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Bro. Spencer's Family

”Her Children arise and call her blessed and her husband
also praises her”

”Behold everyman’s success, there is a woman.

This saying would certainly strike you when you would witness this family’s testimony. Sis. Alice Was predestined by God for Bro. L. S. Spencer and were bound with cords of love on 10’th July,1994. They are blessed with a 3 year old lovely daughter, Sarah Sherin Spencer who was known for Her curiosity and reasoning skills at this budding stage.

Bro. Spencer comes to say, “With my wife already working here in Kuwait, I too landed here with High hopes of getting a job easily. Once I came to the church along with my wife, since She was already coming here. But my hardened heart cannot accept this loud form of worship And I was totally against this and Water Baptism. So I sought various churches to Fulfill my quest in seeking God only find a job, but in vain. All doors were shut during My job hunt for 2 years, which became a great mental torture and through this God broke me and the ceaseless prayers of my wife started working in me. I started repenting for my sins and God began His work in and gave us a wonderful promise,” I WILL SHOW YOU WONDERS “--Micah -7:15.

God fulfilled his promise and gave me a very good job in the Ministry as a Nuclear Medicine Technologist By changing the heart of my employer who once firmly said, ”This job is for Kuwait’s only, do not come again!” But our omnipotent God has given me a job, which was confined only Kuwaiti’s. All glory to God on High.

Later I was saved and got baptized in this same church and now I cannot even miss a single worship of this kind, which I was totally against before. I praise God for giving me a prayerful wife who supported me during that time of trial by her Prayer and words of comfort and through which she led me to the Lord.

Sis. Alice says, "I have never witnessed anywhere a worship of this kind as in this church. I am also thankful to God for all the revelation he gives me through his wonderful visions". But her voice strikes a sad note when she feels that she cannot minister the word about God's love to the patients as she has freely done in India.

They Proclaim with one accord that they would be faithful to the Lord and to this church till the end of their lives. We Praise God and give Him all Glory for implanting this family in our Church.--Amen and Amen.


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Midi Title “Crown Him”