turned to leave the room. "Oh, there was a piece of evidence found at the crime scene. It may help us find the killer." "Well, what was it?" "A knife covered in blood that isn't Ross Sloane's." FISCHER ESTATE 10:14 AM "I'm guessing he's been dead for almost twelve hours," Scully said after pulling up the sheet that covered Ross Sloane and looking at the body. "Where's Brea?" Mulder asked Agent Paulsen. "She should be at the Bartlett home. We'll call her if you want us to." "We should take her in for an interview. She is a suspect in the murder of her father but she is now the only suspect in this murder." "Because of Mr. Sloane's advances, right?" Paulsen said. "No other people living here had a problem with him. They all said he doted on Sarah Fischer, buying her books and reading them to her." "He probably got the wrong impression when Brea flirted with him. He most likely thought that, considering her past sexual indulgences, she would engage in any act with anybody of any age," Mulder pointed out. "I mean, I'm sure Brea has brought people home and I'm sure they could be heard." "That's a shame," Scully said. "She never had an authority figure around so she could do whatever she pleased. It's a good thing her mother's coming home." "We have to check Brea for any cuts and see if there are any records of hers around that have her blood type on it. If you find that, Agent Paulsen, have it tested against the blood on the knife." "Will do, Agent Mulder." Paulsen wrote everything down on his note pad. "Also have Gillian Fischer contact me when she arrives in town." Mulder borrowed Paulsen's pen and pad and wrote down his cell and motel room numbers down. "Sure. After you visit Brea, call me with what you find out. We need more evidence to arrest her but we should be able to take her in for questioning." "Okay," Scully called as she and Mulder went back to their car. "Do you think Brea will talk to us?" Mulder asked as he got behind the wheel. "I don't know. Just be nice but not too nice, if you get my meaning." "Scully, she likes women too. You're not off the hook," Mulder challenged. "I guess you're right but since Jesslyn is around, Brea probably won't be looking for anybody." "You're probably right, Scully." BARTLETT RESIDENCE 11:06 AM "Brea's not feeling well," Wendy informed the agents when they arrived at the house. "She came home from her date last night and was really sick." "About what time did she get back?" Mulder asked. "Nearly eleven-thirty. She'd left Jesslyn and their dates at the movies a little earlier but she took a long time to get home since she was so sick. She was probably drunk but why do you ask?" She led them inside to the living room. "A cook named Ross Sloane was killed last night at the Fischer place. We're here to see if Brea knows anything about it." "How would she know anything? Is she a suspect?" "Yes. Apparently Brea had flirted with Mr. Sloane many times and he got the wrong notion about her intentions. On several occasions, he was reported to have grabbed her buttocks and thighs all because she'd flirted with him and he'd assumed she was trying to seduce him," Scully explained. "According to others working at the house, she didn't like it much and hated Mr. Sloane for it." "That's why Brea was usually here when Eric went away. Did that pervert do anything to Sarah?" Wendy asked, concerned. "No," Mulder said. "He was really nice to her. He constantly bought books and read them to her. The maids said he showed nothing but love towards that little girl. He was never alone with her for a long time. People were always checking up on them," Mulder said. "The only reason he'd gotten the idea that Brea was interested in him was because of her promiscuity, her tendency to get involved with anybody who piqued her interest." Scully added quietly, "Everybody at the Fischer place says Brea is bisexual." Wendy nodded. "Oh, I know. She and my daughter are lovers," she said. "Most are their female friends are lesbians or bisexual. Some of their guy friends are bisexual as well but most are straight. They just get off on the idea of having two girls at once." Scully's eyes widened. Wendy had spoken so casually about her daughter's sexuality, it amazed her. "And you're okay with that?" "I think it's great. They're being themselves and enjoying it. Jesslyn and Brea are best friends but even closer than that. When they make love to males or females, they are full of compassion. I am so happy that kids are becoming aware of their sexuality but are being careful about it." Mulder was quite embarrassed. "I'm glad you're so proud. It's good they're trying new things and adults are so supportive of it." "Hello." Brea came into the living room, carrying a glass of orange juice. She smiled as she sat down across from Scully. "I'm really sorry for my foul language yesterday. It was uncalled for." "That's okay." Scully gave a nervous smile. "Brea, Agents Scully and Mulder would like to talk to you. Ross Sloane was killed last night." "Really?" she asked after sipping some juice. "How?" "Um, in the same manner as your father. He was mauled and bled to death," Mulder explained. The girl stared at him. "I heard Ross was not popular in your book." "No. He was a pig. He'd grope me as if I wanted to screw him. I never did. I was just being nice to him," Brea told them. "He'd always said he would give me 'the best lay of my life'." "Did he ever go further than just touching?" Scully asked. "All these reports of him grabbing you came from witnesses. Are there any things somebody may not have seen?" "Yes. That slime had sneaked into my room and felt me up. I hit him and he eventually left me alone. Of course my father was never home so I couldn't tell him." She stopped. "Am I a suspect?" "Unfortunately, you're the only one right now." "Someone's setting me up. I didn't kill him." Mulder said, "If that's the case, would you like to come into police custody?" Brea looked frantic. "Yes. You can ask me as many questions as you like, just as long as I'm safe." She stood up. "I'll go pack." She left the room. "She's really scared that somebody's after her," Wendy said. "We'll take her into custody until we're sure that there is another suspect and this person is after Brea," Scully said. "We probably will have to wait until Gillian Fischer arrives to ask Brea any questions." "I have one more question, Wendy. You might be able to answer it. Do you know if Brea has become promiscuous as a result of her parents' divorce or was she different after she came back from Africa?" Mulder said. "She wasn't into experimenting before she went to Africa. She was still a virgin. When she got back, she went all the way with some boy and has been promiscuous since then." "Brea, you don't have to go. We'll protect you," Jesslyn called as Brea returned to the living room. Jesslyn followed her. "Please, Brea. Please stay here." "Jess, I can't stay here if somebody is after me. I'd put you all in danger. I don't want anything to happen to you or your mom or Sarah. Just promise me you'll take care of her. She can't come with me." Brea put her duffel bag down on the couch. "Sure. We'll watch Sarah." Jesslyn wrapped her arms around Brea and kissed her on the lips quickly. "Just call me when you can." "I will." She picked up her bag. "Wendy, if my mom calls, tell her we're fine." Scully and Mulder stood up. "Your mother is coming home as soon as she can. We got ahold of her and she's on her way," Mulder told Brea. "Great," she said, sounding relieved. She went to the door. "Brea, where are you going?" Sarah called from the stairs. She ran to her sister. "I'm going somewhere safe but Wendy and Jess will care for you and then, Mommy will be home soon." Brea was saddened when Sarah wrapped her arms around her waist and started crying. "I'll be back as soon as I can." "Don't go, Brea. The monster will get me if you're not here." "No, it won't." Brea loosened her sister's grip and knelt down so she could see directly into Sarah's eyes. "I won't let anything happen to you. I love you." She kissed the little girl's cheek. "I love you," Sarah said, clasping her hands behind her sister's neck and hugging her fiercely. "I'll see you soon, right?" Brea nodded. Scully was very touched by the two sisters. It reminded her of the relationship she'd had with her older sister Melissa, her only sister who'd been murdered. She shook her head to make the memories go away. "Let's get going," Scully said. "I'll be back in a little while," Brea told Sarah as she walked out the door. MALIBU POLICE DEPARTMENT 12:16 PM "Why were you so frantic to get out of there?" Mulder asked after seating Brea in an interrogation room. It was sparsely furnished with a table, chairs and a phone. "If the person who is really the murderer is after me, I don't want to put people I love in danger. That's why I left. I love them all too much to allow anything to happen to them." "You should have brought Sarah with you," Scully said. "I couldn't. She would have an awful time. I don't want her to see the criminals that are brought in here. She's always lived a sheltered life. My parents protected her from the world. I do that now. She's too innocent to know about things, like my relationships or the crimes that occur around us." Brea smiled. "She knew my parents were divorced but she doesn't know why. She thinks it was because my mom was in Africa and my father was here." Scully sat beside the teenager. "Your little sister will have to learn about the world sooner or later. She won't always be guarded and she'll have to learn to be independent, like you, like your mother." "I know that. Sarah was already exposed to evil once, when she found my father dead. I really wished she hadn't seen that." Mulder was amazed at Brea's devotion to her sister. She'd seemed so tough and cold the first time he and Scully had met her but now, she was showing a totally different side of her personality. "I hope you brought something to do," he said. "We'll keep you in custody until your mother gets here or until you want to leave." Brea pulled out her Walkman. "This will keep me busy." "If you need anything, just knock on the door. We probably won't be here but we'll post an officer out here." Scully got up and went to the door. "We'll tell you when your mother is here. "Feel free to make as many calls as you want. If you want to get out of here, we can bring you to our motel. Just call us if you want to leave, or if you're hungry." "Thanks, Agent Mulder, Agent Scully." She put her headphones on. Mulder looked at his partner. "How about some lunch, Agent Scully?" "Sure but you're buying." MECCA DINER 12:46 PM "I've changed my mind about Brea. Underneath that tough exterior is a caring young woman. Sarah's lucky to have a sister like her." Scully speared a piece of chicken with her fork. "I don't get why Brea was so intent on staying in police custody. She even agreed to answer questions. No usual suspect would do that. Perhaps she didn't murder anybody." "You could be correct." "Do you want to go back to see Brea after lunch?" Scully asked. "Yeah. Actually, I'll grab something for her to eat. I can't imagine that food from a vending machine is healthy. Do you think she'd like French fries and a Coke?" "Sure. What kid wouldn't?" Mulder finished his hamburger as Scully slowly ate her chicken Caesar salad. "I'll be right back, Scully. Take your time finishing up." He went up to the counter and ordered Brea's lunch. A few minutes later, the food was ready and Scully was done eating so Mulder paid the bill and the agents left for the police department. MALIBU POLICE DEPARTMENT 1:17 PM "Did she make any calls?" Mulder asked the police officer guarding the room. He looked at Brea through the one-way mirror. She was sitting with her coat draped over her shoulders and her headphones were still in place. "Just to her sister but other than that, she's been listening to music. At one point, I took her to the soda machine but she's been in there the rest of the time." "Thank you, sir," Scully said as she twisted the doorknob. Brea smiled as soon as Mulder and Scully came into the room. She pulled off her headphones and said, "You're back quickly. Did you have a nice lunch?" "Yeah," Mulder said. "We brought you back something." He placed a paper bag in front of her. "Thanks. I was starving." As she reached to open the bag, her jacket fell off. She wore a tank top and on her upper left arm, there was a large piece of gauze taped in place. "What happened to your arm?" Scully asked. "I went out drinking last night with Jess and our boyfriends. Somebody broke a beer bottle on the ground. I started to feel sick so I got up to leave. I fell because I was so drunk, and I cut myself." Mulder was smiling to himself as Scully inspected the wound. "This is pretty deep. I think you might need stitches. Does it hurt?" "It did when I put the disinfectant on it. It hurt like a bitch. I think I need new dressing for it." She winced as Scully moved her arm carefully. "Sorry." She let go of Brea's arm and gently replaced the gauze. "Why don't you eat and then we'll take you to see a doctor?" "Um, okay. I'm still going to stay here but maybe getting out for a little while will be good." She pulled out her lunch and started eating. Mulder pulled Scully into a corner. "I'm not a medical expert, Scully, but that looks like a clean cut. The way she fell, the glass would have torn the skin, not sliced it neatly." Scully bit her lip. "Yeah. I thought the same thing but that doesn't mean Brea is a weretiger and that she killed Ross Sloane and was cut during the attack." "Hopefully, Paulsen gets those blood test results back soon." Mulder checked his watch. "It shouldn't be that much longer." Scully went back to Brea. "The guard outside said you called Sarah. How is she handling you not being there?" "Pretty good. Wendy and Jess are really nice to her. They think of her as a member of their family, the way they think of me." Brea ate three fries. "Want some?" "No thanks." Scully smiled. "What do you think about your mom coming back?" "I'm glad. I had a lot of time with her but Sarah didn't. She needs her here." Brea took a sip of her soda. "I think I need her as well. She always makes me feel special, not like a slut that everyone else has made me out to be." "Is that the reputation you have?" "You know that already. You've talked to the hired help at my house. That's what they think." Scully looked at the girl. "Do you ever stop to think that what people say isn't important? It's all about what you think about yourself." "Yeah, I know. It's just hard. I don't want Sarah finding out that her sister is a whore. Since all the help think that, she's bound to find out." "I'm sure Sarah won't care about what people say. She just has to know that her sister loves her." Scully looked at Mulder and he smiled. "I'm done. Let's go to the doctor's office." Brea closed the Styrofoam container from her fries and wiped her fingers on a napkin. PACIFIC MEDICAL CENTRE LOS ANGELES 2:13 PM "Come back and see me in a week, Brea, and I'll take the stitches out," Dr. Melissa Gellar said as she put a piece of gauze over the freshly sutured wound. "Thank you, Doctor." Brea smiled and looked at her arm. "Come on, Brea." Mulder led the girl outside while Scully remained to speak to Dr. Gellar. "Doctor, did that cut look it came from a piece of broken glass or a blade?" "It was too clean to be a piece of glass. I believe it was some sort of knife." Scully couldn't believe it--Mulder was right.