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A Page All About Me!


Where should I start? My name is Jody McKay (MacCallum) I am 31 yrs old. I am married to a wonderful man named Andrew we have been married for almost 7 years and we have 2 children. Hilary is 10 and she is from a previous relationship and then there is Quinn who is 6 yrs old. (I am sure you are doing the math now! lol)

I am a stay-at-home mom and I am now considering many career options as my days are now free that Quinn is at school full-time. Right now I am working at Addition Elle and I flipping love my job. I shop and spend far more than I make. Thank gawd, hubby makes all the good money! LOL I do alot of volunteer work with the school and thru Girl Guides, altho I did just announce that I was taking a break from Guides for a year or two.

I am a reality junkie. You name it, I watch it. Sad, I know. I love Harry Potter, LOTR, and anything Disney! I am a huge fan of Halloween and Christmas. We go all out! I loves the internet! I like to read spoilers for shows all the time. Sad, I know.

We have 3 cats, Sunflower, Smokey and Gizmo. We have a Golden Retriever named Amber and she is currently almost 10 months old. There are going to be pics of her on the family pics page but here are pics of my kitties!!

I live in Calgary with my family. I am originally from Prince Edward Island. I was born there but when I was 5 yrs old my family moved to Toronto. We stayed in Toronto for 12 years when my family decided that we needed to go back home.

Moving to back to PEI was great for my family. In Toronto, my family got pretty messed up but when we got back to PEI things changed, and fast! I have a wonderful relationship with both of my parents and my siblings. I have an older brother Chad who is 343 and a younger sister who is 18 yrs old named Sam. She lives me with me right now and is doing great.

As you can see from the pics below, I am struggling with my weight. This has always been an issue for me and I am currently working on it. I joined L A Weightloss a year ago and was doing great on the program, I had lost almost 30lbs! Life got very complicated and stressful when we were selling our house and I fell off the weight wagon. Not only did I gain those 30lbs back, but I added on 20lbs more. It was horrible. I rejoined LA weightloss and lost 30lbs again, but here I am in May and I quit LA weightloss and gained back 20lbs. My job keeps me running and walking so I keep the weight off that I would put on with my eating habits. I doubt that I will ever be thin and that is ok.

Okay here is a pic of me from New Years Eve of 2003/2004. My hair is actually curled there, just hard to tell cos we didn't have a great camera

I also have a pic of me and Colby Donaldson from Survivor: Australia (2nd runner up) He came to Calgary to speak and I got a pic of me with him. Hilary also has one with her and him on her page!
Here is a pic from Christmas 2003 of me and my sweet honey!

Sam came out to visit me in March '05 and we goofed around one night with my camera

Here is a pic of me on my vacation in PEI in June '05, we just spent the night in a camper so im not looking so hot LOL

Here is a pic of me and my brother Chad, ofcourse he is sticking his tongue out...he hates to get is picture taken!

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