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The Megalist of Atari 8-bit Links

Welcome to one of the largest hand-edited lists of Atari 8-bit links on the internet. If you're looking for an Atari 8-bit webpage, then it's most probably here. Take a look, you're bound to find something new.

Do you have an Atari 8-bit webpage?

Fill out this form and your page will be added to the list in the near future.

All the links are checked regularly, but if you find a broken or out of date link then let me know.

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On-line resources, files and information

129 links

Last Updated 2002/7/21

There's a huge amount of Atari 8-bit information on the 'net, from documentation to downloads you can find links to it here.


32 links

Last Updated 2002/7/20

Now you can get your PC to behave like an Atari 8-bit. Sounds like a good upgrade to me.


33 links

Last Updated 2002/7/21

Atari has always been known for its games, discover some of the best here.

History, museums, collections and nostalgia

76 links

Last Updated 2002/7/15

A trip down memory lane, bring those memories flooding back and find pictures of rare Atari items.

Vendors / For Sale

33 links

Last Updated 2002/7/21

If you want to buy Atari 8-bit hardware or software, then this is the place to look.

Links to links to links to...

34 links

Last Updated 2002/7/21

Links that point to other links, to infinity and back (just in case I've missed some).

6502 related links

10 links

Last Updated 2002/6/16

The 6502 is (part of) the brains behind the Atari 8-bit, links to tools and information for it are here.

User groups

11 links

Last Updated 2002/7/15

Why use your Atari 8-bit alone, when you can do it with other like-minded individuals?


24 links

Last Updated 2002/7/15

There's always a miscellaneous section for things that didn't fit elsewhere. Don't be deceived though, there are some good links here.

And the current grand total is:

382 links

Alphabetical List of all Links

All the above links on a single page in alphabetical order.

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