Chapter Six Confessions Scully handed Matt a cup of coffee as she sat beside him on her blue-and-white striped sofa. "My mother's name was Carolyn. She died when I was nine. She fell down the stairs one night and died." Scully took his hand, lacing her fingers through his. "That must have been awful at such a young age." "It hurt a lot. My father never even woke me to tell me. I found out the next morning." His voice was shaky. "It's hard to talk about deaths of loved ones but sometimes, you feel better after. When my father died, I felt insecure. I wondered if he'd died not proud because I'd gone against his wishes by joining the FBI rather than being a doctor." "I'm sure he was very proud of you." He tightened his fingers slightly. "I was kind of distraught after he passed away. I tried not to let it affect my judgement. I knew he loved me and was proud of me, no matter what." He said, "You're strong. I can tell that you can survive anything." Scully bit her lip and Matt leaned forward. "What is it, Dana?" "Matt, I don't know how long this relationship will last but I feel I should tell you some things." He planted a feathery kiss on her forehead. "Anything, Dana." She looked up, her mind racing for the right words. "Last year, I discovered that I have cancer here." She tapped the bridge of her nose. "Currently, it's in remission. I was given this cancer deliberately, and due to the procedure that gave me this disease, I cannot conceive." Matt looked horrified. "God, Dana." He pulled her extremely close. "I'm so sorry." "After these...people stole my ova, they created a child, and it hurt. I had this daughter and she died." "Now I know for sure. You're strong enough to overcome anything that comes your way." He stroked her cheek. Scully gave a small smile. "I just have to deal, but my family and my parter are also there to help me." "I don't want to see you hurt ever again." Matt leaned down and pushed his lips against hers. She accepted the kiss and pressed herself against him. She could feel her heart thudding and wondered if it was that noticeable. Matt moved his mouth to her neck. He whispered, "Dana, I'm in love with you." A gasp escaped her throat as he ran his tongue over her sensitive flesh. She reached up, running her hand through his thick blond hair. "I want to make love to you, Dana," Matt said huskily. "Do you want me to?" Scully nodded. "Yes," she said as he slipped his hand under her shirt. She became bold and undid Matt's pants. "Would you like to move to the bedroom?" Matt asked. He scooped her up in his arms. "Show me the way." She guided him to her room and he put her down atop her quilted bed. He stood up and slipped out of his khaki pants. Scully felt a slight throbbing between her legs. She unzipped her own pants and raised her hips. She slid them down, over her warm thighs. With Matt's help, her black pants came off quickly into a heap on the floor. Matt stripped off his shirt, and Scully sat up to get her turtleneck off. The streetlights shining through her bedroom window cast a pearly glow on her pale skin. "Dana, you're so beautiful." He dropped to his knees, kissing the exposed tops of her breasts, his hands on her back. She couldn't believe it. Three dates and six days of knowing Matt and already, he was on his knees in front of her and she was showing him her lacy white underwear set. The elastic band of her bra became slack and suddenly, she felt his fingers stroking her right breast, the nipple tightening under his touch. He pulled the white garment free from her arms, leaving Scully in just her panties. He took some flesh between his lips and began sucking softly. He travelled down an inch and moved his tongue around her nipple. The attention her breast was getting caused a sweet tingling that shot through her entire body. She groaned slightly when Matt moved his mouth to her other breast. He reached down and tugged at the waistband of her panties. "Dana, you're so hot." He stroked the crotch of her underwear as his other hand worked to pull the white material away from her skin. Matt pushed her back. "Lift your hips for me." Scully did and felt relieved as he pulled her last piece of clothing off her body. She was sure he could sense her wetness as well as her heat. Matt stood up, straightened his back. "Hold on." He pushed his boxers off, adding them to the pile of clothes. He had a large erection and Scully wondered if this encounter would be painful. She hadn't been with a man sexually in years. She rolled over until her feet were facing the bottom of her bed. Matt crawled onto the mattress, positioning himself above Scully. He used his knee to part her thighs. "I can get a condom if you want." He kissed her face. She shook her head. "It's okay." She draped her arms around his neck. He slipped his hands underneath her and used them tilt her pelvis upward. He stroked her buttocks, rubbing his hardness against her moist vaginal lips. Her clitoris was sensitive and the movement of Matt's penis close to it was making her legs quiver. Finally, he eased into her. She gave a small cry, running her hands down his muscular sides. He pushed in as far as he could go and bowed his head, kissing Scully on the lips. He held himself up, his hands on the mattress. He began thrusting his hips, moving inside her. She bit her lip. The entry had hurt slightly but the pain was subsiding with each push. She loved how he filled her. She moaned softly. "Don't hold back," Matt whispered. He balanced himself on his right hand and used his left to pull her leg around him. She wrapped the other leg around him, her calves pressed against his lower back. She called out his name as he pounded into her. Due to the friction being created she was on the verge of orgasm. One sharp thrust against her cervix caused her inner muscles to spasm. She clenched herself around his penis, dug her nails into his shoulders and let out a loud cry as a wave of pleasure overtook her. "Dana!" Matt groaned. He exploded deep inside her. He lowered himself, his body resting against hers. Scully felt his sweat on her stomach and breasts. She ran her tongue along his throat, tasting his salty skin. He stroked her hair, then touched her face lightly. "This meant so much to me, Dana." He carefully pulled out. "Did I hurt you at all?" "Just a little." She smiled. "I haven't done this for a while." Matt moved beside her. "Why didn't you want me to use a condom?" She propped herself up on her elbow and asked, "Did you think this was going to happen?" She hadn't even answered him. "I didn't intend on it but I brought some condoms in case. Is it okay that we made love?" He glided his fingers over her abdomen, down to the thatch of dark curls between her thighs. "Yes." Her body jerked as Matt started massaging her clitoris. She felt great about the whole situation. She thought she could trust him. He'd already confessed much of his life to her. He kept working his fingers and Scully groaned softly, moving her hips. A few minutes of that and she came hard, clenching her hands, gathering fistfuls of covers underneath her. "Dana, you have to let yourself go once in a while." Matt pulled her into his arms and kissed her on the forehead. She sighed. "I'm so used to keeping myself controlled during sex." Matt said quickly, "Let's go to sleep, okay, sweetie?" She nodded, glancing at the clock: it was eleven o'clock. They shifted enough to get the quilt and sheets from under their bodies. They pulled the covers up, over their naked flesh. "Goodnight, Dana. I love you." " you too," she said slowly, unsure of herself. Light shone brightly through the window when Scully awoke the next morning. She had a pain in her abdomen but it wasn't too bad. She rolled over to find herself alone in the bed. She scowled. Matt was gone. He'd gotten the sex and left. "And I trusted him," she muttered. She threw off the blankets and pulled herself out of bed. Scully was rummaging through a dresser drawer when she heard, "You're so gorgeous." She jumped. "Matt! I thought you'd left." She hurried, finding a long shirt. "I am insulted. You actually thought I'd leave you while you were sleeping?" He moved across the room. "After last night, I would never leave." He touched her arm. "Don't be in such a hurry to put something on. You look beautiful." Scully pulled the shirt over her head. "But I don't feel right walking around naked." Matt put his arm around her. "I'm making breakfast. I was planning to give it to you in bed but since you're up, we'll eat at the table." She smiled. She couldn't believe she'd found a man that was honest, caring, intelligent, good in bed and able to cook. There was probably more about him that she didn't know yet. He also loved her, but she wasn't sure if her feelings were that intense yet--intense enough to say she loved him and mean it entirely. "What time is it?" Scully asked. "Almost ten. I didn't want to wake you. You looked so peaceful sleeping." Matt pulled out a chair at the kitchen table. "Sit, please. I'll be finished making this soon." She inhaled, smelling the bacon and eggs Matt was frying. "Matt, did anybody call for me?" "Your mother called before I woke up. Maybe you'd like to phone her back." "Yeah. I'll arrange for you to meet her." Scully stood up and went to get her cordless phone. It was on its stand. She picked it up and dialled her mother's number. Margaret Scully answered. "Hello, Dana." "Hi, Mom. I guess your call display is working well." "Yes, sweetheart. Now, who is this friend you want me to meet?" "Remember that man I told you about? The one who I met when he gave me my driver's license? We've been dating for nearly a week and he wants to meet you." "Yes, I remember. His name is Matt. You told me about him at dinner." Scully made her way into the kitchen. "Would you like to come over today? I'll make dinner since Matt made breakfast." She heard her mother clear her throat. "Oh, breakfast. I see. Well, sure, I'd love come over." "How about four-thirty?" Scully grinned as Matt came up from behind and encircled her in his arms, his hands resting just under her breasts. "That sounds fabulous, Dana. I'll see you soon. 'Bye." "'Bye, Mom." She switched off the phone. Matt turned her around and kissed her. She pulled away. "Matt, I haven't brushed my teeth yet." "That's okay. You don't have morning breath." She laughed. "My mother knows about us. I said you'd made breakfast and she said, 'Oh, breakfast. I see'. I don't want my mother knowing about my sex life." "Dana, don't worry so much." He kissed her again, running his hands up, under her shirt. Scully pushed her tongue between his lips, which he graciously accepted. He'd moved his hand to her inner thigh when an urgent knock sounded on her front door. "Sorry, Matt. Can you answer that for me?" He kissed the top of her head. "Sure. Just go get dressed." Scully went to her room and pulled out a pair of jeans, a green tee shirt, and her black underwear set. She could faintly hear Matt's voice before he called, "Dana, your partner's here." "I'll be right out." She took off her nightshirt and put on her bra and panties. Since it was Mulder at the door, she wanted to look professional. She found her favourite blue suit and a white ribbed shirt. She dressed quickly, leaving a few minutes to find a pair of shoes and do her makeup. She realized she hadn't showered but whatever Mulder needed on a Saturday morning was probably urgent. She ran a brush through her hair several times before leaving her bedroom. "Hey, Mulder," she said. "Scully, we need to go somewhere." His eyes shifted from her to Matt. "It's about an assignment." "Have you met Matt?" she asked. "Not formally." He stuck out his hand. "Fox Mulder. Nice to finally meet you." "Matt Davison. I've heard some things about you." "Good things, I hope." Mulder glanced at her. Scully straightened her jacket. "Matt, just stay here if you like. If you leave, lock up and I'll call you later." "Sure. I'll see you later. I'm going to leave but I'll come back to help prepare for our dinner with your mom." He put his hand behind her head and kissed her. "If my mother calls, tell her I'm out because of work." She looked at Mulder. "Let's go." "'Bye, Dana," Matt said. She exited the apartment behind Mulder. "'Bye, Matt." She closed the door gently. Mulder said, pretending to whine, "How come he gets to call you Dana?" "Perhaps it would have been different if you'd called me Dana from the start. You called me Scully first." She pushed the building's front doors open. "So what's up?" "There was another murder last night. The victim is a twenty-year-old Georgetown student." "Just a kid." Scully stood beside Mulder's car, waiting for him to get in and unlock the door. "So his MO hasn't changed much. Most of the women were in their twenties." He opened the driver's side. "Apart from some women in their thirties." "This guy really gets around." He let her in and started the car. "So that's Matt?" Scully nodded. "Yeah, that's him." "He seems nice, and he likes you. He *must* be a good guy." She smiled. " I like him a lot. He's meeting my mother today." "You're so brave, and he is too!" "Thanks a lot." "We found her in the backseat of her car. Apparently, she was killed after sex," Haswell told the late agents. "I'm having the car checked for prints, and for semen since we found a condom wrapper. He might have 'gone off' even before getting it on, or the condom could have leaked after withdrawal. The medical examiner is going to check the girl for traces of it as well." "What's her name?" Mulder asked. "You've never said." "Catherine Caesar. She was in her second year of psychology." Scully looked up and around. The blue Ford Sable was located in a stall in the Georgetown student parking lot. "How could someone have sex with this girl, and then murder her without being noticed? Where was security?" Haswell said, "The police are talking to them now. The approximate time of death has been determined to be two this morning. There were a few offices on duty around campus." Scully moved slowly in the direction of the parked car. She was afraid to see what state the killer had left his victim in. Had he had sex with her and murdered her right after, leaving her intimate parts exposed? Or did he have the decency to cover her up, allowing her to have died with some dignity? Camren was near the car. "Hey, Scully. How was your evening?" She smiled. "It was very nice. We had dinner with Matt's parents and then, we went back to my place and just visited." She almost bit her tongue. Anything she said about Matt coming to her apartment could give Camren the impression that they'd made love, even if they hadn't. "That does sound nice. Has Mulder met Matt?" "This morning. I'm sure you'll meet him soon." She dug in her pockets for a pair of rubber gloves. "So have you taken a closer look in the car for semen?" "No. I've been looking for other trace evidence. We'll probably find saliva and we'll test it against DNA information in the NCIC." Scully snapped on her gloves. "How severe are the bruises around the neck?" "Very bad, and there are quite a few." She finally went to stand bedside Camren. She peered inside the car. The young Catherine was on her back, her eyes closed. Her jeans were undone and pulled up to just about her knees. Scully saw a large, fading bruise on the girl's thigh. "Another victim of abuse, most likely." She pointed to the mark. "I'll get the police photographer over here." Camren hurried off. Scully reached up and rubber her temples. She felt a slight throbbing and knew a headache was coming. That was the downside to having sex for her. She usually developed a headache the morning after. She guessed that subconsciously, that was why she'd stayed away from the whole relationship thing for so long. Mulder startled her when he came up behind her and started speaking. "Another abuse victim?" "Looks like it. She could be. She has a fading bruise on her leg. All avenues will be investigated." "This guy must be so charming. Women love him." "Yeah, enough to stay with him even if he's beating them." Mulder glanced in the backseat. "What would you do if some guy you loved was beating you? I don't mean to get personal." "No, it's fine." She stared at the ground as she peeled her latex gloves off. "I suppose it would only happen once. The first punch or slap and I'd be gone." "That's great. I've always seen you as that type of woman." "Type? What type?" she asked curiously. He looked up for a moment, as if trying to pull words from the air. "You know, the strong, independent, 'I-don't-need-a-man-to-complete-me' type. You're brave and smart enough to leave a dangerous situation." "I pride myself because of it. It's just something I've learned, even though I have a man now." "And he really likes you. That's a good thing." Scully looked at her watch. "And I'm set to make dinner with him for my mother. I'll have to get to a grocery store soon." "I'll take you after we're finished here. I'll get Camren to talk to Catherine's friends. I just don't want Haswell to know we're going shopping. He may be nice but not that nice." Scully said, "I'll go talk to Camren." She wandered off to find him. The agent was talking to the crime scene photographer. "Can I help you with something, Scully?" "Could you possibly speak to Catherine's friends about her relationship with her current boyfriend, if she had one? Mulder and I have to leave." "Sure. I'll take care of it." Scully squeezed his arm. "Thanks. You're the best." "So Mrs. Scully, did you teach your daughter to cook?" Matt asked Margaret Scully as he took the dirty dishes from the table. "A little bit but she's better than I ever was." Margaret smiled at Scully. "It was only lasagne, Mom." Scully picked up her blue linen napkin and wiped her mouth. "Matt, since you haven't had any wine, would you mind driving my mother home?" "Dana, I can take a cab, not that I had a lot to drink." Matt returned to the table. "Has your daughter always been this responsible?" "Since she was a toddler. She was always teased about it but I think it's a good quality. She just worries about people." He asked, "Do you have any baby pictures?" Scully's eyes widened. "No! Not those!" "I just want to see you as a cute little kid." Margaret dug into her purse. She took out her wallet and removed some photos. "She was always cute." She handed them across the table. "Thanks, Mom." Scully put her head in her hands. "Dana, it's not that bad. You were such a sweet little girl, with these cute red pigtails." He gave the pictures back. It was nearly nine o'clock and they'd already visited about the Davisons and the Scully family. Margaret hadn't told her daughter but Scully got the impression that she liked Matt. "Mom, would you like some dessert? Matt made strawberry shortcake." "Sure. It sounds delicious." Scully and Matt both got up and went into the kitchen. "Your mom is great, Dana." "Thanks." She opened the fridge and pulled out the chilled dessert. "I can't wait to try this." Matt pulled some small plates from a cupboard. "I have some strawberries and whipped cream left over." He winked at her. "Matt! My mother is in the other room!" She took three forks from her silverware drawer. "I'm just kidding. Can you take the plates and forks so I can bring in the dessert?" She took the plates and utensils into the dining area. "Are you two having a problem in there?" Margaret asked. Scully realized her mother had heard her reaction to Matt's little innuendo. "Oh no. We're fine. Matt just surprised me." Matt picked up a clean dinner knife to cut the strawberry shortcake. "Mrs. Scully, I know Dana has a guestroom. Why don't you stay the night?" He placed some shortcake on a plate and handed it to Margaret. "I wouldn't want to impose if you two have plans." She look at her daughter, then began eating. "No, Mom. You can stay. I'd rather you do that." "Matt, this is excellent," Margaret commented, indicating her dessert with her fork. "Thank you." He ate some as well. "I think I'll pass with the sweets and get the guestroom in order. I have your spare set of pajamas in the dresser, Mom." Scully heard her mother and Matt talking as she entered the spare bedroom and began working, making the bed up. She was glad Margaret liked Matt, but she felt uncomfortable that her mother knew about her intimacies with Matt. She bet her mother was uncomfortable as well. Several times, she heard her mother laugh; she was having a good time. Margaret usually liked her daughter's love interests but sometimes, Scully wondered if it was just her mother playing along when she actually disliked them. Scully returned to the dining area. "Mom, I'm sorry if you didn't intend on staying. You know how I feel about you going home after drinking." "Dana, honey, you make it sound like I'm a raving alcoholic." Scully sat beside Matt. He put his arm around her and said, "She didn't say anything like that. Why would she insult her wonderful mother?" Margaret smiled and finished her strawberry shortcake. "Dana, I'm going to get changed for bed." She stood up and went to the guest bedroom. "I love your mom. She's probably why you're so amazing." "Matt, stop flattering me." She kissed his neck. "But I like some flattery." "Do you want me to stay the night?" "If you'd like. My mother knows about us. She doesn't care that we're sleeping in the same bed." "I think I'd rather go home. Stay with your mother. I'll see you tomorrow and maybe you can spend the night at my place." "We'll see." She sat up and kissed him softly. "Just say goodbye to my mom before you go." "I wouldn't be able to leave without doing that. I should say it now. I'll be leaving in a few minutes." Scully followed her boyfriend to the guestroom. The door was closed. "Mrs. Scully, it was really nice meeting you. I'm leaving right now but I hope to see you again." Margaret said through the door. "You will, Matt. Maybe we can all go to a movie or something. Have a good night." "I'll walk you out." Scully smiled as Matt wrapped his strong arm around her. She said, "And I'll eat some dessert later. I bet I'll love it." They got to the front door. "Dana, I'm so glad I found your driver's license and actually forced you to talk to me. I would never have had anyone as special as you in my life." "I'm glad you found it too." Scully took his hand. "I'll see you soon. If everything goes as planned, it'll be tomorrow." "See you." He leaned down, kissed her cheeks, then her lips. They hugged each other for a moment, and Scully opened the door. "'Bye," she said, watching Matt walk down the hall. She breathed deeply and closed the door. Her mother came down the small hallway from the guestroom. "Dana, Matt is wonderful. He cares for you so much." "I'm glad you liked him." "But he didn't have to leave on account of my staying the night. I would've left you two alone." "He wanted me to spend time with you." She put her arm around Margaret. "Mom, Matt lost his mother at a young age and I think he doesn't want me to take you for granted." "You don't, baby." She patted her daughter's back. "I'm going to bed." She made her way back to the guestroom. "Mom, if you hear knocking or anything tomorrow morning, just go back to sleep." "Sure. Goodnight." Scully decided to go to bed as well, preparing for an early morning, even if it wasn't.