From 1984 Presskit
Cherie Johnson in "Punky Brewster"
Sundays (7:30-8p.m. NYT) on NBC-TV
Playing Cherie (pronounced cherry) Johnson is Cherie Johnson's first experience as an actress. And that's partly by her own design.
Cherie and her parents moved to Los Angelos from Pittsburgh just over a year ago. One of her favorite activites was visiting the set of NBC's "Silver Spoons," of which her, David W. Duclon, was executive producer. She got to know Ricky Schroder, Jason Bateman and the kids from "Diff'rent Strokes" and "The Facts of Life.
So, when Duclon wrote the script for the pilot of "Punky Brewster," he decided to name a role after his niece, thinking she'd be thrilled to see a character on television with her name. But Cherie, not reacting as predicted, replied, "Uncle David, if my name is in it, why can't I do the part?"
Neither Duclon nor Cherie's parents were prepared for that reaction. They discussed it and decided to let Cherie audition. They explained to her that the decision was not Uncle David's, that others had to approve. She understood, went in for a reading, was called back for another, and eventually got the role.
Birthplace/birthdate: Pittsburgh, PA/November 21, 1975
Height/weight: 4'5"/62 lbs.
Color hair/eyes: Brown/brown
Education: Third grade
Family: Parents, Charles and Lynn Johnson
Residence: Westlake, CA