Hi! My name is Cheryl and welcome to my home on the net. I have a B.A. in psychology and I am also a certified aromatherapist and member of the International Federation of Holistic Therapists. I have many interests like spirituality, 80s music, books, gardening, candles, anything that smells divine, baths, alternative medicine, nature, hippie clothes and people. Gandhi(Gandhi Virtual Ashram) is my hero...I believe he was a great soul. Oprah(Oprah.com) is another of my alltime favorite great souls who devotes herself to making the world a better place for all of us to live in. Here is a link to Oprah's Book Selections that are available at Barnes & Noble online.
Books in the News: Oprah's Selections
If you would like to see more Inspirational Quotes, click on the "Inspirational Quotes" link above. If you have a really good Inspiritational Quote, feel free to submit it above as well.
Aromatherapy is basically a healing art that uses the essential oils derived from plants, flowers, bark, roots and some fruit rinds. These oils can be applied topically through massage or used in inhalation preparations. These scents are believed to effect the emotions. Aromatherapy can be traced back as far as 3000 B.C. in China and Egypt. The Egyptians used to embalm dead bodies in essential oils to preserve them. In China, The Yellow Emperor's Classic of Internal Medicine was written by Huang Ti. Myrrh was used by warriors on the battlefields long ago to dress wounds. Myrrh is also excellent for treating stress and stress-related conditions. It is known that the essential oils, such as Frankincense, were burned and sprayed in the vicinities where physicians and caregivers were tending to those with the plague. Frankincense and Myrrh were the first essential oils to be used as incense.
Lavender essential oil is excellent for burns and mosquito bites. Eucalyptus oil is often used for colds and respiratory ailments. Clary Sage is good for sore muscles. Ginger and red thyme are good for pneumonia. For those of you who suffer from migraines, a few drops of Lavender mixed with a few drops of peppermint oil can be added to a carrier oil (such as Sweet Almond Oil) and applied on the back of the neck just below the hairline on either side of the spinal column and also massaged into the temples. Rose is loving and sensual as are jasmine and neroli(orange blossom). My favorite essential oil is Geranium. Geranium oil is good for treating inflammation, eczema, depression, burns, uterine cancer, diabetes, shingles, and diarrhea. It is used to treat a number of other conditions as well. The Guide to Aromatherapy has excellent information on essential and carrier oils.
If you have a condition and would like me to suggest an oil or a blend of oils for you, feel free to email me with your request.
If you are in Ottawa and would like an aromatherapy treatment, I can be contacted at aromacher@hotmail.com. I also make handcrafted aromatherapy soap and body care products.
Here are some other AROMATHERAPY LINKS:
Aromatherapy Articles
Aroma Tours - Aromatherapy Retreats
Welcome To Aura Cacia
"Mado" Massage Tables & Accessories***Madeleine DesMarais makes the absolute best portable massage tables and accessories around. They are a massage therapist's dream. You can tell that Madeleine pours her heart into her creations...they are crafted with a woman's touch for comfort and convenience. She is located in Gatineau, Quebec, Canada.***
God really does send angels to help us on our journey. I was connected to 2 angels, SAT HARI and PREETI KAUR KHALSA approximately 10 years ago. They provided me with the compassion, wisdom and tools I needed to help me on my journey of spiritual growth.
SAT HARI lives in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. She is quite a dynamic, wise, and empathetic soul. She is a yoga instructor, healer, spirirtual teacher, psychologist, and distributer of healing products that aid spiritual growth and healing. She is very knowledgeable and intuitive when it comes to recommending the perfect tools to aid an individual on their journey to spiritual growth and enlightenment. Sat Hari carries an excellent selection of guided meditation and healing tapes and CDs. She also has products such as YOGI TEA. Yogi tea is an energizing hot beverage that is an excellent substitute for coffee for those of you who would like to reduce or eliminate your caffeine intake. This is where I go for the tools I need. If you are looking for yoga instruction, healing, and/or spiritual aids, you can contact SAT HARI at: sathari@attcanada.ca
Bardo Hypnosis Centre - Garry Rondeau
Live Fully - Garry & Bonnie Rondeau
Belzebuub.com - Esoteric Site
Vivekayuktananda Ashram - Yoga,Self-Knowledge
Spirituality - Discover your Divine Purpose at Masters in the Making!
World Light Center
Radiant Heart Productions: Love, Enlightenment and Healing
Children of Light - channneled information, Ascension, Archangel Gabriel, Ron Baker, Robert Baker, channeling
The Spiritual Development Resource
Time Travel Sacred Tours & Adventures
Atlantis - The Lost Continent Finally Found
Gemstone Healing Properties Book - FREE Download
3HO International - Free Tantric Numerology Reading
Creative Numerology
Home Cooking - Indian Vegetarian Recipes - Soul Food
Homeopathy for Women's and Children's Health
Free Tarot Readings
Free Chinese Horoscope Animated Electronic Greeting Cards
The following link is the answer to a question I submitted to ASK ALANA(banner for site seen above) about my family. For anyone who finds themself feeling like the black sheep...perhaps this will offer some insight into your dilemna... My Ask Alana Answer
Free Palm Readings
Here is a free past life reading from NEW SPIRIT SERVICES:
Dear One,
The Masters did your research and found this:
You show a life in South America, 177 A.D., Reason: Self-punishment.
Cheryl: Wife/ harmed emotionally
Son: harmed, died/ he was cut on the penis as part of a tribal manhood rite. He developed an infection that went through out his body. The poisons cause insanity. He was murdered by tribe members.
Tribe: (Amazon)
Shaman: did the harming/
*Durin manhood initiations, your son was cut on the penis, to show a sign of strength. He developed an infection from a virus that was on the knife, and became ill and went insane fromt he toxins in his body. Members of the tribe killed him, and thought he had evil spirits. As his mother, you took on a self-punishment program for 2 reasons. Because you could not help him, and because he put shame on the family with the insanity. You carry these blocks and programs today, and they are still affecting you.
Blessings & Love,
The Masters & Whitneay T. Vanwells
I actually started to cry as I read the part about the knife. Until I received this reading, I never let my daughter use a knife. I was still cutting up her food for her...and she was 9 years old. I wasn't this way with her friends or any other children - just her. I was so overprotective of her. Fortunately, after having read this, my fears subsided and I can proudly say that Mitzi is now able and allowed to cut up her own food.
I love astrology as well. I am libra sun, scorpio moon, and sagittarius rising. My daughter, Mitzi, is sagittarius sun, cancer moon, sagitarrius rising. Mitzi's best friend Shawn is sagittarius sun, virgo moon, and libra rising. I have had a fascination for astrology as far back as I can remember. I do charts for family and friends once in a while just for fun. It was Linda Goodman's "Star Signs" book that really got me started on my spiritual journey. This book just awakened something inside of me. I have been reading and exploring spiritual material ever since. Linda's site is temporarily down. I will keep checking to see when it comes back online. Here are two other good sites dedicated to Linda's memory: (Conscious Evolution - About Linda Goodman)and (Linda-Goodman.com )
Here are some links to other interesting ASTROLOGY SITES:
Astro Forecast
Chaos Astrology - Free Astrology Reports
Accurate Psychic Astrologer Hope - Free Horoscope
Esoteric Astrology
Astrology Unlimited - Karmic Astrology
Astrology in the Age of Aquarius
Cafe Astrology
Susan Miller's Astrology Zone
Robert Hand
Liz Greene's Astrology
Intuitive Astrology
Cards of Destiny
Astrodienst Online - Free charts and interpretations
Erin Sullivan's Astrology Site - Excellent! Great article on Kurt Cobain
Vivian Carol's Stargazer Astrology
The Definitive Guide To Scorpio - Scorpiosite
I also love numerology. If you are interested in finding out what your life path is, you can email me with your date of birth and I will email you your life path number and a brief description of what this means.free enneagram test
John Gray(The World of John Gray, Author of Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus), Iyanla Vanzant(Iyanla Vanzant's Inner Visions Worldwide, Inc.), Dr. Philip C. McGraw, and Gary Zukav (Gary Zukav Home Page)are just a few of Oprah's guests who have published books in the fields of spirituality and psychology that helped me a great deal on my own journey inward. I highly recommend the "Conversations with God" trilogy by Neale Donald Walsch (Neale Donald Walsch Home Page). I loved Friendship With God and Communion With God. I am now reading Walsch's latest book: Tomorrow's God. Gary Zukav's "The Seat of the Soul" (Gary Zukav Home Page) is a must for anyone who is interested in understanding that there is a bigger picture than the here and now and what human beings are really searching for. Gary's new book "Soul Stories" takes the concepts from "Seat of the Soul" and places them in the context of everyday life. His latest release is Mind of The Soul. If you are interested in understanding the dynamics that are at work in your intimate relationships with others and yourself, Ilyana Vanzant's "In the Meantime" is an excellent book. John Gray's "How to Get What You Want and Want What You Have" is an excellent book that explains emotions and how to get at the root of what we are feeling. He also talks about our different emotional needs and how we can fulfill them. I also recommend "A Course in Miracles" A Course in Miracles -ACIM.
Sylvia Browne(Sylvia Browne) is a psychic and spiritual teacher. She has appeared on Pay Per View. I saw her on PPV on June 4th, 2000...she was wonderful...her topic was phobias...some are rooted in past lives and some stem from experiences in this life. Sylvia will be appearing on The Montel Williams Show on Friday, December 29th, 2000.. Sylvia can also be heard on WISDOM RADIO SHOW on June 12th, 2000. She will also appear in the August issue of "The Shifting Times" magazine. She has published several books as well. I have finished "The Other Side and Back: A Psychic's Guide to Our World and Beyond". Sylvia did a live interview with Art Bell in February, 1999 (I believe this was the date)on Coast to Coast. You can hear this interview...it is available on Art Bell's Website(listed below in favorite links).
I just love Alanis Morissette's albums. It is like listening to a documentary of her spiritual growth/journey. She expresses thoughts and feelings that others have experienced but wouldn't dare to reveal to others. She validates our weaknesses as well as our strengths by sharing her own vulnerability with us via her music. Through the expression of her humanness, she helps others to heal their shame in not being perfect. Her lyrics are intelligent and sincere. She is a very wise and loving soul! Thank you Alanis for your candidness, transparency, love, light and courage!
Alanis' latest release came out on June 10, 2008.
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