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The Cemetery where the service men are buried the headstone holds the names of the men that were blown up while working on hand grenades, one of the names is (Gunner Guseppe Bonnice age 28 years old which was my grand father) in which although I never knew him I like to Dedicate this page to him and all the service men who lost their lives in World War 1 ~~ and World War II

Who met their death while engaged in filling hand grenades in the naval ordnance department on 5th.October 1915

These are photos from the ~ Royal Navy Cemetery of Kalkara (Malta)where (service men , Germans,French,Italians,Japanese,English, and Maltese men of both World Wars 1914/ 1939 are buried)

These photos was taken by my son (Tony)

Copyright © - 2001 Tony

On 3rd August 1914 a proclamation was published directing the Royal Naval Reserve be called into actual service and placing the Volunteers at the disposal of the Admiralty. Three days later, on the 6th of August, the King's Own Malta Regiment (K.O.M.R.) and the Royal Engineers (Militia) Malta divisions were ordered to assemble. The following morning the whole regiment reported for service.
When the call for the Naval Reserve was issued, hundreds volunteered for enlistment in the Navy and 300 were eventually chosen, increasing the existing force to 700. By the end of September 1000 Maltese were serving with the British Fleet.
On the 25th of September a movement was started for a Maltese battalion to offer their services for Lord Kitcheners 's New Army for the front. During the day 200 pledged enlistment and by the first week of October the number reached 1000. In the beginning of the New Year the Army Council informed the Malta Government that it had no use for these volunteers. The Governor of Malta asked the General Officer Commanding Egypt if he would make use of them but the latter replied that he had no use for untrained men.
In March 1915, in the House of Commons, Colonel Yate M.P. urged that it was necessary to give a chance to Maltese and Cypriots to share in the imperial defence. The Maltese militia and artillery both aught, he urged, be given a turn at the front.
In June 1915 the Governor at Malta proposed a detachment of 500 officers and men from the K.O.M.R. militia be sent to join the Expeditionary Force in the Dardanelle's. The Governor proposed that while away from Malta on service, the Maltese should be paid the same rates and given the same conditions as British territorial units doing the same work. The scheme was not approved for financial rea­sons.
Also in June Sir Ian Hamilton, commander at the Dardanelle's required a large quantity of hand grenades and asked the Malta government to help. In a short time Maltese workers under British supervision manufactured and despatched 68,112 hand grenades to the Dardanelle army. During the production a serious accident in the laboratory tent led to an explosion which killed 16 gunners of the Royal Malta Artillery who were engaged in the work.

And they who for their country die shall fill an Honored Grave for Glory lights a Soldiers Tomb and Beauty Weeps the Brave

On August 11, 1915 the Inspector General of Communications of the Mediterranean Expeditionary Force reported to C. in C. Malta: 'We urgently need 1000 men for stevedore work on the beaches of the (Dardanelle's) peninsula at once, possibly under fire, 'can help'?)

Although employment in the dockyard, the military workshops, etc., was not lacking, about 1200 volunteered to join the labour corps. They were paid 2s 6d a day as stevedores and 4s a day as gangers. From these 864 were selected and on the 1St of September 1915 sailed for Mudros.
Some difficulty was met in maintaining discipline owing to lack of staff and to the presence of a number of 'loafers' and some 'bad characters' in the contingent. Groups of 70 a month were still sent from Malta as replacements for invalids, medically unfit and 'bad characters'. From the original group 55 "useless and insubordinate" men were sent back at once and 247 poor workers and 'complaint makers' sent back after two months.
The rest did useful work loading and unloading cargo, blasting, laying roads, cutting stone and wood, digging wells and stevedore work at ANZAC, Hellas and Suvla beaches in the Dardanelle's where 478 worked and at Mudros. Causalities during the first three months were one dead from wounds received and six wounded.
On August 15th, the War Office asked for two more labour bat­talions, one of stevedores and one of labourers, for employment at Salonica, in Greece. On the 4th and 5th of September 300 stevedores and 400 labourers were enrolled. Another 100 labourers were recruited from Gozo. The contingent contained a number of Maltese officers and priests. The men were all subject to military law.
In February 1917 the number of Maltese serving was substantial considering the size of the island. Five officers and 42 men from the RMA and several militia officers were with the 1,108 Maltese in Gallipoli and the 1,300 in Salonica. Seventy-five other officers were in the British services outside Malta and 300 officers and men with Canadian and Australian armed forces.
When further plans for the employment abroad of Maltese soldiers were mooted, the number of volunteers was disappointing mainly because the British authorities would not pay them the same rates of British soldiers. Also calls for volunteers by the Army Service Corps, the Air Service and the Navy offered better terms and these were naturally preferred.
On top of this was the fact that the Maltese people had been seeing the terrible state of the Allied sick and wounded brought to Malta from the Dardanelle's. The reality of war was driven home and replaced the blind enthusiasm of the opening days when volunteers flocked to the colours. Despite all this about 24,000 Maltese joined the various British services during the war.
During the First World War Malta earned the title of "Nurse of The Mediterranean." In March 1915 Malta was formally declared a Base hospital although the island was only equipped to cater for a few Hundred patients. By March of the following year there were 20,000 Convalescent soldiers, with the first convoy of some 600 wounded from the Dardanelle's arriving in May 1915. Twenty-seven hospitals and convalescent camps were set up, with many public and private buildings including school being converted for the purpose.
During the whole war period about 80,000 wounded and sick Allied officers and men were cared for in Malta, many of them - estimated at 20,000 - being from the Australian Expeditionary Force. Whilst the vast majority of sick and wounded eventually recovered, a number also died in Malta. For example there are 204 graves of Australians who died in the First World War, in Malta.
The Australian Government did not reciprocate Malta's kindness to the Australian sick. In August 1916 the Government placed a virtual prohibition on Maltese immigration because of pressure from the labour movement, which regarded the Maltese as 'cheap labour', and the White Australia racists who regarded the Maltese as 'black' or 'semi-white'. It was not until 1944 that the Australian Government finally placed the Maltese on the same immigration footing as other "White British subjects", according to the official terminology.
Malta also hosted hundreds of prisoners of war and civilian inter­nees. All nations allied to the Kaiser's Germany were represented in the camps, including Egyptians, Arabs and Greeks suspected of German sympathies. Among the most "illustrious" were the captain and crew of the cruiser "Emden".
This warship was sunk after a successful commerce-raiding cruise in the Indian Ocean. The captain von Muller and the ship's officer's -including Lieutenant Franz, Prince von Hohenzollern of the German Royal family - were locked up in the Verdala Fort. The crew were interned in a nearby Fort.
At first the atmosphere in the camp was relaxed but the successful escape from Verdala and the island by Ensign Fikentscher and an Austrian civilian internee led to more restrictions and a more vigilant guard. All privileges were denied and for the next two years the prisoners were not allowed out of Verdala despite the lack of exercise space for a camp population of 400.
Until the entry of the United States into the war, the US Consul in Valletta officially represented the prisoners. Afterwards the Swiss Consul.
looked after their interests In 1915 the prisoners set up German-Austro-Hungarian aid organisation, later being joined by the Turks. Von Muller was president of this organisation set up to help those prisoners, which were bereft of any resources. In 1917 von Muller was transferred to Britain but the rest remained in Malta until the end of the war.

Meanwhile enemy submarines sailing from the East Adriatic ports infested the main waters of the Mediterranean, making them only second to the English Channel as an operation area for submarine warfare. These submarines menaced all allied forces that Were dependent on the Mediterranean supply route: in Macedonia, at Salonica, Egypt, Palestine and those operating against Turkey from the Eastern islands, like Mudros, and at Gallipoli.
During the last six months of 1916 U-Boats in the Mediterranean sank 256 ships totalling 662,131 tons. Several U-Boat commanders had great success. Kurt Harting of U-32 celebrated the New Year, 1917, and his arrival in the Mediterranean by sending three torpedoes into the British battleship Cornwallis a few miles off Malta. Otto Hersing of U-21, who sank the battleships Majestic and Triumph off Gallipoli and sank the old French cruiser Admiral Charnier, had another success when he sank the liner City of London off Malta.
Other ships were victims of submarine laid mines. The old battle­ship Russell sank after running into a minefield laid by U-73 in the approaches to Malta. A tragic victim was the 7,308-ton hospital ship Rewa that left Malta with 279 patients on board and was torpedoed by Wilhelm Werner of U-55 despite the fact that the Rewa was clearly marked as a hospital ship.
Defences were initially meagre due to a shortage of material. At one time Malta was defended by a line of painted oil drums to mislead U-Boat commander into assuming that they were net defence buoys marking the edge of minefields.

as allied defences strengthened and the convoy system was enforced, U-Boat successes declined although they remained the main danger to Allied shipping until the very end of the war. One of the last attacks in the central Mediterranean came from a relative newcomer, Oberleutnant Karl Donitz who brought his UB-68 on the surface for an assault on a Malta bound convoy. The escorts were wide-awake and the sloop Snapdragon blasted the submarine with her guns to such ef­fect that Donitz had to scuttle his boat and surrender. Donitz who was to be the architect of the Nazi German submarine campaign during the Second World War, spent the rest of the First World War in a prisoner-of-war camp, first in Malta and later in Britain.


The First World War saw the development of aircraft as one of the most vital elements in the warring nations' armouries. The Germans also made great use of the airship and in April 1918 a giant Zeppelin, loaded with death and destruction, took off from a German base in Bulgaria heading for an important Allied naval base in the Mediterranean - MALTA. Only the vulnerability of this weapon to the slightest accident saved the unsuspecting people of this island from their first air raid

For most people "Zeppelin" is synonymous with giant airships and the word quickly brings to mind the German airships sowing death on London and other British towns during the First World War, the pioneers of strategic and terror bombing. The rigid type airship, that is the airship which kept its streamlined torpedo shape by means of an internal girder frame rather than by the pressure of the gas, was the brainchild of German noble and soldier Count Ferdinand von Zeppelin. Lacking the required technical know-how he, Zeppelin sought the help of engineer Professor Muller-Breslau who evaluated and revised Zeppelin's proposals and turned them into practical pro­positions.
Luftshiff Zeppelin 1 (LZ 1) made its first flight in July 1900 when it was flown off a floating raft on Lake Constance. LZ 1 was 128 metres long with a hydrogen gas capacity of 11,300 cubic metres. Powered by two 15 hp Daimler engines, it had a top speed of 28 kilo­metres per hour. The results achieved were not very encouraging and LZ 1 was dismantled after three flights lasting a total of little more then two hours
The elderly German Count was not discouraged and raised funds to build better airships. The second one was wrecked on its second trip in November 1906 but LZ 3 began a series of successful flights in October of the same year. Ominously it was accepted by the German Army and used as a training ship. LZ 4 and LZ 5 were very successful making non-stop flights lasting 30 and 38 hours respec­tively.
LZ 6 was acquired by a newly formed national company Deutsche Luftshiffahrts A.G. (DELAG) but was destroyed after catching fire in its shed. LZ 7, which a capacity of 19,300 cu.m. Gas and a speed of 60 km/hr carried 32 people on the first passenger flight Essen-chum-Dortmund and back. Between 1911 and the war in 1914 DELAG operated several other airships including LZ 10 "Schwaben" which carried some 1500 passengers in 218 flights and LZ 13 which carried 6,000 people in 630 hrs airship flights for several years, and DELAG's airships were taken over by the German Navy and. Army and used for training. New Zeppelins were built for the Navy and Army and during the night of 19/20 January 1915, LZ 24 and LZ 27 carried out the first German raid across the North Sea against England.
Britain strengthened her defence and losses among the highly dangerous hydrogen filled airships rose alarmingly. New Zeppelins, bigger, faster and higher flying were developed in attempt to out per­form and out match the defences. Early 1916 saw the use of the first "Super Zeppelins" with gas capacity of 55,200 cu.m., six 240 hp engines, a maximum speed of 103 km/hr and a range of 3700 km. In August 1917 the Germans introduced the V~type airship which was superior in all aspects to the Super Zeppelins.


To interfere with these submarines when they were moving to and from their Austrian Adriatic bases, drifters commandeered from British fishing ports were, from September 1915, used to lay a net barrage across the Otranto Straits at the south end of the Adriatic. Each drifter was commanded by a Chief Skipper or Skipper, usually Royal Naval Reserve. Ratings were Royal Naval Reserve or Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve and included both British and Maltese men. Seven of a crew of nine in HM drifter Frigate Bird were drowned when their vessel was sunk in a collision with the troop transport Theseus off Marsaxlokk when both were sailing without lights in the dark night of March 11, 1918. Five of the seven dead were Maltese.
In May 1916 Rear Admiral Mark C.F. Kerr was appointed to command the British Adriatic Squadron. He was a strong believer in the efficacy of aircraft in the war against submarines. In mid 1916 he asked that Royal Naval Air Service (RNAS) aircraft be supplied to his command to patrol over the drifters line. He knew that the submarines were being assembled at Pola from parts sent by rail from their makers' yards in Germany that torpedoes were being produced at Fiume and that Cattaro was the main operational base for the submarines. Kerr wanted, also, to bomb these targets as the most direct way to reduce the submarine menace in the Mediterranean.
But be­cause the French and Italian navies were numerically superior to the British in the Adriatic, he was referred to them. They were unrespon­sive. High-ranking commanders' private wars often inhibit effective allied organisation and in this case benefited the enemy in the Adriatic and throughout the Mediterranean. Having failed to obtain aircraft, Kerr asked for a kite balloon ship to enable him to provide the drifters line and anti-submarine patrol ships with observation balloons. By this time there was a change of thinking on the part of the British Admiralty and the small RNAS detachment at Gibraltar was transferred to Malta at the end of 1916. Meanwhile command of the drifters and ship barrage was as­sumed by Commodore (later Admiral) A.W. Heneage who was the Senior British Naval Officer in Italy.
A site for a seaplane base was found at Otranto and four Short 827 (150hp) and six Short 184 (225hp) seaplanes were sent. Commodore Murry Sueter was given command of this new RNAS station. The later Short 320 seaplanes were also sent. The Admiralty ordered 25 of these floatplanes in January 1917 of which twelve were allocated to Otranto and two to Malta, where together with four Short 184s, they equipped a torpedo school for aircrew training. In April 1917
Allied Admirals decided to appoint one officer to direct all ship


  • His mission as a diplomat of Württemberg in Berlin ended in 1890. He returned to military service as commander of a cavalry brigade in Saarburg. Disagreement in the evaluation of his command during autumn manoeuvres in 1890 led to his final resignation from military service after his promotion to a lieutenant-general

  • Kober also planned and realized the construction of the first airship LZ 1. A joint-stock company, the Gesellschaft zur Förderung der Luftschiffahrt was founded in order to ensure the financing of this airship. LZ 1 took off for the first time on July 2, 1900.

  • Despite this quick success, it took 8 years until the future of the Zeppelin airships stood on a sound financial basis. After the complete destruction of airship LZ 4 in a storm in 1908 collections and donations as a reaction to this disaster amounted to 6 million Mark. This capital was used to found the company Luftschiffbau Zeppelin GmbH. Incoming orders from the army as well as from the Deutschen Luftschiffahrts Aktiengesellschaft (Delag) ensured the company's future existence.

  • Count Zeppelin as an airship man

  • After the foundation of the company Count Zeppelin retired steadily from business. While he saw the mass production of 'his' airships during World War I, he did not live to see their temporary end as a result of the regulations in the Treaty of Versailles. He died on March 8, 1917 in Berlin and was buried on the cemetery Pragfriedhof in Stuttgart.

  • The war to end all wars
    The war to end all wars, as H.G. Wells described the First World War proved only to be a mirage and the terms of Versailles left the defeated nations like Germany itching to get their revenge and Allied nations like Italy totally unsatisfied with their share of the spoils The rise of Fascist and Nazi dictatorships brought to an end the uneasy peace which Europe enjoyed for some twenty years.
  • A more terrible holocaust was to sweep across to almost all comers of the world.

  • Floating Dock

    During World War 1, over 10,000 men were employed in dockyard establishments. Eight hundred allied vessels passed through Malta each month and the dockyard worked a high pressure. After the war a floating dock, capable of taking the largest war vessel then afloat, was installed in the Grand Harbour.
  • It was sunk by enemy aircraft in 1942

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