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The Case Files of Inspector Gadget "Monster Lake"
Season 1
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Top Secret Mission
"Professor Thumphkin, world's leading scientist, has just arrived in Scotland to search for the lake monster. Dr. Claw will try to kidnap him. Your mission is to protect the professor from the forces of MAD."

While enjoying the verdant scenery of Scotland in a drive in the Gadget Van, Penny, Brain, and Inspector Gadget are suddenly attacked by a huge dragon-like beast which spits fire at the automobile. Thinking his engine has simply overheated, Gadget stops the car and gets his latest assignment from Quimby: It's off to Loch Ness to protect an important scientist from the clutches of Dr. Claw. Despite a MAD detour that sends the Gadgetmobile flying off a cliff, and without the help of shocked-to-silence Scottish locals, Gadget finds his way to the Loch only to realize the scientist is already missing. The police inspector begins his search for him while Penny secretly does some investigating of her own. Using a portable computer / radar screen, she tracks not only the monster that tried to destroy them earlier (which turns out to be an enormous mechanical creature), but also the Gadgetmobile and Brain, one after the other, all underwater. The monster swallows Gadget whole, and once inside, he finally meets Professor Thumphkin, a nervous old man in a wool sweater with a voice reminiscent of actor Richard Haydn. In an attempt to break out of their unlikely prison, Gadget uses his laser and his screwdriver, yet succeeds only in freaking out Thumphkin and short circuiting the lake monster's guidance system. Dr. Claw is no longer able to control it from his MAD sub, and it's all he can do to get out of its way. Penny deftly leaps onto the huge robot, literally gets inside its head, and brings it to a quiet stop at the shore of the lake. Gadget emerges from the monster intact, carrying a passed-out, but safe Professor Thumphkin.

Quotable Quote
"Gosh, Scotland is beautiful, Uncle Gadget."
"It certainly is, Penny. This is where they make Scotch tape, ya know."
--Inspector Gadget, furthering Penny's education.

A first-rate episode--fast-paced, with the music well-timed to the characters' on-screen antics. Almost all of the well-known elements of Inspector Gadget are in place: Chief Quimby appears in disguise and suffers the brunt of a self-destructing message, Brain (in costume) follows Inspector Gadget and tries to keep him out of Dr. Claw's clutches, Gadget mistakes Brain for something else entirely and chases him, Penny eventually saves the day, and Gadget is warmly given credit by Quimby for something he didn't even know about much less accomplish himself. Though such elements used in episode after episode, may seem to make for a formulaic series, an interesting plot, exotic location, and good writing as seen in this episode kept the series as something worth watching.

MAD Agent Count
Just one regular, seen but not heard over Claw's monitor.

Unanswered, Nit-Picky Questions
Why does Claw kidnap the professor? For ransom? To exploit his knowledge and use it for evil purposes? What?

Ridiculous Safety Tip
Don't swim out too far in a lake; don't overload a boat and always make sure there are enough life jackets to go around.
Last modified: Saturday, December 29th, 2001
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