Our Goals

1. Bring the lost to Jesus Christ.

We are dedicated to sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ with those who do not have a personal relationship with him. We at Warriors for Christ Evangelistic Ministy, take the Great Commission (Matthew 28:16-20) of our Lord very seriously. We believe not only in witnessing by way of voice but also by our lifestyles, which sometimes speak louder than our words.

2. Preach and teach the Word of God.
In the world of today, it seems that so many ministries choose what they want from the Word of God. We, feel that the entire message from the Bible is to be preached regardless of who it convicts.
3. Conduct evangelistic crusades to reach the lost.
We are always seeking locations to hold soul winning crusades. The crusades are put together with the intent of winning the unsaved to Jesus.
4. Help churches create and maintain outreach programs.
As an evangelistic ministry God has given us the desire to see souls brought into his kingdom, regardless of who does it. We are dedicated to teaching the lay-person how to be an effective soul winner. This is done by a series of seminar type teaching with extensive on the job training.

Email: weldon@gibralter.net