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Quinn's Page

Quinn's Page

Hello and welcome to a page all about my son Quinn! He is 5 yrs old and he is wild! Quinn very much likes trucks and cars. In fact, that is pretty much all he plays with. He loves things like Pokemon, Yu Gi Oh, Transformers, anything boy like.

Quinn absolutely loves his big sister Hilary. However, he annoys the heck out of her. Everything Hilary does, Quinn does too. Just like most little brothers/sisters do!

His 2 imaginary friends, Gordie and Sugarbooger, were deleted last month. His new imaginary friends are the Rescue Heroes. In fact, Quinn thinks he IS a Rescue Hero! He is constantly talking into his hand or wrist pretending it is a communicator, and he is always saving the world. He was actually thankful for a earth quack this past Thanksgiving. Oh boy..

Quinn is very hi-tech. If I let him, he would play on my computer all day till it was bedtime. Sometimes, he eats his lunch while he plays. He knows how to get on the internet and to get to his fav websites. He does computer jargon.

Here are Quinn's School pics from his 2003/2004 school year at his preschool.

First pic is of my fav close up pic of Quinn taken in September 04, 2nd one is Quinn being Goofy, and the last one is Quinn's picture from Soccer this summer!

1st Pic is Quinn on the rocks down at the waterfront in Charlottetown. 2nd Pic is Quinn on a wharf in Naugrage, PEI. A cute lil fishing village.

There are more pictures of Quinn but they are with either mom, dad, Hilary, or all, so they are on the Family Pictures Page!

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