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5/22/00- Slowly figuring out Microsoft Frontpage. Looks good, don't it?

5/13/01- Show last night was great. Read about it in the show diary. Also, it bear's mentioning that we have demos. They're $2 a pop, and info for ordering them can be found on the contact page. The tapes feature 10 songs in 10 minutes. It's a pretty fun time. To the kid who "touched" Lauren at the last Newtown show.... we're on to you, motherfucker. Don't pull that shit again.

4/27/01- For those of you into reading, we were in the Weekend section of the Danbury News-Times today: Self Defense in the paper. There are also pictures of us on this gentleman's site: Phlegmodion. They are here and here. We learned a new cover at practice today and wrote a new song! I can't wait to play the Pac-Men show tomorrow!!