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Yo-Yo Tricks

Ferris Wheels / Trapeze Sommersaults

Strart by doing a trapeze, you might want to throw it a little more back to front then usual. Push your right index finger into the double string between your yo-yo and your left index finger. Push your right hand forward and up and your left hand back and down. Do 1 or 2 loops then stop and reverse the loop. The yo-yo will do a loop and come off the string, push your left finger up to send the yo-yo straight up in the air. Catch it when it comes back down to your hand.

Backwards Ferris Wheels

These are kind of like pullovers miscellaneous from a trapeze, unlike ferris wheels they loop counter-clockwise. Do a trapeze. Point your right index finger towards you and pull it over your left index finger and down so you are draping the string over your left index finger. Pull your right finger down and your left finger up in a pullover type motion to send the yo-yo in a counter clockwise loop over your left index finger. Do it again or finish however you'd like.

Rock the Baby on the Trapeze

Throw a hard trapeze Insert your left thumb into the double string right next to your left index finger then reach over with your right hand and pinch the double string halfway between the yo-yo and your left hand. Spread your left thumb and index finger out to form the cradle and bring it around under the yo-yo. Rock the yo-yo back and forth a few times then reverse the procedure back to the trapeze. Flip the yo-yo off the string into your hand.

Lindy Loops / Double Trapeze

Throw a very hard trapeze Push your finger into the double string and do a ferris wheel. The yo-yo will do one loop, then as it comes around again keep your left finger still so the yo-yo loops around your left finger and lands on the single string again. You should now have 4 strings going from your yo-yo to your left hand and one string going from your yo-yo to your right hand. Make the yo-yo do two backwards loops by flipping the yo-yo off the string twice. catch it when it comes back.

Triple Trapeze Regeneration

Start by throwing a trapeze Flip the yo-yo off the string and bring it into an astro loop around your right hand and land the trapeze again. Do this once more for the third trapeze and you have done one of the hardest regeneration tricks.

One-Handed Trapeze Loops

Start by throwing a trapeze Bring your right index finger to your left index finger. Put your right finger into the loop that your left finger is holding. Remove your left finger from the loop. You should now have the yo-yo in a trapeze on only one hand. Swing the yo-yo in a few loops counter-clockwise. Let your finger slip out of the loop and the yo-yo will fly out amd come back to your hand. You can try clockwise loops, but the yo-yo won't wind up very well. If you want to make the trick more interesting, do two clockwise loops, then three counter-clockwise loops and let go.

Trapeze to Double or Nothin'

Throw a hard trapeze Flip the yo-yo up off the string and move your fingers closer together. Swing the yo-yo around your right index finger, under around your left index finger and back onto the string. Finish as you would double or nothin' trapeze by flipping the yo-yo up and dropping all string.

Double or Nothin' to Trapeze

Do a double or nothin' then pull your right hand out of the first loop. Pull down with your right hand and swing the yo-yo over your left hand.You should then have a trapeze.

Rock the Baby on the Eiffel Tower

Throw a hard trapeze Reach your left index finger and thumb through the double string that's between your yo-yo and left index finger and hook the string coming from your right hand. Pull your right hand down so the string is draped over your left index finger and hook the string between the yo-yo and your left index finger with your right middle finger to form a loop. Spread your left index and middle fingers apart and let the loop that's over your left hand slip off your hand onto the other strings. Pull your left hand down to form the bottom of the tower and pull your right hand up and pinch the top to make the top of the tower To end this trick, make sure the yo-yo is behind the bottom string and drop all string from both hands.

Rock the Baby Near the Eiffel Tower

Start by throwing a breakaway . Stick your left finger out like a trapeze but don't let the yo-yo land on the string, instead let it loop around your finger and hang there. Swing the yo-yo up around your RIGHT index finger and land the yo-yo on the string furthest away from you. You should now be in a man on the trapeze and his brother. Bring your hands close together, and with your left hand, reach your thumb and index finger through the loop they are in and grab the string coming from the yo-yo. Pull the string through the loop into an Eiffel Tower. What you should end up with as an Eiffel Tower with the yo-yo on the string in one of the legs.

For more trick visited this website