Title: Wild Child Author: Eileen S. Whipple Email: whipples@connect.ab.ca Rating: PG-13 for certain sexual themes, language. May change to R by the time it's entirely written. Classification: X-File Summary: A man is murdered, his daughter is the prime suspect, and the agents must prove her innocent. DISCLAIMER: Do I really have to write it? We all know who owns X-Files. NOTES: This isn't even close to being finished, so hold tight. Also, Brea is based on certain people that I know. FISCHER ESTATE MALIBU, CALIFORNIA JULY 7, 1996 2:34 AM "Dad, are you awake?" seven-year-old Sarah Fischer said groggily, pushing open her father Eric's door. When the door was halfway open, Sarah heard a growl, an animal growl. "Dad?" the girl whispered in a frightened voice. As she pushed the door open all the way, she saw the blood and the four-legged creature escaping off the balcony. Sarah screamed. LAX AIRPORT LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA JULY 9, 1996 3:57 PM "The man's youngest daughter found the mauled body," FBI Special Agent Fox Mulder explained to his partner Dana Scully as he loaded their luggage into the trunk of their rented black 1996 Saturn. "What about the other daughter?" Scully looked through the file she was holding for the eldest daughter's name. She found it. "What about Brea?" They both got into the car. "As you may have read in the police report, she was at a friend's house when it happened. She's been there since. The house-help have sent the youngest daughter Sarah to stay with her sister." "Where's the mother?" Scully asked, pulling on her seatbelt. "Eric and his wife Gillian have been divorced for nearly one year. She's been studying animals in Africa for the past few years. It seems that over those years, Eric had an affair and Gillian found out." Mulder turned the key in the ignition. "They divorced and she gave Eric custody because she was going to be in Africa for a while. Brea hated her father for having the affair." Scully said, "Well, I would be too. Wouldn't you?" Mulder shrugged. "Yeah, I guess." He pulled out of the parking lot. "The body had deep claw marks on the chest and sides. How's that possible?" Scully asked. Mulder kept his eyes on the road. "Sarah said she saw a four-legged creature leaving her father's room. She also heard a growl." Scully laughed. "So this is a werewolf case?" "I don't know. Maybe." Mulder reached up, loosened his tie and undid one shirt button. "Man, it's hot." Scully had been smart. She'd worn a white blazer and skirt. She had also fastened her auburn hair back with an enameled black barrette. The first button on her blouse was also undone. "I thought California was going to be warm, not scorching," said Scully. The obviously bored Mulder turned the radio on. He turned the dial until he got a rock station. Scully rolled her eyes. "Don't worry, Scully. We'll be there soon." She scowled as she rolled down her window. "I hope so." FISCHER ESTATE 5:07 PM "Do you think we can talk to Sarah?" Scully asked Agent Darren Paulsen, an agent who was also working on the case. Agent Paulsen said, "Probably not until tomorrow. She's still upset." "Did anyone talk to Brea?" asked Mulder. "She might know something." Paulsen laughed. "That's very unlikely. She wasn't here, remember?" "But she did have a grudge against her father, didn't she?" Mulder pointed out. Scully said, "But would she kill him because of that?" "You never can tell," said Paulsen. "Who do you think did it, Agent Paulsen?" asked Scully. Paulsen shrugged. "Some psycho or something. I mean, this guy was clawed deeply and he bled to death." "Any other suspects?" Scully looked around. Paulsen shrugged again. "His wife? I don't know." "Has she been notified?" Mulder asked. "These girls need someone to take care of them. They can't stay with friends forever." "We're still trying to get ahold of Gillian Fischer." Paulsen was startled by the ringing of his cellular phone. He answered it, walking away. A few minutes later, he returned to tell Mulder and Scully, "You can talk to Sarah and Brea now, if you can find your way out of this fuckin' maze." Mulder laughed as Paulsen left in another direction. The Fischer estate had an extremely large yard, a tennis court, a swimming pool and tons of trees. It looked like a jungle of some sort. As Mulder started walking, he felt a hand on his shoulder. It was Scully. "We better be careful. It's a jungle out there." BARTLETT RESIDENCE MALIBU 5:34 PM "Mrs. Bartlett?" Mulder pulled out his FBI credentials. "I'm Special Agent Fox Mulder and this is Agent Scully." He pointed to his partner. "We're here to see Sarah and Brea Fischer." Mrs. Bartlett smiled. "Come in. We've been waiting." The two agents stepped through the threshold. Mrs. Bartlett said, "Sarah's in the living room. Would you like some coffee?" Mulder smiled. "Yes, please, Mrs. Bart--" "Call me Wendy." They nodded as Wendy went into the kitchen. Scully and Mulder entered the living room where they saw a girl with dark blonde hair sitting in front of the TV, watching a cartoon. "Sarah?" Scully said in a questioning tone. The girl turned around. "I'm Sarah. Who are you?" "I'm Dana Scully and this is Fox Mulder. We're here to ask you some questions about your daddy." Sarah frowned. "My dad died." "We know," said Mulder. "What happened to him? Did you see?" Sarah turned away from the two agents. "I saw the blood and the animal leaving." The little girl looked like she was going to cry. "The animal growled." Mulder sat down on the coffee table. "What do you think it was?" "I...I don't know. I saw a tail." Sarah broke down. "I don't know. I'm sorry." Scully knelt beside the sobbing girl, placing an arm around her. "That's okay. We know it's hard." Sarah wrapped her arms around Scully's waist, putting her head in her lap. As Scully stroked Sarah's hair, Mulder whispered, "I'll go see if Brea's around. Meet me when you can." Mulder went into the kitchen. "Excuse me, Wendy. Do you know where Brea is?" Wendy was pouring coffee. "She's is the backyard with my daughter, Jesslyn. Just call her Jess. Everyone does." She smiled. Mulder said, "Okay. If Agent Scully comes looking for me, tell her I'm out back." Wendy nodded. He wandered to the back door. Through the glass, he could see a large aqua pool. The Bartlett house was big but not as large as the Fischer estate. Mulder opened the door and stepped into the bright yard. He saw two teenagers lounging by the pool. They were both wearing flowered bikinis and sunglasses. Their already-tanned bodies were stretched out on towels. Mulder knew that Brea was fifteen but she looked too mature to be that age. Her body resembled that of a twenty-year-old's. A girl whistled. She then said, "Can we help you?" Mulder pulled out his creds. "I'm here to see Brea Fischer." The girl with pale blonde hair said, "I'm Brea. What can I do for you?" The first girl that had spoken was Jesslyn. Before Mulder could answer, Scully's voice interrupted: "We need to ask you some questions about your father." "My father was murdered." Brea yawned. "Oh, well," she said nonchalantly, examining an oval-shaped fingernail. Scully crossed her arms. "You don't sound very mournful." Brea sneered, tossing her hair over her tanned shoulder and removing her sunglasses. "What's there to be mournful about? My father was a lying, cheating son of a bitch." Scully's mouth dropped open. The girl had insulted her dead father so calmly, it made Scully furious. "How dare you talk about your father like that! He gave you everything you could ask for." Brea stood up and walked to Scully. "Listen," she said angrily, "I know what my father did. He screwed that slut-bag secretary of his." "Even so, why do you bring it up?" asked Mulder. "It's all in the past." Brea said loudly, "I have to live with it every day, for the rest of my life. That's why my mother left and is staying in Africa." Mulder saw some dried blood under Brea's nails. "What happened?" He pointed to her hands. "The blood, I mean." "For your information, I scraped my leg on the side of the pool." She pointed to a wound on her thigh. "What? Do you think I killed my father? If you do, you're fuckin' crazy." Scully said sternly, "There's no need for that kind of language. People can have civilized conversations without swearing." "You're not my mother so I think you better keep your damn mouth shut!" Scully was stunned, speechless, as Brea said, "Besides, if you were my mother, I'd probably kill myself." Brea turned and put on her sunglasses, grinning at her friend. Mulder led the shocked Scully into the house where Wendy was reading to Sarah. "Wendy, can Agent Scully take over?" said Mulder. "I need to talk to you." Wendy stood up, handing Anna Sewell's "Black Beauty" to Scully. "What do you want to talk about?" Wendy asked as she and Mulder strolled into the kitchen. "Does Brea get in trouble a lot?" Wendy sat at her table. "You mean the swearing and revealing clothes?" Mulder sat too. "Yeah." "She became very promiscuous, you could say, just after the divorce. One reason was Eric was never home, always off on business trips. She'd bring different guys into the house every week. " Mulder asked, "Has she seen her mother at all?" "Yes," answered Wendy. "About eight months ago. She and Sarah were on safari with Gillian. That's when Brea was bitten by a tiger." "Bitten? Where?" Wendy said, "On the shoulder. Gillian was studying the tiger and when Gillian had her back turned, the tiger attacked." "How was her recovery? How long did it take?" "A few months. Two or three, maybe. She has a scar but it's not very noticeable," Wendy said. "Thanks." Mulder started to stand up but Wendy stopped him, touching his arm. She said, "If Brea said anything rude to you or your partner, I'm very sorry. I'll try to talk to her or I'll get Jesslyn to." "Thank you for your cooperation, Wendy. We'll be back if we need any more questions answered by either of the girls." He stood up and walked into the living room. "Scully, I'm done. Let's go if you're finished reading." He smiled at the little girl. "Just one more page, please," Sarah pleaded, sticking out her lower lip in a pout. "Can you wait a few minutes, Mulder?" He nodded and sat in a chair. Scully finished the page she was reading and started another, reading with a clear, strong voice which she used when she was recording her findings in investigations or autopsies. "Thanks a lot," Sarah said after she'd finally finished the page. "You're a good reader. I can't read big books like this yet but pretty soon, I'll be able to. I love books." "That's good to hear," Scully said, getting off the couch. "It was nice meeting you, Sarah," Mulder said as he and Scully left. "Goodbye." "See you!" the little girl called after them. As the two agents walked down the front sidewalk, Mulder commented, "What a sweet kid. Her sister, on the hand, is a very expressive young lady." "She's a little snot, that's what she is," Scully said furiously. "No attachment to cases, remember, Scully?" "But that girl's attitude makes me shudder to think what she's capable of. She must have ice water running through her veins." "I'm sure she loves her mother and her little sister a lot." "Yeah, I guess that's what counts but is she a suspect?" Scully asked. " I think we shouldn't count her out yet." "Enough about the case. I'm starving. Let's go for something to eat." 6:03 PM "Can you believe that bitch, Jess?" Brea said to Jesslyn. "She tries too fuckin' hard." "But her partner--what a hunk! I'd like a piece of that action!" Brea exclaimed. "I'd hop in the sack with him in a second," Jess said. "He could do wonders with that nose. Don't you think?" They heard someone clear their throat behind them. "Oh, hi, Mom." "Hey, Wendy." "I'd like to talk to you, Brea. I just want you to be nicer to those agents if they come around again." "They think I killed my father!" Brea said. "They have no right to even imply that, not until they have concrete evidence." "So you are a suspect?" Wendy said. "How could I be? He's my father. If I'm a suspect, that means Sarah's one too." "The law enforcement is trying to bring your mother back to the States for questioning," Wendy informed Brea. "I doubt it was her though. She wasn't fond of your father after the affair but she wouldn't kill him. And Sarah couldn't kill anybody, especially your father." "I know that. That's why I can tell you it wasn't me. I hated my father for having the affair but not enough to kill him. Sarah couldn't have either. She loved him too much." Jess looked at her watch. "Sorry to cut the lecture short, Mom, but Shaun and Connor are picking us up in an hour. We have to get ready." "Okay. Just be home by midnight." "Sure, Mom." Jess kissed Wendy's cheek quickly, grabbed her towel and headed to the door. "Thanks for watching Sarah, Wendy," Brea said as she hugged her friend's mother. "No problem. She's a darling so I don't mind." She followed the girls into the house. RIBS N' STUFF RESTAURANT 6:42 PM "Scully, I've never seen you so angry," Mulder commented as he cut a piece of steak and dipped it in barbecue sauce. "It's kids like that girl that make me afraid to have children. Imagine hating your father the way she does. It's absolutely repulsive." Scully twirled her fettuccini Alfredo around her fork and ate it. "I know. Just don't let it get to you. Brea will come around. Her father's dead. She'll feel grief sometime soon." He sipped at his cola. "I hope you're right." She wiped her mouth. "That Sarah is a sweetheart. She's adorable. When I was reading to her, she just sat there listening, her blue eyes wide with innocence." "How poetic, Scully." Mulder chuckled. "I'm sure you're hoping this girl doesn't turn out like her big sister." "You read my mind. Unless Brea changes, I'm afraid Sarah will most likely turn out like her. That girl is a wild child. She needs to be controlled." "You were never a wild child?" "No. I loved and respected my parents enough to not disobey them. I did have a few wild times but nothing major." Mulder snickered. "I remember drag racing with my friends on Martha's Vineyard which isn't huge so we didn't go far. I also, um, streaked at a party in England. Do you remember Phoebe?" "How could I forget her?" Scully rolled her eyes. "Well, she was quite upset with me, as well as my friends who'd dared me to do it, so she stole my clothes and slashed my tires. It was my friend's party so he had to lend me clothes and I had to spend the night on the couch." Scully burst out laughing. "Phoebe was that vicious? It serves you right for embarrassing her. Did she ever forgive you?" "Yeah but her sophisticated friends could never respect me again, or so she said. She was so uptight. She still is." He leaned forward. "Any tales of your youth you'd like to share?" She hesitated. "Okay. My friends and I had a crush on our English teacher in high school and one night, we were out late and my best friend Virginia started flashing cars. It was so funny. She got us all doing it. We were out there for hours. It was Friday and I was sleeping over at Gin's house. Well, on Monday, we had English and this teacher said, 'Girls, it's nice to see you getting things off your chests. But next time, choose a better way.' He'd seen us that night. "We were so mortified and then, to top it all off, we found out that my brother Charles' friends had seen us as well. I had so many young guys asking me out. Melissa thought it was a hoot so she and her friends started doing it as well. Pretty soon, all of Charles' friends were asking the Scully girls out. Luckily, my dad never found out why." Mulder was howling with laughter. "You were sure wild in your younger years. What happened?" She scowled. "I grew up. I was never very spontaneous. There was that event and some others." She smiled. "But you really streaked? I know you're weird but not like that. I'm surprised Phoebe didn't dump you for that." "All she cared about was what her friends thought. I never liked them." The two agents had never really talked about their days as children and teenagers but it felt so easy to talk about them. One incident Mulder didn't like talking about, though he'd shared it with Scully, was when his sister Samantha was 'abducted' in front of him. He wasn't sure if she was taken by aliens or by a group his father worked for. Samantha was the reason he'd started on the X-files. "All I think Brea needs is love and attention," Mulder said. "But not from any guy she's dating. She needs her mother more than ever." "But it's a shame that Gillian is a suspect. I don't see how she can be. She's in Africa." "They can't reach her so she could've easily traveled to the States with out us knowing. We should start checking plane records." He grinned. "Wow, I'm so smart. I'm surprised my brilliant mind hadn't come up with that sooner." Scully kicked him gently under the table. "Don't be so arrogant." "Sorry." SHAMROCK INN 7:49 PM As soon as Mulder and Scully had gotten into their separate motel rooms, they called each other. "We should call Paulsen," Mulder said. "We should tell him to start checking airline records in Los Angeles." "I'll call him," Scully said. "I'll call you if there's been any new leads." She hung up and dialled Agent Paulsen's cell number. "Hey, Darren, it's Dana Scully. Can you do something for me?" "Sure. What is it?" he asked. "Could you call the local airlines and start checking flight manifests for Gillian Fischer's name. We think she might be in the US." "I was trying to get ahold of you or Mulder. Gillian Fischer called the LA office. She's still in Africa but she'll be out here as soon as she can. She was in an area where there were no phones. That's why we couldn't contact her." "Is that her alibi? Can it be verified?" "I spoke with one of her colleagues and she said that Gillian has been out in the field for two weeks. She tried radioing her when we first called but there were some difficulties in transmission." "Thanks, Darren. I'll call Mulder with this information." She hung up and punched Mulder's room number into the phone. "Hey, Scully. What did Paulsen say?" he mumbled. She guessed he was eating sunflower seeds. "Gillian Fischer is in Africa. She was out in the field for two weeks. That's why Paulsen and his men couldn't contact her. She has been reached and should be out here soon." "So she's no longer a suspect. I do have another suspect. I should have told you earlier." "Who is it?" "Brea Fischer. When she was visiting her mother several months ago, a tiger attacked her. I believe she may have been--" "You think she's a weretiger? That's so funny." Scully laughed but stopped when her partner didn't answer her. "You're kidding?" "No. All the signs are there. When she got back from Africa, she was a different person. A tiger had bitten her. She had a grudge against her father. What else is there to say?" "You're crazy. A lunatic killed Eric Fischer, not his daughter. He was mauled to death." "But a person couldn't do that with their bare hands. Eric Fischer was shredded to pieces. And did you see those plants under his balcony? It looked liked something very heavy fell on it. Perhaps a five-hundred-pound tiger." "Brea's just over a hundred pounds. Even if she could change into a tiger, wouldn't she be the same weight in cat form?" "Not necessarily. She may become larger. There are no rules to this, to animal transformation. But we might be able to figure out if Brea is a tiger. She probably changes every night and people who transform into animals usually possess any injuries sustained when not in human form." Scully sighed. "Mulder, there probably is a better explanation for this but I'll try to go along with you for now."