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Douglas Sills FAQs

Most recent/upcoming performances:

Douglas performed the role of Mack in Mack and Mabel as part of UCLA's Reprise! series. The show closed November 19, 2000.

From February 20 to April 1, 2001, Douglas is scheduled to appear as Benedick in Much Ado About Nothing at South Coast Repertory in Costa Mesa, California. Tickets have been on sale since August. It's in previews during February, with an official opening night of Friday March 2, which is sold out. For further information, visit

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions):

Is Douglas doing the tour of SP?
Douglas did the tour for the first 4 months of the tour only. His last performance as the Pimpernel was in Los Angeles on Sunday, June 18th, 2000.

Douglas Sills & Hersheys?
To quote Douglas in Nancy Rosati's "Talkin' Broadway" interview (link below): "I'm a midnight eater... and I don't like to wear clothes."

Douglas Sills & airplanes?
Check out InTheater's Valentine's Day interview with Douglas (link below). It's not to be missed.

Is Douglas married?
To quote him again: "Single but involved"

Has Douglas ever recorded a solo CD?
No; Douglas considers himself primarily an actor and as of this time has no plans to record a CD. However, he did record solos on 2 charity CD's called "Life's A Funny Present" and "You Can't Put Ketchup On The Moon," both out of print. If you're interested in taking a listen, excerpts are on the "Unofficial Douglas Sills Website." The link can be found at the bottom of this page.

What is Douglas's birthday?
July 5, 1960. His zodiac sign is Cancer.

What does the H stand for in his autograph?
Howard is his middle name. He was named for his father's mentor.

Where is Douglas from?
He was born in Detroit, Michigan, and grew up in a Detroit suburb.

How can I contact Douglas now?
No official address is available at this time. However, you could try to send mail to the next theater he will be performing at closer to the time that he will be there (see info at the top of this page).

What is the Antaeus Project?
Check out the link below. Also be sure to check out the membership roster for Douglas's name.

Is there a mailing list for fans of Douglas Sills?
Yes; it's DougSillsFans,and it can be found at Onelist. To subscribe try the link below.

Douglas Links

The Unofficial Douglas Sills Website by Renée Girard
DS Valentine's Day interview in InTheater Magazine
DS interview with Nancy Rosati on Talkin' Broadway
Douglas Sills Obsession Board
Kelda Blakeney's Palace
The Official Scarlet Pimpernel Site
The Antaeus Company
The Scarlet Pimpernel FAQ page
DougSillsFans at Onelist
The Douglas Sills Literary Round Table
