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A Prayer For Joshua

By The Holy Spirit – Delivered By Ken Reed

Our Father which are in Heaven, the God who created the universe, the God who placed the stars in the Sky, the God that breathed life into His ultimate creation called man, the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. The God who is ever present, who is all knowing, who is all powerful. The God who has heard the cry of His suffering people throughout the history of mankind. The God who has delivered, cared for, and protected His people even in their disobedience. The God that knows the number of hairs on each and every one of our heads. This God that we serve is the Alpha and Omega, He is the beginning and the end of our faith. He is the author and finisher of each and every one of our lives. He is a loving and caring God capable of making no mistakes. He is the God that gave His only begotten Son, Jesus, that an unworthy mankind in its sin would have the opportunity for reconciliation to His grace and mercy. He is the God of Love who desires a personal relationship with each and every one of us. He is the God that desires our faith, trust, and obedience to His Word.

Father, we come to you as humble as we know how, asking that you would hear our prayer. We ask that you would impart a touch of your love and mercy; that we would receive a fresh anointing from on high. And that you would do a healing work in this place called Cross Roads. Lord, you said in your word that where two or three are gathered in your name there you would also be. We ask Lord that you would forgive us our sin, and that we would be made right in your site. We ask Lord that you would search our hearts, and that you would help us change what needs to be changed. We ask Lord that you would help us to forgive those who have hurt us. We pray Lord that they would accept that forgiveness. We know Lord that you are a God that is able to do all things. We know that you can heal and deliver us from the bondage of hurt and bitterness. We know that if we should only seek your face, that we would be made whole again.

Today Lord, we come seeking a hiding place in the bosom of your love. We ask Lord that you would minister to the bereaved family in their time of loss. Let them know father that there is no sorrow that heaven cannot wash away. Strengthen them Lord where they are weak, build them up Lord where they are falling, and encourage them in the mist of their confusion and despair. We ask Lord that you would mend relationships and continue to do a mighty work of reconciliation in this family. Have your way Lord, as only you can do. Show them the purpose Lord for the Life of Joshua, for we know that we all have been called into this life for a purpose.

We know that we serve a God who is never wrong, and who has counted the days of our lives before our parent's parents were ever born into this world. We know that the God we serve has a reason for everything that he does; His wisdom is infinite and His presence is everlasting. The God that we serve is also the God that saw fit to create and bring forth in to this world a special miracle, a special gift, a special person, a special life called Joshua. Joshua, Jehovah is Salvation. This precious creation of God had a short yet fulfilling life. Joshua's life had a purpose and it has accomplished what God had set out for it to do. So, we thank the Lord for Joshua. We thank the Lord for his strength, we thank the Lord for his courage, and we thank the Lord for his fighting spirit. We thank the Lord for what he has allowed us to learn from this little package of joy and power. We thank the Lord for the changes he has brought about in peoples lives.

Through the pain and suffering of this little life, others have been touched and recognize their problems are insignificant when compared to Joshua's struggles. Yet, Joshua represents a celebration of life. God used this child to bring Joy to those who had come in contact with him. God used Joshua to heal relationships and to mend broken hearts. We thank you Father for giving us Joshua, and allowing him to do a great work in the lives of others. We thank you Lord for allowing us to celebrate his life.

Lord, we ask a special prayer for the family of Joshua. We ask that you would see them in their time of need. We ask Lord, that you would continue to rap your arms of love around them. We ask Lord that they would continue to see your providence as the God of all. That they would know that you are faithful and true to your promises. We ask Lord, that you would continue to encourage Christine and Brian in their strong walk of faith. Let them come to the assurance that they have been obedient servants. They Lord did what you ask them to do, and because of that, your gift to them was able to manifest itself as Joshua. Because of their faith in you father, Joshua was born, and has blessed others. Strengthen them Lord in a mighty way. Allow them to share in this Testimony of their faith and courage. Have your way in their lives. We ask father, that you would be with Jarred, that you would comfort him in the loss of his brother. Let him understand someday that to be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord.

Now Lord, we prayed and made our supplications known to you. We ask Lord that your Holy Spirit would start to minister right away in this place. We know that weeping may endure for a night, but joy will come in the morning. Help them to know that Thou art very near to them. Help them to understand that you know their sorrows, and understand their pain. You sent your only begotten Son to this world that He would suffer and die on a cross, on a hill called Calvary. Let them know Lord, that because of your love, death has no sting and the grave has no victory. Let them know Lord that you are a God of love who is uncompromising. We pray that you would create in each of us a new heart, a renewed spirit, and the salvation which You offer so unselfishly to each and every one of us. We claim thy promises for comfort and Care right now in Jesus name.

Father, we thank you for the privilege of prayer: may we wait patiently before you with humble hearts. We give you the honor and glory, and praise your holy name.

In Jesus name we pray,
