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Greg Miller's Give Me a Job Page


Welcome prospective employers!

Thank you for condsidering me for employment and pointing your computer to my web pages. I created this page to give you a bit more information about myself than would fit on my paper resume.

My interests

The easiest way to let you know a lot about me is to let you know what I am interested in. My degree is in chemical engineering, but my interests extend through all science and engineering fields. For starters I enjoy building "projects" at home in my spare time. These projects (a plasma globe for example) usually involve concepts in physics, electronics or chemistry. The project is chosen, researched and constructed. By doing these projects I learn a great deal about many things like electronics, engineering and prototyping. To look at some of the projects I've been working on, click on the link to my homepage in the upper left corner.

Online resume

Please check out my online resume for some additional information about my work history and education.