Chapter Seven Getting Out "Did you work today?" Matt asked, sitting next to Scully on his leather sofa. "No, not today." She ran her hand over the smooth black leather. "My partner has a couch like this." "Has he always had good taste?" She smiled. "You should see his ties. Some are paisley." "Never mind about taste then." He wrapped his arm around her. He turned his attention to the movie playing on his TV. "When I was younger, I never went to horror movies to be scared." "You just wanted your date to be scared so you could get some lip action," Scully commented. "It doesn't even have to be scary." "I know. I had to hear about when my brother took his date to see Star Wars when it first came out." Matt leaned down and smelled her hair. "I always thought you would use strawberry-scented shampoo but you smell more like citrus fruits." "Is this why you rented Scream? You want some lip action?" She planted a hard kiss on his mouth. In one fluid motion, Matt pushed her onto her back and got into the space created by her spread legs. He covered her face and neck with hot kisses. She gasped as he buttoned down her cardigan. "You know, Dana," he said as he kissed his way down her stomach. "The way your jeans fit has made me want you since you arrived." She'd worn black jeans that fit well in the right places. He undid her zipper. "If you like my jeans, why are you trying to get them off?" she asked, smiling down at him. "I can't make love to you if you have yours jeans on." Matt got off the couch. "Get up and take off your clothes, if you want to do this. I'm getting a blanket to cover the leather." He went down the hall. Scully got off the couch. She pushed her jeans and underwear down her legs and kicked them off. Her sweater came right after the jeans and panties. She was removing her bra when Matt returned. He was naked but the blanket he held covered his groin area. "Dana, I love you," he said. She smiled as he threw the comforter on the sofa. "I love you too, Matt." He took hold of her and gently pushed her down atop the blanket. "I hope this will be comfortable." "This couch is longer and wider than Mulder's," she said before Matt silenced her with his lips. He eased her thighs apart. He entered her quickly. Scully gasped and moved up to meet his mouth. He was motionless inside her, his only movements being that of his tongue and fingertips. After torturing Scully with pleasure, he began thrusting. She clenched her teeth and groaned with each hard stroke. She was intent on relieving some stress through sex. She felt herself close to the brink; she tightened her thighs on Matt's hips. She closed her eyes as Matt brought her to her peak. She called out his name and clutched his large shoulders. He had not finished so she didn't mind enduring his thrusts even as he sped up considerably. Finally, he finished and collapsed atop her. "Thanks for sticking in there for me," he whispered. He withdrew from her and moved her gently. He wedged himself under Scully's body and wrapped his arm around her bare waist. "Hopefully the neighbours won't complain." "That wasn't near as bad as the neighbours to the left of us. They usually sound like wild animals mating." Matt pushed up so he could rest his other arm across her stomach. "Why do you have sex with me, without a condom?" She put her right hand atop his. "Because I trust you. You wouldn't have allowed this to happen if you had any diseases. I've gotten that impression about you. And I can't have children so...." "Sweetie, I'm sorry I even brought it up." He kissed her temple and moved to her cheek. "I'd love to stay like this forever but my writing group meets at ten-thirty." "I'm not a good writer, but could I come with you?" Scully asked. "No. You need to go home and sleep. You work tomorrow." He brought her hand to his lips. "The life of a writer isn't for you. You think you get little sleep being an FBI agent. A writer usually gets less than that, with all the cloying plot lines that fill his head." Scully sat up on the couch. "Well, I'll get ready to go then," she said flatly. She reached for her clothes. "Dana, stay. We can go out for coffee. Maybe the group won't show up." He kissed her shoulder as she started putting on her underwear and jeans. She stood and did up her zipper. "Coffee sounds nice." Matt got up. "I'll just go dress quickly." He leaned down and pushed his mouth against her neck. He left a wet trail down to her right breast. "I'll be right back." Scully smiled, putting on the remainder of her clothing. She actually enjoyed this relationship. It didn't interfere with her career, and her mother liked Matt. "Matt, I can't have a late night. I'd like to stay overnight but I want to be at my place in case I'm needed tomorrow morning." He called from the other room. "Sure. I'll drop you off after." She ran her fingers through her hair and grinned to herself. "Another day without a murder," Mulder said as his partner entered the office the next morning. "When there's three days in a row without one, I'll be amazed," Scully commented. "I bet you're happy I wasn't knocking on your door early this morning." He opened a drawer and began rummaging around. "I wish it didn't have to be early mornings. I was going to stay at Matt's place last night but decided against it in case you needed me." "Oh. Sorry about that." He looked at her, then lowered his eyes, concentrating on what he was doing." "No. It's okay." "How was the visit between Matt and your mother?" Mulder asked. Scully sat down. "It was great. Matt adores my mom." "Does he know about your case?" He finally pulled out an eraser. "No. I don't think it concerns him, and everything is confidential." Mulder asked nonchalantly, "Are you seeing him tonight?" "I don't know. I might call him." "I was wondering if I could come over to use your computer. Mine won't work. Nothing will save. I have to get a tech in." She nodded. "Sure. What do you need to do?" "Type my profile up and the other stuff. I have to e-mail it to Camren and Haswell. I'd do it here, but I don't feel like it." He grinned. "Fine. Maybe Matt can come over and we can visit." "I also have to go do criminal checks on our victims. Haswell wants it done, but I'm not sure why. We have to find the killer. Who cares if a woman got caught shoplifting when she was seventeen?" "Well, go do the checks. I'll look over the case files again." He gestured to his chair. "Have my seat. It's nice and warm." "Thanks." Mulder was almost out the door when he said, "I'll call you before I come over." He disappeared around the corner. Scully gave a loud sigh and dug out the folders she needed. It was going to be a long workday. "I'm so sorry I have to use your computer. I shouldn't be such a pain." Mulder flipped on the monitor and set his papers beside the keyboard. "Yes, you shouldn't be, but I don't mind. At least I don't have to type." "Is Matt coming over?" "Yeah. He should be here soon." Mulder turned his head and smiled. "What does he think about you being alone with another man?" "Nothing." She crossed her arms. "He thinks, 'Why would my girlfriend get with a guy who wears ugly ties?'" she said, her tone becoming icy. Mulder shut his mouth and went back to the computer. Scully watched him struggle to find her word processing program. She sat down on the couch, waiting for Matt to arrive. The sound of Mulder clicking the keys started putting her to sleep but soon, a rapping on her door made her jump. "Mulder, don't get up." She went to answer it. "Hey, sweetie," Matt said when Scully opened the door. He leaned in and gave her a quick peck on the lips. "What's up?" "Nothing much. Mulder's here working on the computer." Matt raised his eyebrows. "How long has be been here?" "Oh, a half hour or so." "Why is he working on your computer?" Scully shrugged. "His won't save or something. I just wanted to be friendly." "That's my girl." Matt pulled her close. They strolled into the living room. "Hello, Matt." Mulder waved without looking back from the computer. "Hello, Mulder." He sat down on the couch and pulled Scully down, almost onto his lap. "How are you doing?" Mulder asked. Matt kissed Scully before answering, "I'm great. I heard about your computer problems. I'd be out of work if that happened. I'm a writer." "Oh. Tough job." Mulder turned around. "You two just talk. Pretend that I'm not even here." Scully and Matt looked at each other and started laughing. "We'll visit," she said. The lovers spoke more about their families, shared stories from university, and recounted embarrassing dates. Mulder interrupted them. "Scully, can you show me where your e-mail program is? I know it's not Web-based." "Hold on." She used her arms to push herself off the sofa. She went to Mulder's side and leaned in to grab the mouse. Mulder touched her arm. "Ooh, is this cashmere?" He stroked the sleeve's material. She rolled her eyes. "Pay attention." She clicked on the computer icon. "See. It's in here. It's basically the same as yours." "Thanks, Scully." He returned to his work. She went back to Matt. He asked, "How long have you been working together?" "Six years, but I like him so I don't mind." Matt smiled. "Are you two close?" "We're best friends. I'm the only one he trusts." "Scully, I'm finished. I just got online to e-mail it. I'll be out of your hair in five minutes." Matt whispered, "Then I get you all to myself." He cupped her breast through her sweater. That one touch caused Scully to dampen between her legs. She wanted Mulder to leave, but she wouldn't rush him just so she and Matt could have sex. She had more respect than that. Mulder switched off the computer. "I'm done!" he declared, standing up. "I'll be gone. Just let me get my stuff together." Matt grinned at Scully and put his hand on her thigh. Mulder gathered his papers and grabbed his coat. "Scully, I'll let myself out. Have a good night." He winked as he opened the door. "Come in later if you want." He left in a hurry. Matt immediately pinned Scully to the couch. "A little eager, aren't we?" she said, reaching to unfasten his pants. She could feel his erection pushing against her. He kissed her hard and started to undo her sweater. "You've been partnered with him for six years?" he said between kissing and sucking her throat. "Did you and Mulder ever have anything going on?" He'd said it almost accusingly. Scully pushed Matt away. "It's none of your business." Sitting up, she began to button up her sweater. "It is my business if he came over so you two could get a little time in the sack." Scully jumped up. She felt her heart beating faster as she saw Matt's face. He was glaring at her. "There is nothing going on and even if there had been before we started dating, it shouldn't be your concern." Matt stood and zipped his pants up. "I saw the way he touched you. I don't believe that nothing's going on." "Well, believe it!" she yelled. She opened her mouth again to speak but was stopped by Matt bringing his right hand back and slapping Scully across the face, his hand partially curled into a fist. His knuckles caught her cheekbone. His strength caused her head to jerk to the side. She was stunned. Tears sprung to her eyes. She reached up and gingerly touched her reddened cheek. He frowned. "Look at what you made me do. I'm sorry." Scully said through clenched teeth, "I didn't make you do anything, and you're not sorry." "Dana, please, I love you and I am sorry. It will never happen again." Scully squared her shoulders, straightening her back. "I don't believe you," she said, her voice low. He moved closer and she reached for her purse. "What are you doing?" She opened the purse, pulled out her FBI-issue handgun and aimed it at him. "Get the hell out of here!" she barked. "I don't want to see you again. I mean it." Matt stared at the gun. "Dana, you're overreacting. I'll come back tomorrow when you're calmed down." "Don't bother. Stay away or I'll use this." He turned and walked to the door. "I'll be back. Just remember what we had." He left, slamming the door behind him. Scully was shaking as she placed the gun on the coffee table. She was in shock and couldn't believe what had just happened. Her cheek throbbed and due to the warmth, she couldn't feel the hot tears sliding down it. She was aware of the wetness on the other cheek. She rushed to do up the locks. She didn't want Matt getting back in. Luckily she hadn't given him a key. "Matt just hit me." She had to say it to make sure it was real. Scully turned off all the lights in the living room and kitchen and made her way to the bathroom, her hand pressed gently against the left side of her face. The mirror never lied, and it showed her the angry red patch on her cheekbone. The wound's tenderness told her that a bruise would form. She had to go to bed, to sleep. She didn't want to address the painful thoughts that would soon be consuming her. Her room was off limits. It had been four nights since she'd made love with Matt in her bed. The scents and memories were too fresh. Scully trudged to the guestroom. She pulled back the covers on the bed and settled underneath them. She'd deal with everything tomorrow. "Scully, I told you to come in later," Mulder said. His back was facing the office door. "Well, Matt didn't stay over." Her voice was flat. "And I couldn't sleep." "Welcome to my world." He was rummaging around in a box of books. "Scully, have you seen that book I was reading? That one by Carl Sagan?" He turned around. "What happened to you?" Her hand went to her cheek. "I guess my make-up didn't cover it." He moved in closer to inspect her face. "What happened?" He used his index finger to tilt her head to the side. "Matt... he hit me," she answered. "Goodness, Scully. Why?" "It doesn't matter, Mulder. He hit me and he's gone. He didn't come back." "Why didn't you call the police?" "I don't know. I was in shock, and I went to bed." "And he seemed to be such a nice guy." Scully crossed her arms. "I'd like to change the subject." "The search on the women was fruitless. Nothing more than speeding tickets." Scully rubbed her left temple. "I didn't think they would have major criminal records." "Scully, I don't know how long that bruise will stay, but I'd like you to take some time off. Just a couple days, and I'll never bother you during that time unless it's absolutely crucial." She inhaled, holding her breath for a few seconds. "I'm going to get a coffee. I'll think about it." Scully knew that Mulder would always worry about her. It was a thing he'd always done." However she knew what he was doing. He thought she'd be more affected by their case now that she'd been abused. She'd gotten to like guessing what Mulder was thinking. She poured herself a cup of coffee and added two teaspoons of powdered creamer. "Maybe I'll spend a few days with Mom," she said out loud. "Who are you talking to?" Agent Camren tapped her on the shoulder. "Oh, just myself. I was trying to decide on something." She turned slightly. "Lord, Dana. What happened to your face?" "It's nothing." She took a sip of her coffee, then said, "I'm going back to my office." He walked by her side. "What were you trying to decide? Maybe I can help." "Mulder wants me to take time off to recover from my little injury." "I think it's a good idea. Everyone's been on your back about paying attention to the case but now, after this accident, you need time to relax." Scully was weighing her choices when finally, she said, "I think I will take some time off." She and Camren paused by the office door. His voice was low. "Was Matt the accident?" Her mouth dropped open but she realized it probably couldn't pass for anything else. "I don't want to talk about it." Camren took that as his cue to leave. "I'll talk to you later." Scully drank some coffee as she went back in her office. "I'm calling Haswell right away," she told Mulder. "Where will you be spending the next few days, just in case we need you?" She hesitated. "My mother's most likely, just in case Matt comes back to my place." "It's a shame he turned out to be such an asshole but luckily, you got out." "Yeah." She sat down and after a long silence, she said, "He thought we were having an affair. Isn't that absurd?" Mulder laughed. "Yes! You and me? I don't think so." "Needless to say, he didn't believe me." She looked down at her hands. "Any higher and he could have knocked me out with a blow like that. I feel so awful." "Don't blame yourself. It's not your fault." "No. I feel awful because I loved him. I wish he hadn't turned out to be a jerk." "And if he comes around looking for you?" Mulder doodled on his desk calendar. "I don't want to see him anymore." She ran her hands over the arms of her chair. "What's on the agenda today?" "Reviewing crime scene notes and interviews, and analyzing them closely." "Why don't we work as hard as we can and then, I'll treat you to lunch?" Scully suggested. "Sounds good to me." "I've never been so bored in my life." Mulder stuck a toothpick in his mouth. "Not to disrespect the victims." "It's about justice, not entertainment," Scully said before passing her credit card to their waitress." "I know." He leaned back. "Thank you for lunch, Scully. It was delicious." "I just figured we'd need a break." The waitress returned with the card and a slip of paper for Scully to sign. She initialled it and Mulder added a dollar to the three-dollar tip his partner had left. "It was a very tasty break. I never knew that any kind of salad could be that good." "I can't believe you've never had a Greek salad before today." She stood up. "I like the classics." As the agents tried to leave, a crowd of people rushed in, nearly knocking Scully over. "I've never seen the place this busy." "Due to their suits, I'm guessing they're all from government buildings," Mulder said as if Scully hadn't guessed it herself. The sun was blazing outside and Scully shielded her eyes. "It's so hot. Luckily the Hoover Building is only a few blocks away." They started walking. "Scully, if you need anything while you're visiting your mother, don't hesitate to call." She smiled, her eyes narrowing in the light. "I know. Don't get too bored without me around." The walk towards the J. Edgar Hoover Building was silent until Mulder noticed something Scully didn't. Matt was stomping down the street to the building's main entrance. "Scully, I think we'll also have to notify security about Mr. Davison." He pointed to Matt. She came to a halt. "I told him to stay away. I had no idea he'd show up here." "We'll go in a more secured entrance and you're calling your mother. You have to leave as soon as possible." The man noticed them. "Dana!" he yelled as Mulder began ushering her away. Matt picked up his speed. "Stay away, Matt!" Mulder called. "Dana told you she didn't want to see you anymore. That meant at her home, at work, anywhere!" "Dana, are you serious? What about our first night together?" Mulder managed to get Scully to the main entrance. "I don't want a man who hits me," she said as her partner pushed her inside the building. "Scully, go get your stuff and call your mom from the office. I'll talk to security."