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Twinsen - A quetch. The main character of the game. He saves Twinsun and zeelich from destruction and destroys Fun Frock there enemy.

Zoe - A quetch. She's twinsens girlfriend. She is about to have a baby.

Baldino - A Grobo. He is Twinsens good friend and invents things for Twinen to use. He also helps Twinsen get to zeelich.

Fun Frock - A quetch. He's Twinens enemy . He tryes to Destroy Twinsen and take over Zeelich.

Sendels - They live in the core of Twinsun. They have all the power Fun Frock is trying to get. They also help Twinsen defeat Fun Frock.

Kids - They get kidnapped by the people of zeelich.

Wizards - They help Twinsen become a wizard and get spells he needs. They also get kidnapped by the esmers.

Dino Fly - A dragon...i think. He is Twinsens pet dragon who fly's Twinen around Twinsun.

Dark Monk - All the people of Zeelich think he is there savior. He tries to blow up Twinsun by hurling the moon onto it, and get all the sendels power.

The Emperor - A sup. He help's the Dark monk into trying to blow up Twinsun. Dissidents - They work undercover and are trying to find out what's going on. They help Twinsen get to island CX.

Rick - A sup. he is the owner of the bar in Otringal he is the dissidents leader and in charge of the undergas.

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