Part 2
Soon every Smurf in the village
heard Harmony's summoning call to gather around the speaking
mushroom for Papa Smurf's announcement. They arrived to see Papa
Smurf with Empath, Smurfette, Brainy, and Dreamy there at the
"My little Smurfs," Papa Smurf announced, "I know that we're only
one day away from Christmas Day, but Dreamy just smurfed up with a
brilliant suggestion of what we can smurf for Christmas Eve for
our friends. We know that Nicholas the toymakers smurfs out at
night with his smurf of reindeer to deliver toys and gifts to the
human children, so I thought that this year we should smurf our
gifts to our friends in the same manner. What we're going to need
is a sleigh and some reindeer costumes for eight Smurfs, which I
know that you'll able to smurf up in time before midnight
"Well, I can smurf you a sleigh that we can smurf for tonight,
Papa Smurf," Handy said.
"And I can smurf up some reindeer costumes for the eight Smurfs to
smurf," Tailor added. "It may be a rush job, but I'll smurf the
best that I can under the smurfumstances. Of course, I'm going to
need to smurf some small branches for antlers."
"This smurf and the Smurflings can help you out with that,
Tailor," Empath offered.
"But who's going to smurf the sleigh up into the sky like Nicholas
with his reindeer?" one Smurf asked.
"Oh, please, that's such a silly question to ask," Brainy answered
in his normal self-important manner. "It doesn't smurf a genius to
see that Empath is more than capable of smurfing such a task. Of
course, I would probably smurf the same with Papa Smurf's magic
books if neither of them were here to smurf that, because I'm just
as capable of smurfing up magic spells and formulas as Papa Smurf
is, being his assistant and all, and Papa Smurf would want such a
capable Smurf to smurf that because..."
At that point, Brainy got booted out of the village. "So much for
smurfing the holiday spirit!" he groaned.
"So, who among you would also like to smurf gifts to our friends
in this manner?" Papa Smurf asked.
"I do, Papa Smurf," Vanity said. "I can't wait to smurf my
beautiful scented smurf packs to all my friends."
"And I would like to smurf my beautiful music," Harmony said,
playing a bit of his horn.
"And I would love to smurf all my creative works," Poet said.
"Mon ami, I have some masteurpiesas
that I would be happy to smurf as gifts," Painter said.
In fact, most of the village seemed eager to get the ball rolling
on Papa Smurf's plan for Christmas Eve.
"Well, I guess that settles it," Papa Smurf said, pleased with the
results. "Empath, you smurf the Smurflings out into the forest to
smurf up small branches for the reindeer costumes. I'll be in
Tailor's workshop in case any Smurf needs me."
"This is going to be the smurfiest Christmas Eve yet, Papa Smurf,"
Smurfette said, all excited.
As Empath and the Smurflings were out in the forest
gathering small branches, he was listening to them talking about
all the presents they got in previous years' Christmases, saying
which one was their favorite toy to get.
"Empath, what was your favorite toy that you smurfed for
Christmas?" Nat asked.
Empath thought about that for a moment. "The only toy this smurf
thought was my favorite was this pink rabbit that this smurf
received from Vanity Smurf on the first Winter Solstice that this
smurf had celebrated. This smurf had called him Smoogle."
"Smoogle? That's a really weird name for a toy rabbit!" Slouchy
"Admittedly, the gift was rather embarrassing to this smurf,"
Empath said. "But Smoogle ended up being the toy that this smurf
played with a lot, as this smurf practiced using his minds-eye
animating the toy so that it behaved like a real rabbit. Hefty
didn't like seeing this smurf with Smoogle, so he decided to be
cruel and tear the toy rabbit apart, hoping it would stop this
smurf from playing with it. But this smurf had sewn and patched up
Smoogle and left it with Papa Smurf when this smurf had to return
to Psychelia."
"What happened to Smoogle, Empath?" Sassette asked.
"The toy rabbit got worn out from so much playing around with him,
so this smurf gave it to Sloppy, who loved collecting old worn-out
toys," Empath answered. "He probably still has it in his
Just then something shiny caught the attention of Snappy
Smurfling. "Hey, did you Smurfs smurf that?"
The other Smurfs turned to look in the direction of where Snappy
saw the something shiny. "Oh, look," Nat said, "It's a reindeer
smurfing out here in the forest."
"Smurf at that nose," Sassette said. "It's so red and shiny!
What's he doing smurfing out here in the forest?"
"He probably had smurfed out here all alone in the forest because
of that nose, Sassette," Nat answered.
"Well, shiny nose or not, I'm going to smurf him a big welcome!"
Snappy said, heading in the direction.
"Snappy, dont!" Slouchy warned, knowing what his "big welcome"
really was.
But Snappy didn't heed the warning. Instead, he appeared in front
of the reindeer as he was eating things from the ground. "Hey,
reindeer, is that your nose or were you smurfed with a firebug on
your face!" Snappy said in a taunting manner.
The reindeer was startled by Snappy's appearance and ran off into
the forest.
"Oh, nice smurfing there, Snappy," Sassette said, displeased.
"Yeah, you smurf fun of a reindeer just because he's smurfed with
a red nose," Nat added, also not pleased.
"Well, what do you expect me to smurf?" Snappy said. "He's
different from all the reindeer that we smurf in the forest."
"Empath is different from all the Smurfs in the village just
because he smurfs a yellow star on his foresmurf, Snappy,"
Sassette said. "Are you going to smurf fun of him just because he
smurfs so different from them?"
"Snappy's appearance alone may have been enough to startle the
reindeer," Empath suggested. "Nonetheless, Snappy, your behavior
and commentary were unneccessary and inappropriate. We're going to
find the reindeer, and when we do, you're going to apologize to
him for how you acted towards him."
Snappy sighed as he trailed behind Empath and the other Smurflings
in their search for the reindeer. Soon they had found him grazing
near another tree.
"Now you Smurflings stay put while this smurf communicates alone
with the reindeer," Empath instructed. They stood a good distance
away from the reindeer while Empath cautiously and quietly
approached the reindeer.
"Salutations, fellow reindeer," Empath greeted. The reindeer
looked at the Smurf appearing to be startled. "Please do not run
off. We mean you no harm, and this smurf apologizes for the action
of my fellow Smurf."
The reindeer looked at Empath curiously and sniffed him. He then
relaxed, seeing that Empath was not a threat. Nat saw this and
took it as a sign for him and the other Smurfs to come closer.
"This smurf understands that you are alone and are different from
the other reindeer," Empath said to the reindeer. "Your red nose
no doubt has caused you to be shunned from the others. This smurf
is also born with a glowing mark on this smurf's forehead and is
also different from the other Smurfs in this smurf's village. And
this smurf has also lived apart from the other Smurfs because of
"We can smurf you back to the Smurf Village where we will smurf
care of you until we can smurf you a home," Nat said to the
"You don't have to smurf out here all alone," Sassette said.
"Maybe we can smurf him to Nicholas," Slouchy suggested. "He would
be able to smurf him a home."
"What? Are you smurfy?" Snappy said. "He's already different
enough that other reindeer don't want to smurf around him."
"This smurf doesn't think that just leaving the reindeer to fend
for himself out in the forest would be a good idea," Empath said.
"He needs to be around others who will care for him, no matter how
different he is from the other reindeer, and the Smurf Village is
a good enough place for him to go. We might as well bring him
along with us so Papa Smurf will know what we can do with him."
"Empath, the other Smurfs are going to smurf fun of him as well,"
Snappy said. "Smurf how different he is!"
"Being born different isn't anybody's fault, Snappy," Empath said.
"However he got the shiny red nose, this reindeer deserves to be
loved and cared for no matter what. And we're going to provide the
care because that's part of what being a Smurf is. This smurf will
not leave him in the forest just because he isn't like all the
other reindeer."
"Neither will I, Empath," Nat agreed. "Come along, reindeer, we'll
smurf you the way to our village!"
Snappy again sighed as he followed Empath and the other Smurflings
taking the reindeer with them.