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The Sedgewick Sentinal Newspaper
GENEALOGICAL Statistics Index
1908 -

Aberg; Lars Application for land Patent, posted Aug. 6, 1908
Agnew ; Hon. J.H., of Winnipeg, DIED Nov. 9th, 1908
Allison ; Senator William B., of Iowa DIED in Dubuque Aug. 4th, 1908
Anderson ; Ole, Application for land Patent, posted Aug. 6, 1908
Anderson ; J.F.'s son ACCIDENTAL SHOOTING , died about 6 weeks prior to posting, Aug.13,1908
Anderson ; Mr. L., MARRIED , wife's name not posted on May 27th, 1909
Anderson ; Miss Alice , and Mr. Andrew Hillier , MARRIED , Dec. 28th, 1909
Arkinstall ; Mr. and Mrs., C.F., BIRTH , a daughter, Nov. 15th, 1908
Armstrong ; Miss Nora and Mr. A.C. Fellers , MARRIED , posted March 18th, 1909
Arnold ; Johnnie, DEATH, in Innisfail fire , posted Nov. 10th, 1909
Arnold ; Ethel , DEATH, in Innisfail fire , posted Nov. 10th, 1909
Arnott ; Mr. and Mrs.George , BIRTH , Nov. 17th, 1909
Badger ; A.M., Application for land Patent, posted Aug. 6, 1908
Balsillie ; Mr. and Mrs. H.S., BIRTH , a daughter, Dec. 4th, 1909
Banks ; E., Application for land Patent, posted Aug. 6, 1908
Barber ; Mr. and Mrs. Wm. T., BIRTH , a son, Dec. 11th, 1909
Barrett ; Gary R., HANGED , July 14th, 1909, at Edmonton. posted July 22nd, 1909
Bateman ; Dorothy Coulthard, BORN, April 10th, 1909
Beairsto ; Mr. Frederick P., and Miss Edna May Colvin , MARRIAGE ANNOUNCEMENT, posted Nov. 19th, 1908
Beairsto ; Mr. and Mrs., BIRTH , a son , Sept. 29th, 1909
Bennet ; Jas. O., DEATH , in Innisfail fire , posted Nov. 10th, 1909
Bereterbule ; Mrs. Diminika , and Mr. Fabian Hegney MARRIED , posted Dec. 24th, 1908
Bewski ; Mike, ACCIDENTAL DEATH, posted Nov. 25th, 1909
Bickell ; Miss Florence Mabel and Mr. George L. Link , MARRIAGE , Aug. 4th, 1909
Bissit ; Miss Grace and Mr. Alexander Brown , MARRIED , posted Dec. 23rd, 1909
Bowers ; Miss E., and Mr. Etta-Goffer, MARRIED , Oct. 6th, 1909
Brady ; Mr. and Mrs. Charlie , BIRTH , a son, posted Feb. 25th, 1909
Brant ; Otta, Application for land Patent, posted Aug. 6, 1908
Braugh ; Wm., Application for land Patent, posted Aug. 6, 1908
Brenier ; Hon. Thomas A., of Winnipeg , DIED, Dec. 30th, 1908
Brown ; Archibald Sr., OBITUARY, posted Nov. 5th, 1908
Brown ; Mr. Alexander and Miss Grace Bissit, MARRIED , posted Dec. 23rd, 1909
Brown ; Archibald Sr., OBITUARY, posted Nov. 5th, 1908
Bumpus ; Alfred, Application for land Patent, posted Aug. 6, 1908
Cameron ; Mr. and Mrs. Andrew, BIRTH , a son, posted June 17th, 1909
Carle ; Miss Rosey , and Mr. Whitfield Cascoyne , MARRIED , Dec. 22nd, 1909
Chapland ; Mr. and Mrs. BIRTH, a daughter, given name of Alberta, posted Oct. 15th, 1908
Clampitt ; Miss Opal, and Mr. Martin Kisch , MARRIED , Sept. 12th, 1909
Clevins ; Miss Amanda , MARRIED Jacobs ; Martin , Sept. 19th, 1908
Clissold ; John Henry, and Miss Sarah Ann Powles, MARRIAGE ANNOUNCEMENT, Dec. 8th, 1908
Clisswold ; Mr. and Mrs. BIRTH, a son, posted July 29th, 1909
Colvin ; Miss Edna May and Beairsto ; Mr. Frederick P., MARRIAGE ANNOUNCEMENT, posted Nov. 19th, 1908
Conley ; Mr. John and Miss Gowen , MARRIAGE ANNOUNCEMENT, Aug. 13th, 1909
Coolshaw ; Mr. and Mrs., BIRTH , posted March 18th, 1909
Coughlin ; Miss Aravesta Morse , and Mr. Earl Amos Irish, MARRIED Nov. 15th, 1909
Covert ; Albert,  Application for land Patent, posted Aug. 6, 1908
Culshaw ; Miss Annie ,and Mr. Peter Henry Smith, MARRIED , Dec. 14th, 1909
Cunningham ; Miss Gladys , and Mr. Jas. Edward Hall, MARRIED , Dec. 6th, 1909
Deetz ; Mr. Ed's grandfather, DEATH NOTICE, in Wisconson, posted Aug. 12th, 1909
Dennis ; Geo., Application for land Patent, posted Aug. 6, 1908
Dennison ; Frank D., and Miss Jennie Juett, MARRIED , posted Nov. 19th, 1908
Dobie ; Will , MARRIED , no wife’s name posted on Jan. 28th, 1909
Dominiske ; Mr. and Mrs. W., BIRTH , a son, posted Oct. 7th, 1909
Drew ; Wilber S., Application for land Patent, posted Aug. 6, 1908
Drew ; E.W., Application for land Patent, posted Aug. 6, 1908
Eckert ; Mr. and Mrs. Wm., BIRTH , a son, April 20th, 1909
Eckert ; Wm., MARRIED Smith ; Miss Florence Aug. 9th, 1908
Etta-Gofffer ; Mr. , and Miss E. Bowers, MARRIED , Oct. 6th, 1909
Fabel ; Miss Wilhelmein , and Mr. Joseph Emile Laurent, MARRIAGE , Nov. 11th, 1909
Falla ; Mr. and Mrs. A.T., BIRTH, a son , Sept. 12th, 1908
Farvike ; Mr. and Mrs. , BIRTH, a daughter, posted July 15th, 1909
Fellers ; Mr. A.C. and Miss Nora Armstrong , MARRIED , posted March 18th, 1909
Fisher ; Miss Lillian and Mr. Albert Skoberg, MARRIED , posted April 15th, 1909
Foss ; Ole , DEATH , April 17th, 1909
Fraser ; Miss Zena and Mr. Ralph Stothart , MARRIAGE ANNOUNCEMENT, June 3rd, 1909
Freeman ; Mr. S.M., OBITUARY , posted Aug. 26th, 1909
Freeman ; Mr. Robert L., and Miss Annie C. Thorburn , MARRIED , posted July 8th, 1909
Fuder ; Mr. and Mrs. N.L., BIRTH , a daughter, Dec. 4th, 1909
Gallimore ; Harry P., Application for land Patent, posted Aug. 6, 1908
Galloway ; Rev. W.E. MARRIED Miss Isabella Mary Phimster , of Singhampton Ont. June 17th, 1908
Gammond ; Mr. and Mrs. W.C., BIRTH, a son, Oct. 2nd, 1909
Gascoyne ;Mr. Whitfield , and Miss Rosey Carle , MARRIED , Dec. 22nd, 1909
Gill ; Mr. and Mrs. W.P., BIRTH a son , Sept. 29th, 1908
Glockzin ; Mr. and Mrs. D., BIRTH , a son, Feb. 1st, 1909
Gowen ; Miss and Mr. John Conley , MARRIAGE ANNOUNCEMENT , Aug. 13th, 1909
Gray ; Mr. and Mrs., H.L., DEATH , 8 mo. old son , posted Sept. 24th, 1908
Gray ; Mr. and Mrs. H.L., BIRTH, a son, Aug.20th, 1909
Greenaway ; Hon. Thomas  , of Manitoba , DEATH, in Ottawa Oct. 30th, 1908
Grieve ; Mr. and Mrs. A.B., BIRTH , a son, posted Sept. 23rd, 1909
Grieve ; Mr. MARRIED McDonald ; Miss Ella , Nov. 5th, 1908
Grieve ; Mr. Andrew Bonnar and Miss Ella Bernice McDonnell , MARRIAGE ANNOUNCEMENT , posted Nov. 12th, 1908
Gulliver ; Frank, Application for land Patent, posted Aug. 6, 1908
Hall ; Jas. Edward , and Miss Gladys Cunningham , MARRIED , Dec. 6th, 1909
Hambly ; Wm. J., Application for land Patent, posted Aug. 6, 1908
Hampton ; Mr. and Mrs. H., BIRTH , a daughter, posted April 29th, 1909
Harding ; Henry T., Application for land Patent, posted Aug. 6, 1908
Hardy ; Mr. , of Moosejaw, DEATH NOTICE, posted Nov. 4th, 1909
Harris ; Mr. and Mrs. Clem , BIRTH , a daughter, posted April 1st, 1909
Harris ; John,  Application for land Patent, posted Aug. 6, 1908
Haskill ; Wm., Application for land Patent, posted Aug. 6, 1908
Haskill ; Geo.,  Application for land Patent, posted Aug. 6, 1908
Heard ; Mr. and Mrs. W.D. BIRTHS , twin daughters , Jan. 27th, 1909
Heffel ; Mr. and Mrs. , BIRTH, a son , Oct. 16th, 1908
Hegney ; Mr. Fabian and Mrs. Diminika Bereterbule, MARRIED , posted Dec. 24th, 1908
Hendricks ; H.W., Application for land Patent, posted Aug. 6, 1908
Hill ; Miss and Mr. H.S. Purvis MARRIED , posted Jan. 28th, 1909
Hillier ; Mr. Andrew , and Miss Alice Anderson , MARRIED , Dec. 28th, 1909
Hoe ; Robert , inventor,DEATH NOTICE, posted Sept. 30th, 1909
Hornby ; Thos. G., Application for land Patent, posted Aug. 6, 1908
Hornby; Robt., Application for land Patent, posted Aug. 6, 1908
Hunter ; Mr. and Mrs. Fred, BIRTH , a son, Nov. 25th, 1909
Hunter; Mr. Fred and Miss May Smith MARRIED , posted Jan. 7th, 1909
Hutton ; Alf , MARRIED , to a woman from Kansas, posted April 15th, 1909
Hvidding ; Mr. B.B., and Miss May Solley, MARRIED , Nov. 15th, 1909
Idyl ; Mr. Albert Charles, and Miss Panzy Anabel Purvis , MARRIED , Aug. 25th, 1909
Ingram ; Mr. and Mrs. Fred , BIRTH , a son, posted Oct. 28th, 1909
Irish ; Mr. Earl Amos, and Miss Aravesta Morse Coughlin , MARRIED , Nov. 15th, 1909
Jacobs ; Martin , MARRIAGE to Clevens ; Miss Amanda , Sept. 19th, 1908
Johnson; Governor of Minnesota, DEATH NOTICE, posted Sept. 23rd, 1909
Juett ; Miss Susannah , and A.E.J. Kennet , MARRIED , posted Nov. 19th, 1908
Juett ; Miss Jennie , and Frank D. Dennison MARRIED , posted Nov. 19th, 1908
Keeler ; Mr. and Mrs. P., BIRTH , a daughter, posted April 22nd, 1909
Kemmis ; Thos. H., Application for land Patent, posted Aug. 6, 1908
Kennet ; A.E.J., and Miss Susannah Juett, MARRIED , posted Nov. 19th, 1908
Kisch ; Mr. Martin and Miss Opal Clampitt, MARRIED , Sept. 12th, 1909
Knill ; Mr. Robert , MARRIAGE, wife's name not posted on Sept. 23rd, 1909
Laurent ; Mr. Joseph Emile  and  Miss Wilhelmein Fabel , MARRIAGE , Nov. 11th, 1909
Lawson ; Miss Mabel and Mr. J. Vanderburg , MARRIAGE , posted July 22nd, 1909
Leon ; Erick, DEATH NOTICE , posted Nov. 25, 1909
Lewis ; Mr. Samuel G., and Miss Ida I. Milburn, MARRIED , posted Dec. 23rd, 1909
Link ; Mr. George L. and Miss Florence Mabel Bickell, MARRIAGE , Aug. 4th, 1909
Livingstone; Mrs. DEATH, Feb. 9th, 1909
Lyons ; Chas., Application for land Patent, posted Aug. 6, 1908
Martin ; Harry, of Maple Creek, DEATH , posted Oct. 29th, 1908
Maurer ; J. DEATH, in Jamestown , N.D. posted Oct. 8th, 1908
Maurer ; Mr. John J., and Miss Ida Seborg , MARRIED June 14th, 1909
McCracken ; Robbie, DIED ,at the age of 3, posted Jan. 21st, 1909
McDonald ; Miss Ella MARRIED Mr. Grieve of Lougheed , Nov. 5th, 1908
McDonnell ; Miss Ella and Mr. Andrew Bonnar Grieve , MARRIAGE ANNOUNCEMENT, posted Nov. 12th, 1908
McDougall ; Mr. and Mrs., BIRTH, a daughter, posted April 29th, 1909
McGowan ; Mr. and Mrs. W.R., BIRTH , a son, posted Sept. 23rd, 1909
McGregor ; Joseph , DEATH, in Kinkardine Ont. on Aug. 20th, 1908
McIlveen ; Mr. and Mrs. W.F., BORN , a son , July 4th, 1908
McIntyre ; Dr. , DEATH, posted July 22nd, 1909
McIntyre ; Dr. Wilbert, OBITUARY, posted July 29th, 1909
McKee ; Robert's brother in the east, DEATH , posted Sept. 10th, 1908
McKenny ; R., Application for land Patent, posted Aug. 6, 1908
McLennan ; Mr. Scott McLaughlin and Miss Ruby Argyle Peacock , MARRIAGE , Aug. 4th, 1909
McLeod ; Mr. and Mrs. M.J., BIRTH , a son, Feb. 3rd, 1909
McNeill ; Wm., Application for land Patent, posted Aug. 6, 1908
Meeker ; Geo. P., Application for land Patent, posted Aug. 6, 1908
Mickelson ; Baby boy, DEATH , Feb. 19th, 1909 at the age of 10 mos.
Milburn ; Miss Ida I.,and Mr. Samuel G.Lewis , MARRIED , posted Dec. 23rd, 1909
Milburn ; Mr. and Mrs. Wm., BIRTH, a son , Sept. 25th, 1909
Mitchell ; Miss Mina , MARRIED Starrs ; Wm., Sept. 23rd, 1908
Moe ; Mr. and Mrs. Peter , BIRTH , posted April 15th, 1909
Morgan ; Mrs. Thomas DEATH , in Michigan , posted Oct. 8th, 1908
Norman ; Chas., Application for land Patent, posted Aug. 6, 1908
Peacock ; Miss Ruby Argyle and Mr. Scott McLaughlin McLennan , MARRIAGE , Aug. 4th , 1909
Peets ; Mr. and Mrs. Thos. A., BIRTH , a son , posted Sept. 3rd,1908
Peets ; Ed E., Application for land Patent, posted Aug. 6, 1908
Persons ; Mr. Stephen of Waterloo Ont. , DEATH , posted April 15th, 1909
Peterson ; Geo., Application for land Patent, posted Aug. 6, 1908
Philimore ; Mrs. , DEATH, posted Aug. 5th, 1909
Phimster ; Isabella Mary , of Singhampton Ont. MARRIED Rev. W.E. Galloway of Sedgewick June 17th, 1908
Potter ; Mr. George, MARRIED , wife's name not posted on May 27th, 1909
Powles ; Miss Sarah Ann, and John Henry Clissold , MARRIAGE ANNOUNCEMENT , Dec. 8th, 1908
Prosser ; Mr. and Mrs. Woodie , BIRTH , a daughter, Feb. 13th, 1909
Purvis ; Mr. H.S., and Miss Hill MARRIED , posted Jan. 28th, 1909
Purvis ; Miss Panzy Anabel, and Mr. Albert Charles Idyl, MARRIED Aug. 25th, 1909
Purvis ; Mr. and Mrs. C.P. ,BIRTH, a daughter, July 3rd, 1909
Quisberg ; Mr. and Mrs., Carl MARRIED , wife's name not posted, Dec. 9th, 1908
Ramsay ; Miss Lena MARRIED Rorvig ; Austin , July 29th, 1908 at NewNorway
Rand ; Miss Mina and Mr. I.H.Snow MARRIED , posted March 18th, 1909
Reeves ; Mrs. E.G., of Edmonton, DEATH, posted March 18th, 1909
Ricker ; Mr. and Mrs. Wilmot, BIRTH , a son, Jan. 18th, 1909
Ritchie ; Duncan, Application for land Patent, posted Aug. 6, 1908
Rorvig ; Mr. Austin MARRIED Ramsay ; Miss Lena July 29th, 1908
Ross ; Mr. and Mrs., Hugh, BIRTH, a daughter, Sept. 28th, 1909
Routledge ; A.R., Application for land Patent, posted Aug. 6, 1908
Russell ; Mr. and Mrs. Jas. A., BIRTH, a son , Oct. 21st, 1908
Rutherford ; Mrs. MARRIAGE, to a S. Alberta farmer, posted March 18th, 1909
Sadler ; Wm. R., of Lockport N.Y., DEATH, posted Feb. 11th, 1909
Saul ; Miss A.K., and Mr. J.A.Simpson , MARRIED , Nov. 2nd, 1909
Scanlan ; Mr. and Miss Wahlund , MARRIED , Dec. 2nd, 1909
Seborg ; Miss Esther , and Mr. Pete Soledam, MARRIED, Dec. 24th, 1908
Seborg ; Miss Ida and Mr. John J. Maurer , MARRIED June 14th, 1909
Shaw ; H. Jr., Application for land Patent, posted Aug. 6, 1908
Shaw ; Josias , Application for land Patent, posted Aug. 6, 1908
Shaw ; Henry, Application for land Patent, posted Aug. 6, 1908
Simpson ; Mr. J.A., and Miss A.K. Saul, MARRIED , Nov. 2nd, 1909
Sinnwood ; Chas., Application for land Patent, posted Aug. 6, 1908
Sitler ; Mr. and Mrs., BIRTH, a son, Nov. 28th, 1909
Sivertson ; T., Application for land Patent, posted Aug. 6, 1908
Skoberg ; Mr. Albert and Miss Lillian Fisher , MARRIED , posted April 15th, 1909
Smith ; Miss Florence MARRIED Eckert; Wm., Aug. 9th, 1908
Smith ; Thos. H., Application for land Patent, posted Aug. 6, 1908
Smith ; Mr. Peter Henry , and Miss Annie Culshaw, MARRIED , Dec. 14th, 1909
Smith ; Walter, of Stettler , DIED , posted Aug. 13th, 1908
Smith ; Mr. and Mrs. Albert , BIRTH , a daughter, Oct. 27th, 1908
Smith ; Miss May and Mr. Fred Hunter MARRIED , Jan. 5th, 1909 at the bride's parent's home.
Smith ; Chester , DEATH , March 26th, 1909
Snow ; Mr. I.H. and Miss Mina Rand , MARRIED , posted March 18th, 1909
Soledam; Mr. Pete and Miss Esther Seborg , MARRIED, Dec.24th, 1908
Solley ; Miss May, and Mr. B.B. Hvidding, MARRIED , Nov. 15th, 1909
Sorenson ; Mr. and Mrs. N., BIRTH , a son, July 24th, 1909
Spokely ; Chas., DEATH NOTICE, posted July 29th, 1909
Starrs ; Wm., MARRIED Mitchell ; Miss Mina, Sept. 23rd, 1908
Stedman ; Deputy Warden  of the Edmonton Penitentiary , MURDERED by Gary Barrett, posted July 22nd, 1909
Stephens ; Mr. Bazle, SUICIDE (Obituary) , posted Sept. 16th, 1909
Stewart ; Mrs. W.H., OBITUARY , posted Oct. 15th, 1908
Stewart ; Mrs. W., OBITUARY, posted Oct. 22nd, 1908
Stewart ; H.M., Application for land Patent, posted Aug. 6, 1908
Stothart ; Mr. Ralph and Miss Zena Fraser MARRIAGE ANNOUNCEMENT, June 3rd, 1909
Taylor ; Mr. and Mrs. R.E., BIRTH, a daughter, Aug. 28th, 1908
Thompson ; Peter, Application for land Patent, posted Aug. 6, 1908
Thompson ; Mr. and Mrs. Iver, BIRTH , a daughter, posted Dec. 23rd, 1909
Thorburn ; Miss Annie C., and Mr. Robert L. Freeman MARRIED , posted July 8th, 1909
Trice ; Harry , MARRIED , wife's name not posted on April 29th,1909
Tye ; Mr. and Mrs. Clarence , BIRTH , a daughter, Oct. 30th, 1909
Tye ; Mrs. Elizabeth Vincent, OBITUARY, posted Dec. 9th, 1909
Tye ; Mr. and Mrs. F.W., BIRTH , a son , Oct. 24th, 1909
Tymburner ; T., BIRTH , a son, posted Jan. 28th, 1909
Valcart ; Mr. and Mrs. H., BIRTH, a son, Aug. 12th, 1909
Vanderburg ; Mr. J., and Miss Mabel Lawson , MARRIAGE , posted July 22nd, 1909
Veeding ; Mr. MARRIED , wife's name not posted, Nov. 25th, 1909
Wahlund ; Miss , and Mr. Scanlan , MARRIED , Dec. 2nd, 1909
Weaver ;  Mr.'s daughter of Seattle,  DEATH, posted Feb. 4th, 1909
Wells ; Mr. and Mrs. Archie , BIRTH, a daughter, Dec. 5th, 1909
Westbrook ; Mr. and Mrs. , BIRTH , a daughter, posted Nov. 4th, 1909
Wetherly ; Mr. and Mrs. , BIRTH , a daughter, Nov. 8th, 1908
White ; Dr. R.L.C. , of Nashville Tenn. DEATH NOTICE , Oct. 31st, 1909
Wold ; Mr. and Mrs., J., BIRTH , a daughter, posted Oct. 7th, 1909
Young ; Mr. and Mrs. Jas. BIRTH , a son, March 9th, 1909
Young ; John, Application for land Patent, posted Aug. 6, 1908
Ziebel ; Adolph, Application for land Patent, posted Aug. 6, 1908