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In Loving Memory of Derek Alan Thiessen

Thank You for coming to see my site in Memory of my son Derek Alan Thiessen
who was born asleep on March 10, 1998 at full term as a result of muconium aspiration

I would like to now share some poems and a letter that I have written to Derek since he left this earth


Well kiddo, my labor started at 8:30 last night so your dad and I went to Strathmore quite excited because we were finally going to meet you - that excitement came to a screeching halt when the nurses couldn't find your heartbeat. Dr. Avramenko was called in right away and he couldn't believe it because just 4 hours earlier you had a good strong heartbeat. But alas he couldn't find one either. We were rushed to Calgary by ambulance in the hopes that an ultrasound would find your heart beating and then maybe a c-section would be preformed. Once we got to Calgary your Auntie Lona, Uncle Rob and Annie, Grandma Johnson and Grandma Thiessen were all there waiting to find out about you. But it was to late - the ultrasound couldn't find a heartbeat either - you were gone - because I was already in active labor they said it would be best for me to have you naturally. So for 9 hours I was in the first stages of labor and then I pushed for 3 hours. I finally delivered you at 09:07 am this morning - you are a boy - but of course you already knew that - you weighed in at a hefty 8 pounds 2 1/2 ounces and were 21 3/4 inches long. You have the darkest curliest hair I've ever seen. Your daddy held you right after you were delivered and then I held you. We named you Derek (for yourself) Alan (your daddy's middle name too). Both of your grandma's held you when you were still so very warm. You were surrounded by a lot of tears - but even more love.

These are some poems that I have written to and about my only child, Derek


The sky has a bright star,

Brighter then all the others by far.
I can see it night or day,
I know it's you, showing me my way.
Helping me travel through my grief,
It doesn't matter what others say, it IS you that's my belief.
Keep shining bright for me my son,
Until my time on earth is done.
Then you can meet me at heavens door,
and I will hold you in my arms once more.
The sky has a bright star,
Brighter then all the others by far.

**This poem has a special meaning because Within the Constellation COLUMBIA is the star located at: RA 5 59 08.8 D -42 48 55, with the scientific name of N (Eta). This beautiful little star has officially been given the name DEREK ALAN THIESSEN. Derek's great-aunts bought this star in his memory.**


There is a poem that says Wednesday's child is full of woe,
I was born on a Wednesday, But how was I to know.
That the woe in my life,
Would cut through my heart like a knife.
You left this world before you were born,
You left your daddy and I with only your memory to mourn.
We don't have any memories of your first day home,
We never got to straighten your curly hair with a comb.
We never got to see you play with your first birthday cake,
You were taken from us way to soon and we're left to wonder WHY for God sake?
God must have had a reason to take you from this earth,
Just hours before it was time for me to give birth.
I spend many hours trying to figure out why,
My beautiful son-shine had to die.
Was it because I did something wrong,
That we never got to hold you for very long?
I know deep in my heart,
That nothing we did made your life end before it could start.
But I really can't help but wonder why,
We had to let you go, we had to say good-bye.
Everyone says it's time to move on,
But how can I do that when my son-shine is gone?

Lisa and Douglas Thiessen lovingly remember Derek Alan Thiessen born still on March 10, 1998.

I am so very honored to receive the March 1999 Mom of the month award from My Mom Is A Survivor This award would be considered an honor any month of the year - but being choosen as Mom Of The Month for March is even more of an honor - because March will forever be "Derek's Month" in my mind. Thank you to all who made this possible.

I hope that you enjoy your visit through out the pages of Derek's site:

Derek's Story
Poetry PagePoetry Page 2Derek's Obituary
Derek's Friends...Jan-June AngelsDerek's Friends...July-Dec Angels
Web-ringsWeb-Rings page 2Web-Rings page 3
Awards ReceivedAwards page 2Awards page 3
Awards page 4Awards page 5Awards page 6
Awards page 7Index of Awards & RingsAwards available for you
NeedlePoint SamplerList of Reference MaterialMemorials for Derek
AdoptionsDerek's 1st BirthdayDerek's Marker
As Time PassesDerek's Little Brother!! Derek's Little SISTERS!!

Click on the banner below to visit a beautiful Loss Resource page created by another mommy with angels in heaven

This site was originally created Thursday, June 11, 1998.
Last updated Friday, June 23, 2006.
Any pages with an are the pages that have been most recently revised for you return visitors
Any pages with a are the most recently added pages

Thank you for letting me share some of my son with you, please sign the guestbook and let me know what you think of our site. Thank you

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Congratulations Melissa for being Derek's 1000th Visitor.
If you would like to see the gift that I made for Melissa you can see it on her awards page Here

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