Englebert's Realm

<h1>Englebert's Realm

Welcome to my humble abode on the web!


November 22: the Stamps won the big game! The Grey Cup is Calgary's, where it belongs... click here for more Stamps stuff: Grey Cup CHAMPIONS

WE'RE #1!

Wow, it's been a long time since I updated this place. My apologies. This page will be overhauled at some point... I will add some comic strips entitled "LivEng Life" (of course, I have to finish drawing them first).

I realize the Stamps have won another Grey Cup since 1998, but I'm not planning to make any immediate updates right now, so I'll leave the '98 Stamps around here for now.

This webpage primarily consists of pics and links, since I was too lazy to learn more about HTML. Finally, as for the globe above, I don't know why it occasionally stops spinning... perhaps it emulates my real world.

Once upon a time, all links were fully functional...

Links last updated Nov. 22, 1998

About the author: About Englebert


Links to Batman sites
Links to movies
Links to TV shows
Links to picture sites
Internet programs

This page is best viewed with and not the other big name browser (not that it really matters, though)