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Bro. Simon Hazlitt's Family

"The Lord God of your Fathers make you a thousand times so many more as ye are, and bless you, as He hath promised you!”—Duet 1: 11

Life’s highest attainment is to know Christ fully well, at all costs and every Christian should strive to attain this greatest thing in their lives. Though our dear brother and sister have grown in different family backgrounds, they both have strived from their childhood to attain this. They both equally ascribe their fruitful lives to their parent’s prayers. For Bro. Simon Hazlitt and Sis. Gladys Suganthy the wedding bells gracefully rang on 14th July 1986 and the since then their longing to know the Lord increased even more. God blessed them with two lovely children, their son Caleb Jefferson Hazlitt doing his 5th Std is a brilliant young lad who has already started showing signs of an upcoming child of God. Their daughter Catherine Joanna Hazlitt doing her 1st is a charming girl who draws everyone’s attention by her meekness and her impeccable smile.

Bro. Simon exalts God saying, “ Though I grew up in the lap of luxury, my mother never failed to strictly guide me in the ways of God. Her prayer life was too challenging for we children, since she never failed to get into the presence of the Lord as early as 4.00a.m. Her tearful prayers alone preserved my soul from enjoying the pleasures of the youthful heart and it was only her prayers which turned my face towards the love of Christ. God likewise blessed me with a God fearing and a wise wife who had been great support all these years by her prayers and love. I am greatly thankful to God for granting me so.. God is using this instrument of mine to be a partaker in the ministry of our church. Christ has been my guide and He alone has equipped me with His wisdom to serve the Lord worldwide through the Internet as well as the magazine ministry. Though there were times of distress during the ministry, He that has called us was faithful and He sustained us all these years to work for His Glory. I am also grateful to God for placing me in this edified church, which has enabled us to gain higher grounds” All praise be to God on High!!

“ I am not worthy of the least of all the mercies and of all the truth, which thou hast showed unto thy servant; for with staff I passed over this Jordan; and now I am become two bands”—Genesis 32:10

In accordance to the above word Sis. Gladys candidly proclaims as, “ I was born and brought up in a Christian family where our means of living was very simple. We lost our father during our school days and since then our Heavenly Father became our earthly father too. Our mother was a teacher and it was her lone salary that sustained our family through. To our dismay, our mother was a severe asthmatic patient and though many times she was in her deathbed, God did not take her life away leaving us to be orphans. But he preserved her life heeding to the cries of we children, whom He loved the most.

God gave our mother the will power to bring up her four children. Tears screen everyone of our eyes when we are nostalgic about our childhood days and as well as in seeing the richest blessings that we are reaping today because of our mother’s tearful prayers. Not only Christ has blessed us but has also made us witnesses in different countries. God answered my prayers in giving me a God fearing husband and I along with him deeply desire to serve our greatest king.”

On behalf of the congregation we praise God for this blessed family and for all the gifts they possess, as children of God, to serve Him. We pray that Christ should let His light, shine through this family so that their lives would light many thousands of darkened lives, in the years to come. Amen!!


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