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Taco Bell Dog

Here you can download the Taco Bell commercial

Sticking his head through the flowers - 745k

Cars passing by - 672k

Dinky pushing his head though - 605k

Shaquille O'Neil commercial - 1.16mb

Taco Revolution commercial - 1.53mb

A taco revolution.. I am there" - 1.17mb

Viva gorditas original full - 2.32mb

"Viva gorditas" - 763k

Viva gorditas commercial - 740k

Gorditas singalong - 2.5mb

"Bless you taco bell" - 785k

Godzilla - 1.96mb

"Here lizard lizard lizard" - 710k

"I think I need a bigger box" - 939k

Runs past the girl dog - 1.74mb

Runs up the stairs - 1.17mb

Hasta la Vista Whopper - 1.5mb

Welcome My Brother - 1.9mb

Here you can download Sound Clips.

Yo quiero taco bell"

"What is a logarithm?"

"Who did you expect, Shaquille O'Neil?"

"A taco revolution... I am there."

"Viva gorditas!"

"Bless you taco bell"

"Here lizard lizard lizard"

"I think I need a bigger box"

Godzilla drive through

Hasta la Vist Whopper

Welcome my Brother

Chicken Channel

Getting Sleepy

Dream about.....girls?

I think i'm in love

Jack in the Box advertisement

Cant this boat go any faster?

Gorditas Anthem Lyrics

Gorditas, Gorditas

Taco souls are we

Whose lives are pledged

to warm flatbread

Your salsas make us free


Let's go eat one now!