that's all, guys


I have something to say.

I have been fooling you all this time. There is no Cynic behind Journal of a Cynic. The "cynic" is really a consortium of advertising wizards and government spin artists. Take a look at the source code of this page—the background that appears white is actually filled with white-on-white texts, designed to brainwash the readers into, well, god knows what. Betsy Jones is a made-up name, a tool of conspiracy. There is no Betsy Jones. If you know a Betsy Jones, and you think your Betsy writes this journal, you are wrong. You have been played.

Journal of a Cynic is no more. The game is up. It's over.

In order to prevent the withdrawal and post-traumatic stress syndrome that some readers may suffer, the writers of this page have left a list of journals which may ease the transition away from Journal of a Cynic. You can find that list here. Or, you can visit the site named below.

We highly recommend this site. Really. Go there. We're not kidding.




Read it. You'll be sorry if you don't. Your ISP has been recorded and is on our files.



Do it now.
