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Sis. Joice Philip's Family

And they that shall be of thee shall build the old waste places; thou shalt raise up the foundations of many generations; and thou shalt be called. The repairer of the breach, The restorer of paths to dwell in . – Isaiah 58:12

Prayer is the telegraphic wire which links earth to heaven, on which God’s messages fly so fast that before we call He answers, and while we are yet speaking He hears us. Yes, this blessed family’s testimony undoubtedly testifies that, the Dear Lord has always been very near and dear, whenever they have lifted their prayers, to the extent they delightfully proclaim that,"God is good all the times". As predestined by God the wedding bells rang on 19th Feb 1998 for our dear Bro. Philip and Sis. Joice and they happily entered into the wonderful phase of their lives on this unforgettable blessed day. Since then they unanimously fixed their eyes only upon the Lord for anything and everything. God blessed them with His heritage a cute chummy boy namely Paul Mathew Philip (4 month old) whose presence and thoughts, cherish his loving parents.

Bro. Philip gladly testifies as, " God gave me an opportunity to come to the Lord in 1985 through my mother’s illness of cancer. After I got a Job, God guided me to get in touch with a Jesus Calls Evangelist Major V.Alankamoni whose teaching and fellowship undauntedly guided this weary soul. After which I accepted Christ as my personal savior and obeyed to the Lord’s command on Oct 1994. As I obeyed the Lord He started to bless me in all dimensions as Mat 6:33 says as, "Seek ye first the Kingdom of God, and His righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you" and moreover He filled me with His Holy Spirit too which flooded my hearts with overwhelming joy. God graciously looked upon this hungry instrument of mine and made me as a Jesus Calls evangelist on 22nd Sept 1997 and I was doing the Master’s work wherever He sent me.

Presently I am doing the Lord’s work in the villages of Assam where the word of God is hardly reached. Though they do not have anything to eat they have the unfailing love and hunger to hear God’s word. It is amazing to see those needy ones, though they are physically weak out of hunger they have the greater strength to hunger for the word of God.

It was a wonderful privilege to come to this church as a family and I thank the Lord for giving me good fellowship with the children of God as well as in helping us to attain higher grounds in spiritual life as well. Please continue to pray for me and for the people to whom I am ministering the love of God.

Our dear Sis.Joice equally extols God saying, " The first thing I would like to say of my Lord is that He alone is good and sufficient throughout my whole life." He gave me the greatest asset of becoming His child in Feb 87. As I obeyed to His commands He blessed me too and gave triumph over all evils. But there were times when I had to pass through many troublesome times amidst difficult circumstances. But when I lifted my prayers up, the dear Lord was very near and dear to me, by comforting through His lovable promises. He never forsook me at any instance though the dear and near humans pierced my heart by forsaking me but the Lord according to Isaiah 43:19 made roads for me in the wilderness and rivers in the desert. Furthermore He comforted me with His word through Job 42:2 " I know that thou canst do every thing and that no thought can be with holden from thee".

The Lord fulfilled all my prayer points in giving me a suitable life partner and as Amos3:3 says He blessed us with a happy married life and gave us His heritage too. Even though we are away from each other physically our Lord gave us the spirit of oneness in everything. We also equally desire to be faithful to our Lord and do His work wherever He sends us”.Amen!

Reapers on behalf of the congregation praise God for this family and for the good work they are doing for the Master. We too desire and pray that these young lives to be a living witness for Christ, wherever they are in the years to come.

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