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Homer Simpson (this is from city/1510/index2.html)

I decided to make this web page because I was very, very bored. It has nothing to do with anything important, and is a complete and utter waste of time. Its only purpose is to entertain other very, very bored people like myself.
Homer Simpson has taught America to laugh at itself. Every Sunday (and Thursdays a few years ago) Homer and the Simpsons get into problems not unlike any other American family. I can relate to most of the problems Homer is dealt. Homer usually has a big role in each problem, and sometimes in the solution.
Homer Simpson is thestar of the Simpsons without a doubt. Without him, the show would not have survived past its first season. His real appeal comes from his similarity to real people. He has a pretty average life, three kids, 9 to 5 job, and so on. Without a doubt Homer Simpson is the most important charecter in the series!


This is all from

These episodes will be part of the fourteenth season - expect Fox to announce a specific "season premiere" date sometime in July, but if it's like the past few years, expect the Halloween Special to air the week of October 27 (the scheduled date of World Series Game 7), with the next episode on November 3
DABF18 - Large Marge - Written by Ian Maxtone-Graham
Marge checks into the hospital for liposuction treatment, but checks out with a new pair of breasts thanks to a mix-up
DABF19 - Treehouse of Horror XIII
* "Send in the Clones" - Homer's new hammock makes clones of himself
* "The Fright to Creep and Scare Harms" - Maggie Roswell returns to voice Maude Flanders, who shows up in a seance
* "The Island of Dr. Hibbert" - a variation on "The Island of Dr. Moreau"
DABF20 - Bart vs. Lisa vs. the Third Grade
(something to do with Lisa being moved up a grade, I think)
DABF21 - Helter Shelter
The Simpsons are forced to leave their home

For ten years Matt Groening hunched over a drawing board in his garage, a "lonely and socially backwards" cartoonist inking his Life in Hell cartoon strip. His quirky characters have propelled him from the back pages of alternative weekly papers to center of culture by committee: prime-time TV.
He now rates an office at the Fox studio as an executive producer of The Simpsons and works alongside collaborators such as Oscar winning producer James L. Brooks.
"I didn't expect to do this at all", Groening admits of his rise to TV notoriety. He first came to Los Angeles from Oregon and "got sidetracked by my comic strip. I just did that as a little hobby." Some hobby!
Groening rhymes with "raining." And what's rained down on the thirtysomething artist in sunny L.A. is the chance to create the first animated prime-time series since The Flintstones in 1960. The Simpsons, which spins off from the minicartoons seen on The Tracey Ullman Show, launches with the holiday episode "Simpsons Roasting on an Open Fire," Sunday, Dec. 17 at 8:30 p.m. and Saturday, Dec. 23 at 8 p.m. on KPDX. Fox has ordered 13 episodes of the series, which is expected to gain a regular slot early next year.
Look for The Simpsons to go on beyond The Flintstones. As a boy The Flintstones didn't grab him; "The show time after time was, uh, dumb and obvious". Says Groening, "We think we're pushing the boundaries of what's expected from cartoon shows."
The Simpsons' fictional town of Springfield is far more real than Fred and Wilma's Bedrock. Springfield consists of a toxic waste dump, a federal penitentiary, a pesticide factory and a nuclear power plant, where father Homer Simpson works as a safety inspector. Some realism matters because "animation can create an entire world." Fred Flintstone might run past 35 windows in his living room. "If the Simpsons ran 20 feet they'd run into a wall."
In his art Groening seeks "clarity of design and sneaky little details. If you watch this show repeatedly you'll see little things going on in the background.
"Over the years I've developed a style that's very simple. The problem is taking that style and trying to develop a variety of individuals. The temptation is to pile on detail." For characters, simplicity works. He notes that the Peanuts characters are built mostly on "variations on hairdos."
Cartoon critic Groening turns thumbs up for George of the Jungle, Roger Rabbit, Popeye, Betty Boop and all the Warner Bros. cartoons. "The fact that there's no equivalent to Rocky and Bullwinkle is a real shame," he laments. "There's not much current animation that he watches.
The lifelong sketcher says he "cannot remember a time in school that I wasn't doodling or drawing when I should have been paying attention." At an early age he drew cartoons "obsessively." He says it was "a fluke" he used the names of his father, mother and sister in The Simpsons because "the personalities do not match my family." But The Simpsons is like growing up with the seven Groenings, he said, in that "it's about the kids being naughty."
Groening the student put down his pen and paid attention for at least one day. He attended the same school - Portland's Lincoln High - as Mel Blanc, voice of Bugs Bunny, Daffy Duck, Barney Rubble and others. He recalls how Blanc spoke in 1969 at the school's centennial. Everything from hair length to Vietnam war protests to racism made for a divided school. Blanc's assembly "was one of the most memorable, happy events in a raucous time. Virtually everybody in the school, from the hippies to the hoods to the teachers to the scowling administrators, was laughing. It was the one time the school was really united." Cartoonist Matt Groening: A brief bio-sketch
Family lore: Father Homer Groening, a filmmaker, produced movies and TV shows. Matt's first TV job was to help on The Lucky Jim Fishing Show in the 1970s.
Marital status: Married with child. "Being a dad (to son Homer) has made me very sappy and corny. I hope that doesn't seep into the show!
First cartoon strip: A world of slimy slugs called "Slugonia."
Why cartoon characters are better than actors: "They don't get pregnant, they don't get busted for cocaine, and they're generally cooperative."
Books in print: Work is Hell, Love is Hell, Childhood is Hell, School is Hell, Akbar & Jeff's Guide to Life (Pantheon Books).
Future Simpsons storylines: Son Bart cheats on an IQ test and is placed in a gifted class. Bart tries to impress local hoodlums by sawing the head off the town founder's statue. A family camping trip goes (where else) awry, and Homer is mistaken for Bigfoot.
Groening's future plans: To continue The Simpsons and Life in Hell. "I'll never give up the comic strip. It's my foundation."
Transcribed by Bruce Gomes Few television shows have developed a cult following as rabid as that of The Simpsons. Once mainly notable for inspiring those annoying Bartman T-shirts, the show's now considered to be the hippest, funniest -- and most biting -- comedies on the tube today. The Simpsons' loyal viewership has spawned literally thousands of websites in its homage. Unfortunately, the show's parent network Fox has been working hard at shutting down sites that use Simpsons icons without authorization -- whether they're out to make a profit or not. (For more details on this misguided campaign -- after all, fan sites benefit their subjects, and you'd think Fox would work hard to promote them -- check out Fist.) [site no longer available -JP] Fortunately, several of the best sites have eluded Fox's noose; here's a guide to which ones are most worth checking out, while they're still around.
To its credit, Fox offers a pretty nice site of its own. The Simpsons presents information on practically all the characters and important landmarks of Springfield, a guide to the show's numerous guest stars, a schedule of shows in syndication and more in an attractive, cartoony format (it's enhanced for the Macromedia Flash plug-in).
Even better, though, is the completely unofficial The Simpsons Archive. Produced by those great guys at the newsgroup, it offers an astounding amount of content. The most notable features include its collections of FAQs, bibliographies and episode guides, interviews, critical essays, fanatically detailed "files" on various characters and "The Simpsons Bulletin," a weekly newsletter. Practically every question you possibly could ask about the show can be answered here; it's a must-see site for Simpsons fanatics and casual viewers as well.
The British site 100% Guaranteed Unofficial Simpsons Home Page [site no longer available -JP] tosses in a Java chat room, as well as detailed descriptions and script excerpts of every episode. There's also a detailed guide to the Simpsons' cartoon-within-a-cartoon, the ultra-violent Itchy and Scratchy Show. Another site worth checking out (for its title alone) is Shut Up Brain or I'll Stab You With a Q-Tip, which offers a great collection of sounds and photos, as well as a trivia contest.
If you need more to satisfy your Simpsons craving, check out one of the many Simpsons Web Rings. The fact that a search of Simpsons at Webring turned up 327 separate webrings proves that if Fox wants to shut down all of its official site's competition, it's got a lot of work to do.

DABF22 - How I Spent My Strummer Vacation
When Marge finds out that Homer always wanted to be a rock star, she sends him to Rock & Roll Fantasy Camp
Guest starring Sir Mick Jagger, Elvis Costello, and Lenny Kravitz as themselves
EABF01 - The Great Louse Detective
Another Sideshow Bob episode
EABF02 - Special Edna
Principal Skinner and Edna Krabappel finally contemplate tying the knot
EABF03 - The Dad Who Knew Too Little EABF04 - Strong Arms of the Ma EABF05 - Barting Over
Blink-182 and pro skateboarder Tony Hawk voice themselves in the show's 300th episode as Bart leaves the family when he discovers he was in commercials when he was younger, but Homer spent all the money
EABF06 - Pray Anything
(it has something to do with the WNBA) Credit to Jonah Flynn and Jukka Keskiaho for some of the information presented here. If you are aware of additional details for episodes presently in development (such as synopses revealed in magazines, Homer Simpson
I decided to make this web page because I was very, very bored. It has nothing to do with anything important, and is a complete and utter waste of time. Its only purpose is to entertain other very, very bored people like myself.
Homer Simpson has taught America to laugh at itself. Every Sunday (and Thursdays a few years ago) Homer and the Simpsons get into problems not unlike any other American family. I can relate to most of the problems Homer is dealt. Homer usually has a big role in each problem, and sometimes in the solution.
Homer Simpson is the star of the Simpsons without a doubt. Without him, the show would not have survived past its first season. His real appeal comes from his similarity to real people. He has a pretty average life, three kids, 9 to 5 job, and so on.newspapers, or otherwise), feel free to Email me at

This site was created by Ben Alvers