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For adults/child of dysfunctional homes or for sexually abuse survivors it is a sign of the beginning of their recovery when they release the tears.

Tears associated with their childhood mistreatment and childhood losses.

Tears which make them become aware of their self-destructive behaviors and self-hatred.

To redirect their anger away from themselves but to the abuser through writing, anger management.

The adult/child needs to place the responsibility onto the caretaker without causing damage or abusing the one responsible for the abuse done onto them

Anger is harbored as a consequence of something bad that has happened to them.

Releasing anger is okay if expressed in a non-damaging and non-abusive way

Emotional process begins when the individual is able to experience the pain associated and their loss of childhood innocence.

They can move on only when they can feel the emotions that were suppress into the stage of emotional reconstruction and emotional integration and growth.

It is a fairly complicated long term repetitive process in healing the wounds from childhood abuse.

It takes a very long time to become aware of their behaviors and change them.

The individual has to access and re-access their multitude of behaviors.

Some individual may get set back in their growth during their journey of healing and become unable to free themselves from their past because of lack of support.

Sometimes they still may need to tell their story and keep repeating it in order to release themselves from the emotional ties associated with the story.

They may not have grieved for their losses or their feelings have not been acknowledged.

They have suffered their childhood trauma alone and now are still suffering alone because they are afraid of reaching out to support because of fear of being rejected.

Most of the time they have been so wounded in the past that when they reached out and felt unheard that they have close down again or they have suffered another trauma in their present life and are still being abused.

In recovery an individual comes to recognize theirs loses and grieve for the child who did not get their needs met by their caretakers.

In recovery it is necessary to walk back through all painful experiences and come to an understanding of why they feel the way that they are feeling.

Only through understanding cans they transform to a higher awareness of themselves.

It takes many years to emotionally master it and to transform it into self-love, self-affirmation, self-honesty and self awareness.

In recovery it takes many years of energy and work to transform into self awareness.

The need to reprogram old negative belief into functional positive beliefs is desperately needed.

Self honesty of their self-destructive behaviors and multitude of behaviors is a step in recovery.

Risking and willingness to become vulnerable and accepting their innocence is essential in recovery.

An adult/child survivor takes lots of determination of wanting to change themselves into becoming whole and functional.

Only with guidance and support may a survivor transform in their recovery by telling their story and retelling it may they free themselves from the emotional ties that are associated with their experiences or loss.

Only after releasing the tears can they experience the joys of living in the presence.

In recovery the individual will come to accept their loss and free themselves for the traumatic experience.

At one point the survivor realizes that they will never experience the idealized family that they need and become willing to let go of attempting to get their emotional needs from other who are capable of healthy love.

Survivors sometimes need to create for themselves separate life experiences based on their own need which can make up for the past by becoming their own good parent to themselves.

Survivors need to provide themselves with self-care, self-soothing, self-love and self-acceptance which they have longed for so desperately before through outside means.

At one point survivor need to become willing to move on and attach to life feelings, sadness and joys in life.

Working through the process of growth it allows the self once held hostage or captive to the freedom to live life to its fullest and free themselves from their ghost of the past.

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