LOOKING INTO THE MIRROR © By Allison Katts AS I LOOK INTO THE MIRROR I SAY TO MYSELF"I forgive myself for thinking I was bad and that I did something bad to deserve being hurt." "I am worthy of love and respect from myself and others." " I love myself today just the way I am with sadness and feeling overwhelmed with emotions." "I accept myself just the way I am and I am working at loving myself more and more each day.""I am perfect just the way I was created to be.""It is okay to express my sorrow and take some rest when needed.""My higher self knows what I can handle and will give me a break when needed." "I love myself totally and God loves me and forgives me.""I am who God has created me to be and has a purpose for me." "I am unique and there is no one in this whole world like me.""I love myself today and a whole lots of people love me to." "I can create the family that I need in friends and supportive people." "I turn to people that love me unconditional for my emotional and mental needs."